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Work Place Support

Sr no. Statement Rating (1-5)

1 I work in an environment that is supportive of my family and personal
2 My organization allows me to work from home when required
3 I have adequate technology support (laptops, internet access, sim card)
to be able to work away from office
4 My organization believes in having healthy Work Life Balance Practices
5 My organization encourages its employees to go on annual
vacations/time off
6 My management believes in having happy people at Work
7 My boss is concerned about the welfare of those under him
8 My emergency leave is never denied by my management
9 I have significant support from my boss in ensuring that I have a healthy
Work Life Balance
10 My colleagues/team members would encourage me to go on leave in
case I am sick
11 Due to cooperative nature of the coworkers, I do not face difficulties in
my personal life

No. Aspects Statements number

1 Work Environment Support 1
2 Organizational Support 2,3,4,5,6
3 Manager Support 7,8,9
4 Co-Worker Support 10,11

Work Interference with Personal Life

Sr no Statements Rating (1-5)
1 My job requires me to work after hours to Complete my routine tasks
2 The number of hours I work is a concern for me
3 As I have to spend more time in my work domain, I often fail to fulfill my family
4 I am often preoccupied with office tasks even after I get home
5 I come home from work too late to look after family roles
6 Customers of my organization are very demanding which requires me to spend
more time at work
7 The demands arising from my work make my personal life stressful
8 I often feel sleep-starved due to the amount of work that I have to do in a day
9 I suffer from work related stress which manifests as physical ailments such as
headaches, insomnia, depression, blood pressure, etc.
10 Power, Position and Money define success to me
11 Work related stress often makes me irritable at home
12 Sacrificing personal life is the way an individual can grow fast in an organization
13 My spouse feels uncomfortable due to my preoccupation with the work
14 I often have to compromise on my social engagements on account of work

No. Aspects Statement Number

1 Time Based 1,2,3,4,5,6
2 Strain Based 7,8,9
3 Behavior Based 10,11,12,13,14

Personal Life Interference with Work

Sr no Statements Rating (1-5)
1 I am often preoccupied with home related thoughts during work hours
2 I am often distracted by personal/family worries while at work
3 My spouse does not understand my work demands which impacts on my marital
4 Family/home related stress makes me irritable at Work
5 My home responsibilities often hinder my Performance at work
6 Many a time I have to postpone things at work due to demands on my time at
7 Due to role overload at home, I am physically tired to discharge my work
responsibilities at home
8 I have had to make compromises on the work front to keep my family happy
9 Due to my preoccupation with societal activities, I find it difficult to complete
work in time
10 I normally have to exceed the amount of leave I am eligible to take in a year
11 The needs and demands of my family members interfere with my work related
12 I cannot concentrate in my work due to the dependent care issues at home

No. Aspects Statements number

1 Stress Related 1,2,4,7
2 Marital Related 3
3 Time Related 5,6,9,10
4 Family intrusion 8,11
5 Dependent related 12

Please read each statement below and indicate, by using the following rating scale, to what extent you
used it in the situation described.

Not Used Used Somewhat Used Quite a bit Used a great deal
0 1 2 3

Sr. no Statements Rating (0-3)

