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Eldin Kurtic


Block 2 - Capstone

Journal #3

In the months of November and December 2020 was kind of alright because to me they

were very stressful months because of covid. The first story I’d like to share with you Ms Bout is

the story of how my girlfriend of 2 years got covid-19 and she had to be in the hospital for a

couple of weeks, then she got quarantined and I couldn’t see her for like a whole month and

more because of how cosious my mom was being. My mom is honestly the best mom you could

ever ask for because if she didn’t stop me from going I would have been dumb and put my and

my family’s lives all at risk. I did not want that to happen. She explained all of it to me.

When she broke the news that she got covid it got me so mad and sad that I could not do

anything about it and my mom was not letting me see her at the hospital. I did understand that

she was just trying to be a good mom and look out for me but in my head it was like a whole

roller coaster because I was stressed over school and college that I did not have any time for

myself and my girlfriend. She would get mad that I would always be busy doing projects for

school and being out at work. But she understood that I was always busy but that is what made

us drift apart. It was a wild roller coaster of emotions for a couple of months there.

But let’s move on from the bad stuff that happened and get into the positives of the

couple of months that I had. First of all school was getting easier and I was happy that it was

coming close to an end and I could finally be free and off to college and make new friends. I was

not overthinking anything, it was like I had my whole life planned out in front of my eyes. My
family and my girlfriend were my motivation to keep on pushing. I'm excited to see what is to

come in the future.

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