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Mid-Term Paper: Personal Leadership Growth Plan

You will embark on a reflective journey towards personal growth by crafting your own Personal
Leadership Growth Plan. Drawing inspiration from the knowledge and insights gained thus far in
the course, you will assess your current leadership skills, strengths, and areas for improvement.
Then, you will envision your future self as an effective leader, guided by what success means to
you. In addition to this introspective exercise, you will set clear, actionable goals and outline
strategic steps to develop your leadership capabilities and to attain what you consider success.
By designing your Personal Leadership Growth Plan, you will not only apply course concepts
but also lay the groundwork for your ongoing leadership development, setting a course for
success in your academic and professional journeys.

The guiding question of this paper should be: What does success mean to you and how are you
planning on attaining it?

This short paper should have a maximum of 1200 words, written in APA format. Any sources
used or reference to others' work must be cited in APA format.

This paper is worth 30% of your grade. You will be graded on the following categories:

Criteria Points
Understanding of class content 6
Personal reflections 6
Implementation strategy 6
Writing quality 6
Uniqueness and creativity 6

Explanation of Criteria:
Understanding of class content: Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of key concepts,
theories and learnings covered in the course. Integrate them carefully into your paper and
critically reflect on what resonated with you and what didn’t as well as why.
Personal reflections: Exhibit thoughtful and insightful reflections on what you consider success,
as well as your current leadership skills, strengths, and areas for improvement. Where
appropriate include personal examples to back up your reflections.
Implementation strategy: Include a well-defined and feasible plan on how you will enhance
your current abilities and on how you will achieve what you consider success.
Writing quality: Communicate ideas clearly, concisely, and effectively with minimal errors in
grammar, punctuation, and spelling. APA format will also be considered in this category.
Uniqueness and creativity: Demonstrates originality and creativity in the approach to crafting
the Personal Leadership Growth Plan.

Each category will be evaluated on a scale of 0-6 points, with a total possible score of 30.

DUE DATE: February 26th, 11:59pm

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