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Perubahan Keterangan

1. Adverb of Time 2. Adverb of Place

now menjadi then here menjadi there
today menjadi that day this menjadi that
yesterday menjadi the day before, the previous day these menjadi those
last night menjadi the night before
last week menjadi the week before
a week ago menjadi a week before
a month ago menjadi a month before
3. Modals
tomorrow menjadi the following day, the next day Can – ccould
next week menjadi the following week Will - would
next month menjadi the following month Shall – should
next year menjadi the following year May – might

Latihan Soal
1. Direct speech: She said, "I will take English class."
Indirect speech: ______
2. Direct speech: Indra said to me, "I bought a new laptop."
Indirect speech: ______
3. Direct speech: Siska said, "Where do you live?"
Indirect speech: ______
4. Direct speech: My mother says, "I like this song."
Indirect speech: _____
5. Direct speech: He said, "My parents will go to museum tomorrow."
Indirect speech: ______
6. Direct speech: ______
Indirect speech: She asked me how Jonny would get here.
7. Direct speech: _____
Indirect speech: He said he hadn't seen his cat since the previous day.
8. Direct speech: _____
Indirect speech: You told me he was going to your house.
9. Direct speech: _____
Indirect speech: She asked him to call her back later.
10. Direct speech: _____
Indirect speech: She asked me if Icould play guitar.

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