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Significance of the Study

This study aims to benefits the government, environment, businesses, and society. People

who lives in flood prone area will no longer worry about flood because of clogged canals. Their

health is in safe condition because our plastic is not made up of non-toxic materials that can

cause disease including asthma. Going to school or work will be easy because they don’t

experience flood caused by clogged canals. Plastic manufacturers in the country can use our

research to create coconut husk bioplastic as an alternative, instead of using normal plastic that

people commonly use. That way, it will help lessen the usage of non-biodegradable plastic which

can improve the environment. The farmers are also included in this study which they contributed

for the country and they are working for the development of growing and producing coconut that

are attached in creating products and services of the coconut palm. They will move in some areas

that are far from ideal for the developing of coconut, and they find a place where the coconut can

produce, also it creates and maintain environment which allow it to preserved. The farmers have

contributed to the economy which it helps to produce an environmentally products like coconut

husk fiber made products and lessen the plastics, to the reworking of coconut to a range of

different environments by moving and growing coconut to areas and environments which it helps

to have proper coconut production, This will help the farmers to follow the farmer management,

which it deserves to be understood and maintained. Small businesses will benefit in this study by

supporting the products made of coconut husk fibers that will sell to the market also by helping

to reduce the use of plastics to avoid throwing it instead to use environment friendly products

and big enterprises also part of this study that they will understand the importance of selecting

and developing the right materials for the production, and identify that many waste that can be

used to make new and better materials and products that made of coconut husk fibers and it have
more benefits than just better performance, the big enterprises is helping to develop the waste

into an environment friendly products in order to change and improve the communities. It will

have right decisions to improve the communities and make it a better place and it will also

benefit in our study because they can use our plastic to make a profit. Carbon footprint will be

lessened because our plastic doesn’t consume much energy to create. Animals will never be in

danger because plastic that are made of coconut husk is nontoxic. The government also benefit in

our study because disposing plastic waste will never be their problem because they don’t have to

plan where to throw our trash. Each of us will be benefited with our research its either by

protecting our health, cleaning the environment, saving animals, preventing floods and so on.

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