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Ashley Lamb

EDU 133
Computers in Education
The Enlightenment

A cultural movement took place

in the late 1600’s and 1700’s
called the Enlightenment.
Writers involved in this
movement such as John Locke
wrote about such issues as
limited government and
consent of the governed.

 Tea Act (1773). This act

basically gave the British East
Other events leading up to the India Company a monopoly on
tea trade in the Americas.
American Revolution:
 Boston Tea Party (1773). In
 Townshend Acts (1767). A
response to the Tea Act patriots
series of acts passed By Brittan
dressed as American Indians
beginning in 1767 that taxed
dump British tea into Boston
the colonies.
 Boston Massacre (1770). An
angry mob of colonist confronts
British soldiers in Boston. Five
colonists are killed.

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