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Business Description:

Name: ChocoDelights


ChocoDelights is a B2C chocolate business specializing in handcrafted, premium chocolates. Our

chocolates are made from high-quality ingredients, and our unique flavors cater to various preferences.
We operate both online and through a brick-and-mortar store located in a popular shopping district.
Recently, we introduced a new line of artisanal chocolate truffles, and we are keen on increasing our
online sales for this product. The addition of this new product line aligns with our commitment to
delivering exquisite chocolates to a wider audience.


SMART Goal: Increase online sales of our new artisanal chocolate truffles by 30% within the next three

Specific: Increase the sales of the new artisanal chocolate truffles.

Measurable: Achieve a 30% growth in online sales for the new product line.

Achievable: Based on our past online sales data and the positive customer response to our truffles, a
30% increase is realistic.

Relevant: The goal aligns with our business objective of expanding our online presence and promoting
our new product.

Time-bound: Achieve the goal within the next three months.


Online Sales Revenue: Track the revenue generated specifically from the sales of the new artisanal
chocolate truffles. This KPI directly aligns with our goal of increasing online sales.
Conversion Rate: Measure the percentage of website visitors who make a purchase of the new
chocolate truffles. A higher conversion rate indicates effective engagement and interest in the new

Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT): Implement a post-purchase survey to assess customer satisfaction
with the new truffles. A positive CSAT score indicates that customers are pleased with their purchase,
contributing to potential repeat business and word-of-mouth marketing.

These KPIs provide quantitative measurements and direction for assessing the success of our SMART
goal, ensuring a focused and data-driven approach to achieving our business objective.

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