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Selection 4 GRADE 9

Speed and Comprehension Reading Material


People all over the world are thrilled when athletic meets are held in various parts
of the globe. World sports bring together athletes from the world over. Do you know
when and how these Olympic games came about?
The first Olympic games originated in Ancient Greece. These games were first
held during the Panhellenic celebrations. Every four years, patriotic and religious games
were held during the celebrations. The year 776 B.C. marked the first of such recorded
festival. The Greeks then began to keep their calendar by “Olympiads” from this date or
by the four-year span between the games.
Simplicity marked the first Olympic games. It was said that the first consisted of
only a foot race of about 200 yards on the plain near the small City of Olympia. As years
passed the kinds of games were increased and led to competitions that brought forward
national pride and unity. The competitions were based on fair rules of sportsmanship and
justice. However, at first, only Greek citizens were allowed to take part in the games.
The winners were crowned with laurel and awarded wild olive and palm wreaths.
Winners were also given many special privileges in their respective communities.
During the reign of Roman rulers these games went down to the level of carnivals
and circuses. Theodosius, one of the Roman emperors, prohibited the holding of the
games in 394 B.C. For almost 2,300 years, no Olympic games were held.
Then in 1894, a French educator, Baron Pierre de Courbetin, planned to revive the
games. He invited many countries to participate in the athletic meets. The French Baron
believed that by means of the youth’s love for sports, international understanding would
In 1896, Baron Pierre de Courbetin was able to enlist nine nations to send their
athletes to the first Modern Olympics. This marked the beginning of the participation of
thousands of athletes representing nearly all nations, to compete in these Olympic Games
which are held every four years in different countries.
The Olympic Games is instrumental in bringing together athletes from many
nations. Representatives of different countries compete with each other in games of skill
and sportsmanship. The athletes get to know each other very well and learn that all races
love the same ideals of fair play, courage, understanding and friendliness. When the
athletes return to their respective countries, they are better world citizens after having
participated in activities replete with understanding and brotherhood.

409 words
Selection 4 GRADE 9
Speed and Comprehension Reading Material


Comprehension Questions
Direction: Write the correct word on your paper.
1. People are __________ when athletic meets are held.
A. thrilled B. sad C. afraid D. frustrated
2. The first Olympic Games originated from Ancient
A. Spain B. Iran C. Greece D. Portugal
3. Athletic festivals were held every _________ which were combinations of patriotic and
religious festivals.
A. two B. three C. four D. five
4. It marked the first Olympic Games.
. A. Prompt, B. Simplicity C. Elegance, D. Complexity
5. Games were increased and led to _ that show national pride and unity.
A. single games B. competitions C. combat D. races
6. The first games consisted only of a __________
A. foot race B. running race C. volleyball games D. high jump.
7. It was held on the plain of ______.
A. Rome B. Sparta C. Olympia D. Athens
8. Only _____ citizens were allowed to take part in the game.
A. American, B. Greek C. Spanish D. Roman
9. A ________ planned to revive the games.
A. Frenchman B. Spaniard C. Canadian D.

10. When athletes return to their respective countries, they are better world
A. athletes B. citizens, C. brothers D. soldiers.

409 words
Selection 4 GRADE 9
Speed and Comprehension Reading Material

1. thrilled 6. foot race
2. Greece 7. Olympia
3. four years 8. Greek
4. simplicity 9. Frenchman
5. competition 10. citizens

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