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US History American Revolution Newsletter

January 28th, 2024

Headed by a group Sons of Liberty on December 16,
1773, the Boston Tea Party took place. This was one of
main events of the American revolution.

Overboard The Day of

To protest the Tea Act of 1773 the Sons Dressed up like Mohawk Indians, the
of Liberty threw 342 cases of tea into the Sons of Liberty raided three East India
Boston Harbor. This was due to feeling Company ships carrying tea in the
that their rights were being taken Boston Harbor. Although the exact
advantage of by being taxed but not able location is not known it was believed to
to be represented in parliament. The have happened at what is now known as
taxing was opposed by Governor Pearl Street.
Thomas Hutchinson.

In the End

A total of 342 cases of tea were destroyed. Although opposed to the

tax Hutchinson was angry with the Sons of Liberty, calling their
actions high treason. Until the damages of The Boston Tea Party
were repaired the Boston Harbor remained closed. Prior to the early
1800’s the Boston Tea Par yeas called the “destruction of the tea”.

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