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Name: Sadie Hanrahan

P1: What is a personal media profile?

A personal media profile is similar to a biography where you can document and explain your skills,
accomplishments, interests and work. They can be used as a storage space for all your work, having
everything in one place makes it an efficient and fast way to show future employers for jobs or
apprenticeships or even university’s what you have done and what your capable of. They are
personalized websites which are made to look professional and give people first impressions of you.
The media profile could really tell people a lot about you, from your name to your interests to your
appearance. Personal media profiles can even include contact information such as phone numbers
and social media accounts, so people can get in contact with you and if your social media has your
work on it, they can also view it there. Media profiles can be viewed by a large range of different
people so you would want to consider the layout and the information which is included on the
profile, or profiles could be catered to certain groups of people such as employers who are looking
for certain type of person. Even course work could be stored on your personal media profile showing
people the skills and work you have done in school and so on. A personal media profile can
constantly be updated so people can see your progression and accomplishments as they happen.

Included within a personal media profile.

One of the main things which would be included in a personal media profile is the person’s name.
This is the first thing people would need to know about you, otherwise they wouldn’t know who the
profile and work belongs too. So, your name must be clearly displayed and most likely be the first
thing on the personal media profile. Having your name being the starting point of the profile makes it
look professional and organized.

A second thing that would be included in a personal media profile is a personal biography. Because a
personal media profile is all about you and your skills and work you would need to included
information about yourself. A personal biography can tell the person looking at your profile
everything they need to know about you, so it’s a very important aspect of the media profile, if you
don’t tell the reader about you, they wouldn’t know what your like or what experience they have,
they wouldn’t want to hire someone who they don’t know and that they don’t know what their
capable of.

A third thing that would be included in a media profile is any skills that you have, because the profile
could be looked at by future employers or university’s and they would want to know any skills that
you have that they would use on their team or in their university. Without including your skills
people wouldn’t know what you are capable of so they would be less inclined to hire you and take
you onto their team. So, it’s important to show of the skills that you have.

Including your interests on your personal media profile will give the people looking at your profile
insight into the things you like, knowing your interests will help people to get to know you better and
people may be more likely to accept you into a university or job or apprenticeship if they know about
your personality and the things you enjoy in life. Including your interests could also give people
things outside of work to talk to you about, giving you away to become friendly with your peers.

A fifth thing that should be included in a personal media profile is links. You could include links to
different things such as social media accounts that display different things such as your work if you
use social media like a portfolio or personals accounts. Other things that could be linked are contact
information such as emails or phone numbers so companies and people have the ability to contact
Name: Sadie Hanrahan

A sixth thing that should be included is images. Images can help to make your profile a lot more
interesting to look at and even add a more professional well-made feel to it. Images can also help the
people viewing your media profile get to know you, for example by including an image of yourself
people will know what you look like.

One final thing that could be included in a personal media profile is storage place of all of your work.
For example, with digital media you could include examples of work from each different unit. This
shows jobs and university’s past work you have completed and any skills you had to use to make the
work and also what you would have learned from completing each unit.

These three examples of personal

media profiles all have their names at
the top of the profiles. They all have
this as they want to establish as the
first thing whose media profile it is, this
is so the people who a viewing the
profile know who it belongs to.

All three of these examples have images and

pictures on their media profiles. Showing off
their hobbies and work. This makes the
profiles more interesting and personalised. If
the profiles didn’t have pictures, they could
look bland and make the person viewing the
prolife uninterested.

Each one of these media profiles has

a menu area where they have links
to the other pages of the profile.
This allows the persons looking at
profile to navigate to profiles easily.
All of the menus are at the top of
the home page making them easily

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