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SEO translation vs

January 14, 2022 // Lucy
The LEaF Translations Blog » SEO » SEO translation vs localisation

SEO translation is a term that is gaining importance – both within translation circles and
the SEO industry. More and more companies – be it in the UK or abroad – are looking
to expand overseas and target new markets.
This is not a new development, but it is a trend that has been accelerated by the global
pandemic. Remote working means that location is no longer as important as it once
was, and shopping online is now the norm.

International SEO is booming as a result and more and more UK SEO agencies are
adding international SEO to their specialities. But international SEO is only possible with
translation and localisation. And SEO agencies and companies can only succeed with
their international SEO strategies if they understand the role that SEO translation and
localisation need to play in this work.
This article explains some of the key terms within the field of SEO translation and
localisation. Beginning with a definition of translation vs localisation (or localization) and
then explaining how both of these are key for international SEO.

We will explain what websites need from SEO translation and localisation, and offer
some tips that will help make your international SEO strategy a success.

Translation vs localisation
Translation and localisation are two terms that are closely linked, often confused and
regularly used interchangeably.

What’s the difference between translation and

Translation means to translate content from one language (the source language) to
another (the target language). It ranges from literal or word-for-word translation to high-
quality translations that read like a text that has been written in the target language.
Localisation is a more general term that means to adapt content for a specific country
or market. It may include translation but doesn’t always.
Consider, for example, a UK eCommerce company looking to expand to Germany and
the US. The version of the company’s website intended for the German audience would
need to be translated into German and localised for the German market – in other
words, the prices changed from GBP to EUR, any references to local UK culture
adapted for the German audience, etc.

Meanwhile, the US version of the website wouldn’t need translating but it would need
localising. Again this would involve changing the currency, adapting any references to
UK culture for the US market, ensuring the content is tweaked with the US audience in
mind (e.g. removing any UK spellings or UK-specific words, changing the tone to suit
the US market).

SEO translation and localisation

Until relatively recently, SEO was largely ignored by the translation industry and there
was little talk of SEO translation and keyword localisation.
Thankfully this is now changing. Just as SEO has a key role to play in the visibility (and,
therefore, success) of UK websites, so SEO translation and keyword localisation are
vital if a company is looking to achieve success with the international versions of its
website too.

Spending hundreds or even thousands of pounds on translating websites without paying

any attention to SEO and keywords is the same as spending hundreds or thousands of
pounds on perfectly crafted copy for an English website without incorporating any
keywords and implementing any kind of SEO strategy. The website may do well, but if it
does it will be due to fortune rather than strategy.

What does SEO translation

SEO translation is the umbrella term used to describe translations that are crafted with
SEO in mind. Unlike normal translations, the translator needs to be well-versed in SEO.
They need a good knowledge of on-page SEO, the importance of keywords and to be
able to conduct keyword research in their native language.
Like traditional translations, SEO translations concern the on-page content of websites
– from homepages to landing pages, product pages and blog posts. But SEO translation
also includes translating title tags and meta descriptions, and can involve translating
PPC ads (Google, Facebook, etc.) as well as Amazon listings.
In all of these cases, the translator needs to integrate keyword research and SEO best
practices into the translation process. In other words, they need to ensure that they are
using the correct keywords and that these keywords are used correctly.

International SEO made easy

We have created an in-depth guide to keyword research for multilingual SEO –
revealing all you need to know about the importance of keyword research for
international SEO, keyword research tools and a behind-the-scenes look at how it all

Check out the Keyword Research Guide for Multilingual SEO now

SEO translation, localisation

and international keyword
So where does localisation come in? Like SEO translation, localisation is a key part of
international SEO. One of the most important aspects of adapting a website for a
different market is localising the keywords – in other words, making sure that the
content includes the best keywords for the market in question.

Languages rarely match up 1:1 (which is why literal translation often falls short) and
there are a whole range of cultural factors that impact how people use search engines,
including how people approach risk, how individualistic the culture is, etc.

This coupled with the fact that you can’t just translate a keyword and expect it to have
the same search volume in a different country means that the first step of any SEO
translation process is keyword research or keyword localisation.
Within the context of international SEO, keyword research means conducting the
keyword research from scratch, as a British SEO would conduct keyword research for a
UK website.
By contrast, keyword localisation involves localising a seed list of keywords. This
process is very different from translating keywords, i.e. putting them into Google
Translate or even using a professional translator to translate them, but not paying any
attention to their search volume.
Keyword localisation involves drawing up a list of potential equivalent keywords and
then using a keyword research tool and other research (e.g. checking local SERPs) to
select the best keywords from this list.

Multilingual keyword research and keyword localisation are both tasks for SEO
Only native speakers have the cultural knowledge required to identify the correct search
terms to use as keywords. Whether the SEO translation project involves localising a list
of English keywords or drawing up a list of keywords from scratch, this knowledge of the
local culture is essential to the process.

SEO translation tips for

successful international SEO
So what do you need to bear in mind when it comes to SEO translation and your
international SEO campaign? Here are our top tips for SEO translation:

Always localise keywords – never translate them

If you have a seed list of keywords, this should always be localised by an SEO
translator from the target country or region. Alternatively, employ a native SEO
translator to carry out the keyword research for the market in question.
Whether the research constitutes keyword localisation or keyword research, it should
always involve using a keyword research tool and checking local SERPs. The keywords
should be chosen based on ranking factors (i.e. search volume, intent, competition, etc.)
and not because they are the most accurate translation.

Avoid machine translation

It may save you money in the short term, but the poor quality of the translations is likely
to do more harm than good when it comes to how the website is received by users.
Tailor the content for the market, not the language
Don’t use the same content for different countries speaking the same language, without
localising it for the specific market in question. A website that has been translated into
Spanish cannot be used in both Spain and Latin America without any localisation. There
are key linguistic and cultural differences that need to be considered.

Use a professional SEO translator from the target

Besides their background in translation and SEO, they will automatically take cultural
differences into account, such as how direct to be, which CTAs to use, etc. and they will
know how people from their country tend to use search engines.

Ensure that everything is localised correctly

E.G. currency, taxes, phone numbers, contact details – and don’t forget about aspects
like seasonality. Summer here means winter in the southern hemisphere – not the best
time to sell swimwear, for example.

Localise title tags and meta descriptions correctly

Ensure title tags and meta descriptions are written for the target market and contain
localised keywords. They need to be localised not translated – in many cases they will
read completely differently to the original versions due to cultural differences affecting
calls to action and the use of different keywords.

Let’s summarise – the key

distinction between the two
Translation is a fundamental process that transforms texts, while localizations change
entire content and context between languages.

Localisation has infinite possibilities that extend beyond translation.

Translation can be a part of localisation, but the key factor is that the information is
authentic and relevant to the local market.
SEO translation and localisation may seem daunting but they are a key part of
international SEO. Luckily, you don’t have to master them yourself. Having a basic
understanding of the processes will help a great deal. Then you just need to identify a
partner who specialises in SEO translation and localisation, so that you can focus on
your own area of expertise. Luckily, you have come to the right place.

Retrieve from access 10/27/2023.

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