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Dosen Pengampu: Dr. Nyoman Sridana, M.Si and Nilza Humaira Salsabila, S.pd., M.Pd.

( Compiled to fulfill the task of the Englis For Math course)


Vidella Maura Nursyakirah (E1R022027)

Lidya Arini Sholeha (E1R022012)
Ega Livya Bhillby (E1R022147)
Aulia Fitri (E1R022037)

Class : 2A



Praise be to God Almighty for the blessings of his grace, and that we were given the
opportunity to be able to compile a working paper entitled " ALGEBRA AT JUNIOR HIGH
SCHOOL " is properly and correctly, and on time. Compilers also thanked to Dr. Nyoman
Sridana, M.Si and Nilza Humaira Salsabila, S.pd., M.Pd. as the tutors in English for Math
subject. Who have many professors help compilers in order to complete this paper.
This paper is structured so that readers can know how is algebra at the junior high
school level, and how does it operate in calculations.
This paper was compiled with help from various parties. Both parties come from
outside as well as from parties concerned itself. And because the aid and help of God
Almighty, these papers can be finally resolved.
Hopefully this paper can give a broader insight to the reader. Although this paper has
advantages and disadvantages For criticism and advice please his constituents. Thank you.

Mataram, 29 November 2022



TABLE OF CONTENTS...........................................................................................................ii
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION................................................................................................1
A. Background.....................................................................................................................1
B. Problem Formulation......................................................................................................1
C. Purpose............................................................................................................................1
CHAPTER II DISCUSSION.....................................................................................................2
A. Algebra............................................................................................................................2
B. Linear Functions………………………………..…………………………………...….4
C. One Variable Linear Equations and Inequalities (SPLSV)…………………………….7
D. System of Two Variable Linear Equations (SPLDV)………………….………………9

CHAPTER III CONCLUSION................................................................................................13


A. Background

Algebra is a branch of mathematics discovered by Abu Abdullah Muhammad Ibn

Musa Al-Khawarizimi which deals with quantities, relationships and structures that are
formed. Algebra can be defined as a branch of mathematics that studies the concepts or
principles of simplifying or solving problems using or with certain letter symbols. The
study of basic algebra begins with the presentation of symbolic quantities and their
operations, including equations, linear equations and quadratic equations.
In elementary school, junior high school, senior high school and tertiary
institutions, the science of calculation is a science that must be possessed by students at
school. The science of calculation has an important role in everyday life and can find
patterns of logical thinking. In the science of calculation, there are several materials that
must be mastered, including algebra (Permatasari & Harta, 2018: 100).
B. Problem Formulation
1. What is algebra, and operations?
2. What is Linear Functions?
3. What One Variable Linear Equations and Inequalities (SPLSV)?
4. What System of Two Variable Linear Equations (SPLDV)?
C. Purpose

1. Knowing and explaining algebra concepts and operations

2. Know and explain about linear functions
3. Know and explain about system of Two Variable Linear Equations (SPLDV)
4. Know and explain about One Variable Linear Equations and Inequalities

A. Algebra
1. Definition
Algebra is a branch of mathematics that studies structure, relationships and
quantities. To learn these things in algebra symbols (usually in the form of letters) are
used to represent numbers in general as a means of simplification and a tool to solve
problems. Example example, x represents the number you know and y the number
you want to know.
Pay attention to the algebra 6x + 3y + 7x – 6y + 9.

Letters x and y are called variables. A variable is a substitute for a number

whose value is not clearly known. Variables are usually denoted by lowercase letters
a, b, c, …, z. Constants are terms of an algebra form which are numbers and do not
contain variables. In the picture is 9.
Terms are variables and their coefficients or constants in algebra form
separated by addition or difference operations. The tribe itself is divided into two,
namely similar tribes and non-similar tribes. Like terms are terms that have the same
variables and exponents of each variable.
5x and 2x -> have similar variables x and the highest rank is the same, so they have
similar tribes.
3 x and 4y -> has variables and of each variable that are not the same, so they have
non-similar tribes.
The first term is an algebraic form that is not associated with addition or
difference operations. Example 4x, 2ab², –7xy, …

