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Do You Have Any Questions For Us?

Sample Answer 1:
Yes, Sir. I’d really like to ask what was the answer to the question you asked me about
XYZ, I understand I can Google it after going back, but I am genuinely curious to learn
what it was and whether my answer thought process was in the right direction or not.

Sample Answer 2:
Yes Sir, I’ve read a lot about IIM Ahmedabad’s (replace B-school name) marketing club,
Niche - since I’m inclined towards the field of marketing, could you advise me which
other clubs might help me in the journey of becoming a groomed marketer?

Sample Answer 3:
No, Sir. I’ve read a lot about the institute and I am certain of my choice to join it


1. Not Necesaary: First of all, it is not compulsory to ask a question. Having said
that, you must have either of these three types of answers prepared.

2. Type A: This is when you were asked an interesting question during the interview
and you were genuinely curious to know its answer because you weren’t sure.
This applies only to trick questions where the interviewer must be testing your
thinking process. So, you say you’d like to understand what the answer was to
showcase you are a curious person (green).

3. Type B: This is when you wish to show inclination to truly join the institute.
Herein, you share that you’ve read so & so thing about the institution and are
genuinely curious to know more about it or you wish to know the professors’
opinion about it. The insider goal is to showcase your interest e.g. inclination for
the field of marketing (green).

4. Type C: The final type is when you don’t have any questions, could be due to the
flow of the interview or because you really don’t have one, simply say that you’ve
done your research and you’re all set with your choice. This is to show you’ve
done your homework (green).

5. Last Line: After this ends, follow it up with, “Thank you, Sir. Should I send the
next person in?” as discussed in the videos.

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