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Cell structure:

• Plants have cell walls made of cellulose, while animals do not.

• Plant cells have a large central vacuole, which is absent in animal cells.
• Plants have chloroplasts, which are organelles that allow them to
photosynthesize, while animals do not.

Body form:

• Plants are typically sessile, meaning they are rooted in one place. Animals are
motile, meaning they can move around.
• Plants have a definite body plan with roots, stems, and leaves. Animals have a
more diverse range of body plans, but they typically have bilateral symmetry.


• Plants generally do not move, although some, like Venus flytraps, can make
small movements. Animals can move their bodies in a variety of ways, depending
on the species.


• Plants grow by adding new cells to their tips, while animals grow throughout their
• Plants have indeterminate growth, meaning they can continue to grow
indefinitely. Animals have determinate growth, meaning they reach a certain size
and then stop growing.


• Plants can reproduce sexually or asexually. Sexual reproduction in plants

involves the production of gametes (sperm and egg), which fuse to form a
zygote. Asexual reproduction in plants can occur through various methods, such
as budding, runners, or spores.
• Animals typically reproduce sexually, although some, like starfish, can reproduce
asexually. Sexual reproduction in animals involves the internal or external
fertilization of an egg by sperm.


• Plants can adapt to their environment in a variety of ways, such as changing their
leaf shape or size, or developing thorns or spines.
• Animals can also adapt to their environment, but they typically do so through
behavioral changes, such as migrating or hibernating.

Location of body organs:

• Plants do not have specialized organs in the same way that animals
do. However, they do have specialized tissues that carry out different
functions, such as xylem for transporting water and phloem for transporting food.
• Animals have a variety of specialized organs that are arranged in different body
systems, such as the digestive system, circulatory system, and respiratory

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