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Matheo Gavrilov

Mr. Peña


10 December 2023

Project Cancer: Lung Cancer

In the current state of affairs cancer is referred to as a disease, which occurs in

uncontrolled cellular growth and reproduction. Cancer forms through the unbounded growth of

abnormal cellular structures called “tumors”. Although there are countless different categories

and classification of such detrimental malady, the goal of this research-project will mainly focus

on its type within the lungs.

The study of lung cancer is highly complicated, though various links may be drawn using the

knowledge gained throughout the first semester of the Biology course. The apprehension in areas

such as: Molecules of Life, Cell Division and Cell Structure,will contribute immensely, as

portrayed in the following. Cancer often results in mutations of sections of the human DNA

called “genes”. Although they cannot be depicted as good or bad, they harm and alter the

functioning, leading to a ultimate cellular dysfunction. Additionally, a present cancer disease

may conclude in a peculiar and abnormal protein synthesis, creating new misfolding compounds.

These will not only drive the cell to its tragic flaw, but will modify enzymatic activity. This is

due to the fact that the human’s catalysts are largely established from proteins. Many jobs will

take longer to complete, with an unpredicatble activation energy, thus undermining the human

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Furthermore, a cancer is characterized by irregularities in cell cycle control. It stands, that Lung

cancer cells frequently overcome cell cycle checkpoints. This conclusion was made simply by

the statement per John H. Chung, Yonggand Zhang and Fred Bunz: “ Tumors often acquire

mutations that disable checkpoints and cancer cells can therefore progress unimpeded into

S-phase, through G2 and into mitosis with chromosomal DNA damage.”

Lung cancer stands amongst the most common cancers, but a misconception is habitually

made when discussed: “It is only caused by the consumption of tobacco.” This is correct to a

certain degree, but highly unsubstantiated. To solidify ones perception of such vast topic three

aspects are noteworthy. Firstly, genetic causes of lung cancer include: the somatic (relating to the

body) mutations of genes, as well as inheritance. Secondly, environmental factors such as air

pollution or radioactive gases, such as Radon, can increase its likelihood. Thirdly,

lifestyle-related factors such as the intake of tobacco, as well as the act of passive smoking

exposes one to their own peril. Whilst these risk-factors are considered the most popular amongst

humans, countless more are discovered on a daily-basis.

Inevitably, common symptoms and signs range from the following: coughing, chest pain,

fatigue, loss of appetite, weighloss and blood-coughing. According to the intensity of the disease

and its stage the symptoms worsen and become more treacherous. An assured diagnosis of this

cancer type, is usually discovered by atypical activity (of those mentioned above) and

supplementary by doctor-monitored MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) and CT (computer

tomography) scans.

A cancer is a progressing disease ultimately developing through 4 stages. In stage 1 the

tumor has just appeared on the targeted area. It hasn't yet spread and mantains a volume of just 4
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centimeters. Moving on, stage 2 includes a larger tumor cell. The tumor still hasn’t spread to

another organ, but is visible on the neighboring lymph nodes. In stage 3, the cancer now has

spread to the furthest lymph nodes in the chest area. Stage 4, portrays the tumorous spread to

other structures: bones, other lung, kidneys or brain…

The stages of lung cancer described above are all distinct. Considering a significant

difference here, numerous treatment techniques are used to achieve the best results. In the

earliest stage immunotherapy is advised, after the surgery. In the second stage chemotherapy is

considered after surgery, with radiation offered too. The next two later stages need more

area-specific treatment, due to its severity. Immunotherapy, Chemotherapy and radiation might

be proposed, depending on the medical centre.

All of these symptoms and treatment options are everything but pleasant. There are

several studied ways to reduce the chances of such horrible disease. The most crucial direction

doctor point towards is the immediate termination of smoking: “If you've never smoked, don't

start.”, “Stop smoking now!” (MayoClinic) Hence, a smoking environment is strongly

discouraged. Moving away from smoking, domestic radon testing may be concluded to improve

and boost your health. Lastly, a healthy and nutritious diet is heavily recommended for risk

reduction in all sorts of cancer.

As the second most common worldwide cancer quantities of statistics are recorded on a

regular basis. From a research by the American Cancer Society Journals a staggering 238,340

diagnoses and 127,070 were approximated in 2023. This information leads to the conclusion that

20% of all cancer deaths are a result of such.

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Additionaly, it stands that the chance of a woman to develop lung cancer stands at around 6%,

whereas a man at 6.25% in the US. Furthermore, the life expectancy of a diseased patient ranges

most commonly from 7 to 16 months if fortuitous. To add on the American survival rates of such

popular condition within stage 4, as a 5 year relative, range from 23% for male-citizens and 33%

across females.

In conclusion lung cancer is one of the deadliest known cancers worldwide and occurs

due to dangerous action such as: intake of tobacco, other forms of nicotine-consumption, air

pollution or inhalation of Radon gasses. Once diagnosed through various medical processes the

severity is determined on a scale from 1 to 4. Depending on this determination numerous

treatments are offered, chemotherapy and immunotherapy to name a few. Overall to lower the

risk to for this menacing disease experts have only one thing to say: “QUIT SMOKING!”
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Works Cited

● American Cancer Society. "Risk Factors for Lung Cancer.",

● Davies, Hannah, et al. "Tumors often acquire mutations that enable them to grow in the

presence of apoptotic signals." PubMed,


● Johns Hopkins Medicine. "Lung Cancer Diagnosis.",



● Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. "Stages of Lung Cancer.",

● Mayo Clinic Staff. "Lung Cancer." Mayo Clinic,

● American Cancer Society. "Key Statistics for Lung Cancer.",


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● Lung Cancer Group. "Life Expectancy for Lung Cancer Patients.",


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