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1. Reduces the usage of plastic and is environmentally friendly

- We want to create a product that will help reduce plastic usage. A product that is environmentally
friendly. A product that, even if disposed of, has no negative impact on the environment.

2. Be a part of your day-to-day life

What we meant by this is that the product would be a part of your life. A product that is not only
environmentally friendly but also needed, and it should replace the products that you use every day
with a better choice. A more environmentally friendly choice.

3. Everyone should be able to use it

The product shouldn't only be created for a certain community. It needs to be usable no matter who you
are or what your age is.

In conclusion, we want our product to be bought not just because it says "eco-friendly," but also
because it is a better choice. A better choice because our product can be used by everyone and can be
actually useful in your day-to-day life, unlike other products that you would only buy because they say
they're good for the environment.


Good morning everyone! We are group 3. We will be presenting to you our products, from Eco Freak,
our company. But before that let us first discuss our objectives, and the problem at present.

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