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Research Task

What is the meaning of gross motor skills?

What is the meaning of fine motor skills?

What months do infants undergo the changes below? Complete the table.

You can watch the YouTube video or do a Google search.

Youtube video-

Responds to sounds 1 month

Stares at faces 3 months

Make gurgling sounds and cooing 2-4 months

Holds head up for short periods 2 months

Holds head steady, independently 3 months

Can roll over, tummy to back 7 months

Ready for solid foods 7-8 months

Imitates sounds 5-7 months

Begins to crawl 7-10 months

Sits without support 8 months

Tries to hold objects/can hold small objects 6 months

Stands alone for a few seconds 9-12 months

Cruises 10-12 months

Walks 11-13 months

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