Second term are algebraic forms connected by one addition or difference
operation. Example 8x + 3, a²– 4, x²–4x, …
Tribe is an algebraic form connected by two addition or difference operations.
Example x² – x + 1, 3x + 2y – xy, …
2. Arithmetic Operations in Algebra
 Addition and Subtraction of Algebraic Forms
In algebraic form, addition and subtraction operations can only be performed on like
terms. Add or subtract the coefficients of like terms.
Example : 2x + 3x = 5x (can be added because of a kind)
6x – 3y =… (cannot be deducted because they are not of the same kind)
 Multiplication
In multiplication of integers the distributive property of multiplication over addition
applies, namely a × (b + c) = (a × b) + (a × c) and the distributive property of
multiplication over subtraction, namely a × (b – c) = (a × b) – (a × c) This property
also applies to multiplication of algebraic forms.
 Rank
The rank operation is defined as the repeated multiplication of the same number.
(a+b)n = a + b → koefisiensinya 1 1

(a + b)³ = a + b (a + b)²

(a + b)² = (a + b) (a + b) = a² + ab + ab + b²

 Distribution

The quotient of the two algebraic forms is obtained by first determining the common
factors for each of these algebraic forms, then dividing the quantifier and

3. Example
 Addition and Subtraction of Algebraic Forms
-7 x + 4y + 5x - 2y = (-7x + 5x) + (4y - 2y)
= (-7 + 5)x + (4 - 2)y
- -2x + 2y
 Multiplication
(4x+5) (2x-6) = 4x(2x-6)+5 (2x-6)
= 8 x 2 - 24x + 10x - 30

= 8 x 2-14x - 30
 Rank
(2 p) = (2p) × (2p) = 4 p 2
 Distribution
14 xy 14 7
14xy : 4x = 14 x = 14 y = 2y

B. Linear Functions

1. Definition
A linear function is a function which forms a straight line in a graph. It is generally a
polynomial function whose degree is utmost 1 or 0. Although the linear functions are
also represented in terms of calculus as well as linear algebra. The only difference is
the function notation. Knowing an ordered pair written in function notation is
necessary too. f(a) is called a function, where a is an independent variable in which
the function is dependent. Linear Function Graph has a straight line whose expression
or formula is given by;
y = f(x) = px + q

 'p' is the slope of the line

 'q' is the y-intercept of the line
 'x' is the independent variable
 'y' (or f(x)) is the dependent variable

2. Graph
We know that to graph a line, we just need any two points on it. If we find two points,
then we can just join them by a line and extend it on both sides. The graph of a linear
function f(x) = px + q is

 an increasing line when p > 0

 a decreasing line when p < 0
 a horizontal line when p = 0

There are two ways to graph a linear function.

3. Table
See the below table where the notation of the ordered pair is generalised in normal
form and function form.

A normal ordered pair A function notation ordered pair

(a,b) = (2,5) f(a) = y coordinate, a=2 and y = 5, f(2) = 5

Using the table, we can verify the linear function, by examining the values of x and y. For the
linear function, the rate of change of y with respect the variable x remains constant. Then, the
rate of change is called the slope.
Let us consider the given table,
x y
0 3
1 4
2 5
3 6
4 7

Form the table, it is observed that, the rate of change between x and y is 3. This can be written
using the linear function y= x+3.
4. Formula

The expression for the linear function is the formula to graph a straight line. The
expression for the linear equation is;
y = px + q
where m is the slope, c is the intercept and (x,y) are the coordinates. This formula is
also called slope formula.
While in terms of function, we can express the above expression as; f(x) = a x + b,
where x is the independent variable.

5. Characteristic

Let’s move on to see how we can use function notation to graph 2 points on the grid.
 Relation: It is a group of ordered pairs.
 Variable: A symbol that shows a quantity in a math expression.
 Linear function: If each term is either a constant or It is the product of a constant
and also (the first power of) a single variable, then it is called as an algebraic
 Function: A function is a relation between a set of inputs and a set of permissible
outputs. It has a property that each input is related to exactly one output.
 Steepness: The rate at which a function deviates from a reference
 Direction: Increasing, decreasing, horizontal or vertical.

