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Unit 3: Tourist Places

Money. Countable and uncountable nouns. How much? How many? Some- any
How much: cuánto (uncountable nouns)
How many: Cuántos/as (countable nouns)
Some: alguno/s, alguna/s (affirmative sentences – except in : would you like some coffee?, countable plural nouns,
uncountable nouns)
Any: ninguno/a (questions and negative sentences, countable plural nouns, uncountable nouns)

Tourist places. The city. Holidays and tourist cities. There is-are. A, an and the.. Adjectives to describe places.


There is a cinema in our city. (Hay un cine en nuestra ciudad.) singular
There are three schools here. (hay tres escuelas aquí) plural

There isn’t a cinema in our city.

There aren’t three schools here.
Is there a cinema in our city? Yes, there is. No, there isn’t
Are there three schools here? Yes, there are No, there aren’t


There was a pen on the table. (Había una lapicera sobre la mesa.) singular
There were three pen son the table. (había tres lapiceras sobre la mesa) plural
There wasn’t a pencil on the table.
There weren’t any pens on the table
Was there a book on the table? Yes, there was. No, there wasn’t
Were there two books on the table? Yes, there were No, there weren’t
I, YOU, WE, THEY have got a car. (‘ve got)
HE, SHE, IT has got a car. (‘s got)

I, YOU, WE, THEY haven’t got a car.

HE, SHE, IT hasn’t got a car.

Have I, YOU, WE, THEY got a car? Yes, I, YOU, WE, THEY have. /No, I, YOU, WE, THEY haven’t
Has HE, SHE, IT got a car? Yes, HE, SHE, IT has. /No, HE, SHE, IT hasn’t
Affirmative Negative Question
I I do not I
You work You work Do you work?
He He does not he
She works She work Does she work?
It It it
We We do not we
You work You work Do you work?
They They they
Sólo agregamos “s” al verbo en oraciones afirmativas y con los sujetos “he, she, it”.
Si el verbo termina en “s, sh, ch, o, x” agregamos “es”. Si el verbo termina en consonante más “y” ,
cambiamos por la “i” y agregamos “es”. Study-: studies
Si el verbo es have se cambia por has
Uso: Usamos el presente simple para hablar acerca de situaciones repetidas ó hábitos; para situaciones
Affirmative Negative Question
You You You
He He He
She worked She didn't work Did She work?
It bought a pen. It didn't buy a pen. It buy a pen?
We We We
You You You
They They They
The affirmative past simple of regular verbs ends in -ed . For example: work: worked.
Irregular verbs have different affirmative past simple forms. For example: buy: bought. ( segunda columna)
Use: Usamos el pasado simple para hablar acerca de situaciones o acciones en el pasado.
Adverbios que indican pasado: last ………………..(week, month, year, weekend, Monday), Yesterday
(morning, afternoon, evening), ……years ago, in 1998
The airport - Conversation in airports -Traveller’s documents

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