1 Just concentrated on what I had to do next – the next step.
2 I tried to analyze the problem in order to understand it better
3 Turned to work or substitute activity to take my mind off things
4 I felt that time would make a difference – the only thing to do was to wait.
5 Bargained or compromised to get something positive from the situation.
6 I did something which I didn’t think would work, but at least I was doing
7 Tried to get the person responsible to change his or her mind.
8 Talked to someone to find out more about the situation
9 Criticized or lectured myself
10 I tried to leave things on good terms and keep options open as I moved
11 I hoped something amazing would happen.
12 Went on as if nothing had happened.
13 I tried to keep my feelings to myself.
14 I always look at the brighter side of the situation I am in
15 I go along with situation, I just have bad luck
16 Slept more than usual.
17 I expressed anger to the person(s) who caused the problem.
18 Accepted sympathy and understanding from someone.
19 I told myself things that helped me to feel better.
20 I was inspired to do something creative.
21 Tried to forget the whole thing
22 I got professional help.
23 Changed or grew as a person in a good way.
24 I waited to see what would happen before doing anything.
25 I apologized or did something to make up.
26 I made a plan of action and followed it.
27 I accepted the next best thing to what I wanted.
28 I overshare sometimes
29 Realized I brought the problem on myself.
30 I came out of the experience better than when I went in
31 Talked to someone who could do something concrete about the problem.
32 Got away from it for a while; tried to rest or take a vacation.
33 Tried to make myself feel better by eating, drinking, smoking, using drugs
or medication, etc.
34 Took a big chance or did something very risky
35 I tried not to do things too quickly or go with my first idea.
36 Found new faith.
37 I jogged or exercised
38 Rediscovered what is important in life.
39 Changed something so things would turn out all right.
40 Avoided being with people in general.
41 Didn’t let it get to me; refused to think too much about it.
42 I asked a relative or friend I respected for advice.
43 Kept others from knowing how bad things were.
44 Made light of the situation; refused to get too serious about it.
45 Talked to someone about how I was feeling.
46 Stood my ground and fought for what I wanted.
47 Took it out on other people.
48 Drew on my past experiences; I was in a similar situation before.
49 I knew what had to be done, so I doubled my efforts to make things work.
50 Refused to believe that it had happened
51 I made a promise to myself that things would be different next time.
52 Came up with a couple of different solutions to the problem.
53 Accepted it, since nothing could be done.
54 I tried to keep my feelings from interfering with other things too much.
55 Wished that I could change what had happened or how I felt.
56 I changed something about myself.
57 I daydreamed or imagined a better time or place than the one I was in.
58 Wished that the situation would go away or somehow be over with.

59 Had fantasies or wishes about how things might turn out.

60 I prayed.
61 I prepared myself for the worst.
62 I went over in my mind what I would say or do.
63 I thought about how a person I admire would handle this situation and
used that as a model.
64 I tried to see things from the other person’s point of view.
65 I reminded myself how much worse things could be.

Sr no. Dimension Statement Number

1 Problem focused coping 62, 46, 49, 52, 35, 26, 64, 54, 39,2, 48, 55,
58, 57, 59, 11
2 Wishful thinking 55, 58, 57, 59, 11 21,13,24,12,4,53
3 Distancing 21,13,24,12,4,53, 5,17, 41,44, 47, 50
4 Seeking social support 45,18,28,31,8,42,60,22
5 Emphasizing the positive 23, 38, 20, 15, 10,19, 30, 36
6 Self blame 9, 29, 51,25,27, 54, 61, 65
7 Tension reduction 1,3, 32, 33, 37, 6,7, 63
8 Self isolation 14, 40, 43,16

Perceived Stress Scale

The questions in this section ask about your feelings and thoughts during the last month. In each case,
you will be asked to indicate how often you felt or thought a certain way.

Never Almost Never Sometimes Fairly often Very often

0 1 2 3 4

Sr No. Statements Rating (0-4)

1 In the last month, how often have you been upset because of something
that happened unexpectedly?
2 In the last month, how often have you felt that you were unable to
control the important things in your life?
3 In the last month, how often have you felt nervous and stressed?
*4 In the last month, how often have you felt confident about your ability to
handle your personal problems?
*5 In the last month, how often have you felt that things were going your
6 In the last month, how often have you found that you could not cope
with all the things that you had to do?
*7 In the last month, how often have you been able to control irritations in
your life?
*8 In the last month, how often have you felt that you were on top of things
9 In the last month, how often have you been angered because of things
that happened that were outside of your control?
10 In the last month, how often have you felt difficulties were piling up so
high that you could not overcome them?

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