6. Example
 Example 1: If Ryan paid the total rent to be $470, then for how many days did he
rent the car?

The given linear function is C(x) = 470, where 'x' is the number of days that car is
rented for.
470 = 30x + 20
Solving the above linear equation,
450 = 30x
x = 450/30 = 15
Answer: Ryan rented the car for 15 days.

 Example 2: The cost (in dollars) of renting a car is represented by C(x) = 30 x +
20, where x is the number of days the car is rented for. Then what is the cost of
renting the car for 10 days?

To find the cost of renting the car for 10 days, substitute x = 10 in the given
linear function.
C(10) = 30(10) + 20 = 300 + 20 = 320
Answer: The cost of renting the car for 10 days = $320.

C. One Variable Linear Equations and Inequalities (SPLSV)

1. Definition of One-Variable Linear Equation

A one-variable linear equation is the substitution of a number of variables in
the field of equation definition that makes the equation a reality. A one-variable
linear equation is an opening sentence that is connected by equals (=) and has only
one variable to the power of one. And in the general form of a one-variable linear
equation, namely ax + b = 0. An example of a one-variable linear equation, namely
4a+ 4=20, 2b+2=40, a and b are variables that can be replaced with any number
that satisfies, variables are symbols in open sentence that can be replaced by any
member of a predetermined set.
The general form of a one-variable linear equation is:
ax + b = c
a coefficient x, b constant and x variable, where a, b ϵ R and a ≠ 0.
The properties that apply to a one-variable linear equation:
1. The value of the equation does not change if both sides are added or subtracted
and multiplied or divided by the same number.
2. If the elements of the equation are moved, the addition will turn into
subtraction and multiplication will turn into division.
How to find a solution one variable linear equation:
1. Add both sides with the same number.
2. Subtract both sides by same number.
3. Dividing or multiplying both sides with the same non-zero number.
Problems example:

Determine the solution to the equation 2x - 3 = -3x + 7 and determine the set of
2x – 3 = -3x + 7
3x + 2x – 3 = 3x + (-3x) + 7 (both sides plus 3x)
5x – 3 = 7
5x – 3 + 3 = 7 + 3 (both sides plus 3)
5x = 10
x = 2 (both sides are divided by 5)
Then the set of solutions is = {2}

2. Definition of One-Variable Linear Inequality

One-variable linear inequality is an open sentence which is expressed using
the inequality symbol with one variable of the first power. The following are
symbols that are commonly used in solving one-variable inequalities:
No Symbol of inequality Read symbol

1  less than

2  greater than

3  less than or equal to

4 ≥ greater than orvequal to

5  does not equal

How to find a solution one variable linear inequality:

1. If both sides of an inequality are added or subtracted by the same number, then
the sign of the inequality remains.
2. If both sides of an inequality are multiplied by or divided by the same positive
number and not zero, then the sign of the inequality remains.
3. If the two segments are a inequalities multiplied or divided by the same negative
number and not zero, then the sign of the inequality is reversed.
Problems example:

Determine the set of solutions to the inequality of 3x – 1  5!
3x – 1  5
3x – 1 + 1  5 + 1 (both sides plus 1)
3x  6
x  2 (both sides are divided by 3)
Then the set of solutions is x  2.
D. System of Two Variable Linear Equations (SPLDV)

1. The Definition of SPLDV

The Two Variable Linear Equation System (SPLDV) consists of two equations
linear two variables, both of which do not stand alone, so the two equations
has only one solution.
Following are some examples of SPLDV:
1. x + y = 3 and 2x – 3y = 1
2. 5x + 2y = 5 and x = 4y – 21
3. x = 3 and x + 2y – 15 = 0
4. x = y + 6 and 2x – 7y = -8
5. 5x + 4y + 7 = 0 and -3x – 2y = 4

2. Parts of a Two-Variable Linear Equation System

 Variable is a variable/ separator/ substitute for a value or Numbers are usually
denoted by letters/symbols.
Example :
Andi has 5 goats and 3 cows.
If written for example: a = goat and b = cow
Then: 5a + 3b, where a and b are variables
 The coefficient is a number that expresses the number of numbers similar
variable. The coefficient can also be said as a number in front of the variable
because writing for a term has variable is the coefficient in front of the variable.
Example :
Andi has 5 goats and 3 cows.
If written for example: a = goat and b = cow

Then: 5a + 3b, where 5 and 3 are the coefficients Where 5 is the coefficient a and
3 are coefficient b
 A constant is a number that is not followed by a variable so that the value is fixed
(constant) for any variable (variable) value.
Example :

4p + 3q – 10.

