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Second Grade Class Newsletter

February, 2024
Halfway There

As we close out the first half of the year, we still have much more to come.
Please join us in the fun of our Valentine’s Day party. Don’t forget our
Camp Out Readathon event on February 23rd out on the field!

Readathon Monthly Fun Facts

We will be hosting our second annual  February 12th is Abraham Lincoln’s

Readathon on February 23rd. Students will birthday, born 1809.
be spending the afternoon out on the field in
tents and camping chairs getting to read  February is Black History Month.
their favorites books while enjoying the
outdoors. There will be field games to  February is the snowiest month of
participate in with snack and hydration the year in the United States.
stations fully stocked. If you are interested
in helping with this event, please contact the  The Full Moon is on the 24th.
 Birth flowers are Violets and
What’s Happening Primroses.
We will be working on our Valentine’s Day  Birthstone is amethyst.
mailboxes in class during our arts and craft
times. We will be continuing our sentence
formation and spelling work. A vocab and
spelling list will be sent home with your
students please help them by working on
getting down the spelling of these words and
their proper use in a sentence.

As we get to this halfway point in the school year, please remember we still have lots to
learn and enjoy before the year is up. Please never hesitate to contact me with any
questions are classroom visit. Keep an eye out for next month’s newsletter to see what we
have going on in March!

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