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Digital Media: Media and Audiences

Uses and Gratifications Theory

Uses and Gratifications Theory

Explain, in your own words, what the Uses and Gratifications theory means.
[2 marks]
The theory states that audiences are in control of the media they consume, and the meanings they
take from it. It suggests that audiences can decide for themselves how they interpret media (linked
to identity, education, entertainment and interaction), rather than the media directly influencing

Identifying Gratifications
Identify three specific media products that you have used and discuss the gratifications associated
with them.
[3 marks]
Specific Media Gratifications
Jurassic Park People can live vicariously through the characters, as it is impossible to
encounter a dinosaur in real life
Coronation Street The scenarios shown aren’t always commonplace, and often, people like
to observe others
Friday the 13th Horror media allows for heightened emotions such as tension, fear and
adrenaline which might be a rare occurrence in real life

Criticism of Uses and Gratifications Theory

Some people disagree with the UGT. Discuss at least 2 reasons why people might feel that it isn’t
relevant and explain whether you agree with these statements or not. Provide examples to justify
your answers.
[6 marks]

Some feel that this theory dismisses the significance of media as it can often play a crucial role in
people’s lives. An example of this is director Eli Roth, known for his Hostel franchise, and other films
such as Green Inferno which have made him an important figure within the horror industry. Roth
described being inspired to create films by watching Ridley Scott’s Alien at the age of twelve, which
ultimately lead to his significance as a director, despite watching a violent film many would have
argued influenced him negatively due to his age. Others may argue that the uses and gratification
theory conflicts the idea that people are influenced by conflicting views in the media. This is not
necessarily true, as different newspapers have different political leanings. As a result, consumers can
buy and read the content that relates to their own personality, rather than the media directly
persuading them. Another popular misconception about this theory is that media companies create
media without taking any responsibility for audience’s interpretations. Quentin Tarantino has often
expressed that his graphic violence, or ‘cinema viscera’ is purely for a surface aesthetic. He claimed
that a director’s responsibility is to “make characters and to be as true to them as I possibly can.”,
describing the violence as a reflection of the characters rather than real situations, as “movies are

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