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Grade 4 Small Summative 3

Name_______________________ Surname__________________________Date__________________
1. Choose the correct variant. ( 5 points )

In the morning A. B. C.
2. Choose the correct variant. ( 5 points )
What time is it? A. I am Kamal. B. It is Monday. C. It is 12:00. D. It is summer.
3. Choose the correct variant. ( 5 points )

Jack eats breakfast. A. B. C.

4. Choose the correct variant. ( 5 points)
It’s 08:00 AM. It’s time to eat … . A. breakfast B. dinner C. lunch
5. Write the words in the correct order. ( 10 points)
What/it/time/is? ____________________________________________
6. Which month has thirty one days? ( 10 points)
1. May 2. February 3. January 4. April 5. November
7. Choose the correct variant. ( 10 points)
In the morning I ………….. .
1. get up 2. eat breakfast 3. go to bed 4. eat dinner 5. eat lunch
8. Match. ( 15 points)

8:00 AM 9:00 PM 12:00 AM

It is evening. It is midnight. It is morning.

9. Match the sentences. ( 15 points)
What time is it? It’s in December.
What is the date today? It’s 12:30.
When is your birthday? It is March first.
10. Read the text and answer the questions. (20 points)
It’s 6:00 in the morning. Sam and Ann get up, get dressed and eat breakfast. At 8:00 o’clock they
go to school. At noon they eat lunch at school canteen with their friends. Children do their
homework in the evening. After finishing their lessons, they watch cartoons on TV. At 9 o’clock
they go to bed. It’s late and it’s time to rest.
1. What time do Sam and Ann get up? A. 8:00 B. 6:00 C. 12:00 D. 9:00
2. Where do they eat their lunch? A. at home B. at school canteen C. in the yard
3. Write the opposite of the word “morning”. _______________________
4. When do they do their homework? __________________________

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