– 10 is a constant because whatever the value of p and q, the value of -10 is not
affected so that it remains (constant)
 Term is a part of an algebraic form that can consist of
variables and coefficients or in the form of constants where each term is separated
with the sign of the addition operation.
Example :
5x- y + 7 , the terms are : 5x, -y, and 7
3. How to solve a System of Two Variable Linear Equations
 Elimination Method
In this elimination method to determine the set of solutions of system of linear
equations of two variables, the way is by way remove (eliminate) one of the
variables from the system of equations the. (Arifin, 2020) If the variables are x
and y, we must determine the variable x eliminate variable y first, or vice versa.
Try note that if the coefficients of one of the variables are the same then we can
eliminate or eliminate one of these variables. then consider the following
Using the elimination method, determine the set of solutions to the system
the equation 2x + 3y = 6 and x – y = 3 !
2x + 3y = 6 and x – y = 3
First step I (eliminate variable y)
In order to eliminate the y variable, the y coefficients must be the same, so
the equation that is: 2x + 3y = 6 multiplied by 1 and the equation
x – y = 3 multiplied by 3.
2x + 3y = 6 × 1 2x + 3y = 6
x – y = 3 × 3 3x – 3y = 9
5x = 15
x = 15/5
Second step II (eliminate variable x)
Like the first step I, to eliminate the x variable, the x coefficient
must be the same, so the equation 2x + 3y = 6 times 1 and
x – y = 3 times 2.
2x + 3y = 6 ×1 2x + 3y = 6
x – y = 3 ×2 2x – 2y = 6
5y = 0
y = 0/5
Then, the solution set is {(3,0)}.
 Substitusion Method
Substitution method is a method to solve a system linear equations of two
variables with the substitution method, first we declare one variable into another
variable from a equation, then substituting (replacing) that variable
in another equation.
Using the substitution method, determine the solution set of the following
equation 2x +3y = 6 and x – y = 3
The equation x – y = 3 is equivalent to x = y + 3. With substituting the equation
x = y + 3 into the equation 2x + 3y = 6 then you get obtained as follows:
2x + 3y = 6
2(y + 3) + 3y = 6
2y + 6 + 3y = 6
5y + 6 = 6
5y + 6 – 6 = 6 – 6
5y = 0
Then to get the x value, substitute the y value into the x equation
= y + 3, so we get:
Then, the solution set is {(3,0)}
 Combined Method
Is one to solve systems of linear equations of two variables with the combined
method, we combine the elimination method and substitution.
Using the combined method above, determine the solution set of system of
equations 2x – 5y = 2 and x + 5y = 6 !
The first step is by the elimination method, then obtained:
2x – 5y = 2 ×1 2x – 5y = 2
x + 5y = 6 ×2 2x +10y = 12
-15y = -10
y = (-10)/(-15)

y = 2/3
Next, substitute the y value into the equation x + 5y = 6 so that
x + 5y = 6
x + 5 (2/3) = 6
x + 10/15 = 6
x = 6 – 10/15
x = 22/3
Then, the solution set is {(2 2/3,2/3)}


Learning algebra is not something difficult, but something that can challenge
us on how to solve a problem. By studying algebra, we can know more about many
things in solving difficult questions from various aspects.
The elements of the algebraic form are variables, coefficients, constants, and
terms. A variable is a substitute symbol for a number whose value is not clearly
known. Variables are also called variables. Variables are usually denoted by
lowercase letters a, b, c, ... z, Coefficients are numbers that have variables, Constants
are numbers that don't have variables and Tribes are algebraic forms separated by
operations + or -.
Based on the number, the terms are divided into 4, including: Monomial is also
called the first term, Binomial is also called the second term, Trinomial is also called
the third term and Polynomial is also called the many terms or more than three terms.
Meanwhile, based on the type, tribes are divided into similar tribes and non-similar


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