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What did I do during Holidays?

Muhamad Farel Aryanto


What did I do during Holidays?

So a couple of weeks ago, I got my holiday after finishing the first semester exam. It’s
two weeks long. And I would say it’s kinda boring ... but it’s fun at the same time.

What makes it’s boring because technically I didn’t go anywhere. Just stayed at home for
almost the entire holiday. Well, I went to my grandmother’s house a couple times and
met my friends too and went their house as well. But just that’s it. Nothing more nothing

But aside from that, the holiday actually made me really enjoy. Because it’s fun. I got
time for my family. I mostly spent my times there in the middle of family. Not only with
my little family, but with my big family as well. The highlight moment was on the New
Year’s Eve, when we gathered together watched the fireworks lighting up the sky. And of
course hope this year was far more better than the last one.

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