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Beyond Good and Evil part 2 the free

spirit in chapter 2 of Beyond Good and

Evil nietzsche introduces his idea of a

new type of philosopher he calls the

free spirit as his spirit has become

free from the prejudices that Nietzsche

says have played philosophers up to now

and have prevented them from doing true

philosophy and genuinely inquiring into

the nature of reality the free spirit

will be shaped by hardship and

discipline they will ask difficult and

uncomfortable questions that others are

too afraid to ask

they will pursue truth at all costs even

if it is threatening and risk breaking

down their whole understanding of

reality they will also be extremely

aware of their own susceptibility to

delusion as they know that the easiest

person to deceive is themselves and so

they relentlessly question the

foundations and grounds of their beliefs

to ensure that they do not become

attached to a particular idea or belief

that will lead them to becoming

close-minded and defensive over their

views similarly there will be skeptical

and thus are able to distance themselves

from their beliefs this allows them to

play with a whole variety of ideas

without becoming attached to any of them

they can view them from a distance I can

see their advantages and disadvantages

their truths and their falsehoods as we

said they will be able to question their

core beliefs rather than just

religiously defending them without

considering their weaknesses or any

alternatives moreover they were

examining their own and others

prejudices motives and values they will

probe deeper into people's underlying

motives and values which up to now

Nietzsche argues has not been done

successfully as too many of us are

preoccupied with the superficial and

surface level of these issues and lastly

they will remain open-minded in order to

explore and understand a large variety

of ideas rather than just adopting one

pet theory early in life and then never

even considering the truth or value in

any other theory because of this

openness they are less susceptible to

becoming biased and less likely to adopt

double standards and so on nitu states

that this new top of

philosopher thrives in isolation and

independence but he makes it clear that

this life is not for everyone he

declares that few are made for


it is a privilege of the strong he goes

on to explain how the free spirit

understands that the truth is not

necessarily tied up with the good as

many philosophers up to now have assumed

instead they recognized the potentially

harmful nature of truth needs arise

something might be true although at the

same time harmful and dangerous in the

highest degree indeed it could pertains

the fundamental nature of existence

that's a complete knowledge of it would

destroy one so that the strength of a

spirit could be measured by how much

truth it could take the free spirits

journey is so difficult distant and

foreign to the common man that they

misunderstand him Nietzsche elucidates

on the difficulty of the journey that

the free spirit takes and how foreign

appears to the rest of society need to

begins he ventures into a labyrinth he

multiplies by a thousand the dangers

which life as such already brings with

it not the smallest of which is that no

one can behold how and where he goes

astray is cut off from others and is

torn to pieces limb from limb by some

cave mites or conscience he goes on say

if such one is destroyed perhaps by a

crippling realization of the truth it

takes place so far from the

understanding of men that they neither

feel it nor sympathize and he can no

longer go back he can no longer go back

even to the pity of men this reinforces

how this part of the free spirit is a

lonely one and once the journey has

begun there is no going back

the common man misunderstands the free

spirit in a particular way they create a

mask for him Nietzsche writes around

every profound spirit a mask is

continually growing thanks to the

constantly force that is to say shallow

interpretation of every word he speaks

every step he takes every sign of life

he gives Nietzsche emphasizes here how

the more profound and deep the

individual the more likely it will be

that they'll be misinterpreted and

misunderstood people prefer to give a

mask to the philosopher

than see the philosophers true self and

their true message as these messages

that they give are usually highly

threatening to their worldview for

example the mask lemma give him maybe

one of a madman and thus by labeling the

philosopher such they do not have to

take anything he says seriously as these

are just rantings from a madman so

creating a mask and labeling them in

such a way allows them to remain in the

comfort of their already established yet

as need to say highly deluded worldview

without letting it be shaken by some

alternative but the free spirits

isolation and misunderstanding by the

common man is a tragic necessity as it

is just part of what it means to be a

free spirit however for the sake of

knowledge and in order to fully and

truly understand humanity he is willing

to go down into society this idea of her

going down is explored in much more

depth in Nietzsche's other famous work

thus Spoke Zarathustra Nietzsche also

introduces another idea in this chapter

as well

it is his conception of the stages that

morality has gone through in the past

where it is now and where is like this

go in the future

the first stage that Marazzi went

through was what nietzsche called the

pre moral stage at this stage the value

of an action depended on its

consequences and no attention was really

paid to the intention behind the action

but in the next stage the moral stage a

change happened it is no longer the

consequences but the origin of the

action which determines its value but

need to thought that the great mistake

occurred here and that mistake was that

the origin and value of an action was

equated with the person's intention but

Nietzsche asks what exactly was the

source of this person whose intention

nita thought that we mistakenly

attribute full autonomy to people's

intentions we assume that they were

completely in control when choosing

their action and their intention was the

first cause of the action however nita

states that the intention or motive is

actually a Mis symptom of some value

rooted in an unconscious source the

intention was caused by something deeper

and thus we should not judge

the intention but we should look deeper

we should go beyond and this gives rise

to the third and final stage called the

extra morale stage here the value of an

action is what is unintentional in it

since everything that happens about an

action that is intentional just happens

from the surface and so we need to look

into it beyond the surface level a far

more complex web of unconscious drives

needs to be evaluated to properly judge

an action we need to go beyond the

person's intention into their core

drives in order to see in order to see

what really caused the action in other

words we must look beyond to the

traditional conceptions of good and evil

and see what governs them and what lies

beneath them finally need to emphasizes

what he introduced in Chapter 1 and this

is that our knowledge is based upon

phosphor keshan of reality our will to

ignorance leads us away from the harsh

truth and towards a comfortable and

simple falsification of reality and this

is one of the distinguishing features

between the common man and the free

spirit the free spirit leads himself

away from the comfortable falsifications

of reality that has become so

commonplace and instead he leaves

himself towards the harsh truths of

reality that many are too afraid to go

after one of the reasons for why

Nietzsche thinks that falsification of

reality is so widespread is that it is

inherent in the nature of language

he states that language cannot get over

true this coarseness in other words

language by its very nature cannot grasp

the truth for example as we spoke about

in Chapter one just because we talk

about the eye as being a cause in

language it doesn't mean that it is in

reality yet many people make this

mistake and thus believe in free will

which need to believes is a mistake Nita

asks or the philosopher not to rise

above the belief in grammar the free

spirit looks beyond the surface level of

language and aims to look deeper and go

further than any philosopher has done

before in their pursuit of truth

very much for watching and be sure to

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time on feelin philosophical and good


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