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News from Room 110

Miss Flowers
February 11tth-15th

Valentine’s Day Party

Dates To Remember Dear Parents, newsletter is a list of every
It is the third week in Feb- students names. We ask
February 12, Black History ruary which means Valen- that you please send a
sweet treat for your child to
2019 Program tine’s Day is right around
February 14, Valentine’s the corner. That also means share with their classmates.
2019 Day Party that we will be having our If you have any questions
very special Valentine’s Day about to bring and what
February 19, Field Trip Per- not to bring, please feel free
2019 mission Slips Party! Attached to this
to call me. Also parents and
Due siblings are welcomed to
February 22, Aquarium join us!
2019 Field Trip
Miss Flowers

Week at a Glance Spelling Words

This week during science we will which means we will began our pro- said voice
begin looking at our animal habi- jects on plot this Tuesday. Last but
tats. We will be looking at centi- not least, this week in social studies I please spoil
pedes, frogs, and sand will introduce the Rev-
crabs. We will be olutionary War (my
between come
looking at how the favorite). Parents con- mystery mammal
habitat of these ani- tinue to keep up with
mals effects their life- your child and their catch noise
style. In math we will progress, you and your
continue on with our student are both doing
multiplications. This week we will great. I look forward to another fan-
work on our multiples of 9 ( we are tastic week in 3rd grade!
almost to 12!). We finished reading,
Fantastic Mr. Fox in ELA on Friday

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