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By Any Other Name Questions

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1. She's 5 1/2 years old and it's a story about What do you learn from the
their first day of school. opening lines of the story?

2. She wasn't healthy enough to teach them Why does the mother send
herself. the girls to the Anglo-Indian

3. She feels as if Cynthia is a whole other How does Santha feel about
person. the name Cynthia?

4. She doesn't know whether to say Santha Why does Santha say "idk"
or Cynthia. when asked her name?

5. They are basically split up(segregated) How do English and Indian chil-
and the Indians are left out/treated differ- dren interact?

6. She finds playing competitive games the What part of school does San-
hardest. tha find hardest?

7. The teacher said that Indians cheat. Why does Premila want to
leave school?

8. How they are discriminated by the Eng- Santha's family thinks that she
lish. is too young to understand

9. of lower rank/less than What does subordinate mean?

10. sisterly and Premila always looks out for What is Santha and Premila's
Santha. relationship like?

11. She's sad, but she also understands. How does their mother react to
the girls leaving school?

12. They both look out for Santha. They are How are Premila and her moth-
both smart. They don't like being looked er alike?
down upon.

13. Santha Rama Rau Who is the author of this story?

By Any Other Name Questions
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14. She said that they were too hard for her so How does the headmistress re-
she gave them English names act to their names?

15. game similar to tag What is the game


16. Nalini (Nancy in school) What was Santha's friend's

name (girl with the braids)?


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