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Miss Ashley

History Class Newsletter

February 4, 2024
The American Revolution
When the pilgrims came to America, they came with the hope for a better life for themselves and
their families. This better life included freedom of religion and freedom from British rule. For a
while the colonists had the freedoms they desired and were ignored by the British monarchy for
many years. Until the need for money caused the Monarchy to start imposing taxes. This along
with many other things stirred America to fight for independence from Britian.

The Acts that lead to the revolution  Intolerable Acts laws passed by
Britian in response to the Boston Tea
 The Sugar Act in 1764 the British
law started taxing sugar imported to
the colonies as well as some other Important events in American Revolution
 Boston Massacre 1770 with tensions
 Currency Act 1751 and 1764 this act
high between colonists and British
regulated the issuing of money by
solders on march 5 tensons reached a
American colonists
bloody boiling point with a fight
 Stamp Act 1765 British law required
between British solders and
printed materials to be printed on
colonists. 5 people were killed. The
paper from Britian and stamped with
massacre is also known as the bloody
a revenue stamp.
massacre on King Street.
 Quartering Act 1765 colonists were
 On December 16, 1973 as a protest
forced to provide food and shelter for
to the Tea Act a colonist group
British solders when needed.
known as the Sons of Liberty dressed
 Townshend Acts 1767 several acts
up as Mohawk Indians and raided 3
passed by Britian that taxed the
British East Indian ships and threw
342 chests of tea into the Boston
 Tea Act 1773 Gave British East India harbor. Somewhere between 30 and
Trade Company a monopoly on tea 130 men participated.
trade in the Americas

These events and many other events lead to the American Revolution happening. With America
winning its independence from Britian in 1776 becoming its own country, the one we live in
today. Without the brave men and women who fought for America to gain its freedom the world
could very well be a different place from what it is today.

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