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Indian Institute of Information Technology Ranchi

Department of Computer Science & Engineering

B. Tech Quiz 1– Spring Semester
Semester: 6th Sem. Course Instructor: Dr. Nidhi Kushwaha
Course Code: CS-3002 Course Name: Advanced Artificial Intelligence
Max Marks: 20

Name: RollNo:

1. Answer whether True or False with one-line justification:

a. Depth-first search will always expand more nodes than breath-first
search Machine Learning is a computer programmed to learn like a
human, but faster. False
b. The heuristic h(n) =C(n), where c(n) is the true cheapest cost to get from
the node n to a goal state, is admissible for every problem. False
c. The amount of memory required to run minimax with alpha-beta
pruning is O(b d ) for branching factor b and depth limit d. True
d. The most-constraint variable heuristic provides a way to select the next
variable to assign in a backtracking search for solving a CSP. True
2. Consider the following sequence of nodes for the undirected graph given below.
1) a b e f d g c 2) a b e f c g d
3) a d g e b c f 4) a d b c g e f

3. Uniform-cost search expands the node

n with the __________
A) Lowest path cost
B) Heuristic cost
C) Highest path cost
D) Average path cost

4. Apply Alpha-
Beta on the following game tree given in below.

r and j
5. In many cases the path to the goal is not related, this class of problems can be
solved using which of the following Techniques?
(A) Informed Search Techniques
(B) Uninformed Search Techniques
(C) Local Search Techniques
(D) Informed and Uninformed Search Techniques
(E) None of these

6. Hill climbing sometimes called ____________ because it grabs a good neighbor

state without thinking ahead about where to go next.
(A) Needy local search
(B) Heuristic local search
(C) Greedy local search
(D) Optimal local search

7. Consider the following game tree in which

root is a maximizing node and children are
visited left to right. What nodes will be
pruned by the alpha-beta pruning?
(A) I
(B) HI

8. Which value is assigned to alpha and beta

in the alpha-beta pruning?
A) Alpha = max
B) Beta = min
C) Beta = max
D) Both Alpha = max & Beta = min

9. In constraint satisfaction problem, constraints can be stated as

A. Arithmetic equations and inequalities that bind the values of variables

B. Arithmetic equations and inequalities that does not bind any restriction over
C. Arithmetic equations that impose restrictions over variables
D. Arithmetic equations that discard constraints over the given variables

10. Given below are two statements:

Statement I: A genetic algorithm is a stochastic hill-climbing search in which a large
population of states is maintained
Statement II: In nondeterministic environments, agents can apply AND-OR search to
generate contingent plans that reach the goal regardless of which outcomes occur
during execution.

In the light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options
given below

A. Both Statement I and Statement II are true

B. Both Statement I and Statement II are false
C. Statement I is correct but Statement II is false
D. Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is true

11. Which of the following statements about the map coloring problem in artificial
intelligence is true?

(A) The map coloring problem aims to find the optimal way to color a given map with
the fewest number of colors, such that no adjacent regions share the same color.
(B) The map coloring problem can always be solved with a polynomial-time algorithm
regardless of the map's complexity.
(C) The map coloring problem is an example of a constraint satisfaction problem
where the constraints are specified by the adjacency of regions and the available
(D) The map coloring problem is only applicable to geographical maps and cannot be
generalized to other types of problems.

12. In a depth-first traversal of a graph G with n vertices,k edges are marked as

tree edges. The number of connected components in G is
A) k
B) k + 1
C) n-k-1
D) n-k

13. The search algorithm which is similar to the minimax search, but removes the
branches that don't affect the final output is known as__.
1. Depth-first search
2. Breadth-first search
3. Alpha-beta pruning
4. None of the above

14. The maximum depth to which the alpha-beta pruning can be applied.
(A) Eight states
(B) Six states
(C) Ten states
(D) Any depth
15. Hill-Climbing approach stuck for which of the following reasons?
i. Local maxima
ii. Ridges
iii. Plateaux
iv. All of the mentions

16. Which search is complete and optimal when h(n) is consistent?

a) Best-first search
b) Depth-first search
c) Both Best-first & Depth-first search
d) A* search

17. Consider the following undirected graph on 5 nodes. Assume you are

performing breadth first search on this graph using a queue data structure. How

many unique breadth first orderings are possible on this graph?

(A) 9
(B) 24
(C) 48
(D) 120

18. Face Recognition system is based on which type of approach?

a) Weak AI approach
b) Applied AI approach
c) Cognitive AI approach
d) Strong AI approach
19. Which search method will expand the node that is closest to the goal?
a) Best-first search
b) Greedy best-first search
c) A* search
d) None of the mentioned
20. Local search algorithms are not systematic, the main pros includes which
of the followings?
(A). Less memory
(B). More time
(C). search a solution in a big infinite space
(D). Less memory and search a solution in a big infinite space
(E). None of these

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