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Drive Technology \ Drive Automation \ System Integration \ Services



Edition 11/2021
MOVISUITE® standard

Table of contents:

1 GENERAL INFORMATION ....................................................................................................................... 8

1.1 HOW TO USE THIS DOCUMENTATION ........................................................................................................... 8

1.2 STRUCTURE OF THE INFORMATION AND WARNINGS ......................................................................................... 8
1.3 RIGHTS TO CLAIM UNDER LIMITED WARRANTY ................................................................................................ 8
1.4 EXCLUSION OF LIABILITY............................................................................................................................ 8
1.5 TERMS OF USE ........................................................................................................................................ 9
1.6 PRODUCT NAMES AND TRADEMARKS ........................................................................................................... 9
1.7 COPYRIGHT NOTICE ................................................................................................................................. 9

2 SAFETY NOTES ..................................................................................................................................... 10

2.1 PRELIMINARY INFORMATION ................................................................................................................... 10

2.2 USE ................................................................................................................................................... 10
2.3 TARGET GROUP .................................................................................................................................... 10
2.4 OTHER APPLICABLE DOCUMENTATION ........................................................................................................ 11
2.5 BUS SYSTEMS ....................................................................................................................................... 11

3 MOVISUITE® STANDARD: THE FUTURE OF AUTOMATION ..................................................................... 12

4 ADVANTAGES OF MOVISUITE® STANDARD ........................................................................................... 16

4.1 USER INTERFACE ................................................................................................................................... 16

4.2 PROJECT AND DATA MANAGEMENT ........................................................................................................... 16
4.3 TOOLS: MANUAL MODE ......................................................................................................................... 17
4.4 TOOLS: SCOPE...................................................................................................................................... 17
4.5 TOOLS: COMPARISON ............................................................................................................................ 18
4.6 MOVIKIT®: MULTIMOTION ................................................................................................................... 18
4.7 PROGRAMMING APPLICATIONS (MOVI-C® FLEXIBLE) .................................................................................... 19
4.8 CONFIGURING APPLICATIONS (MOVI-C® SMART)......................................................................................... 19

5 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS / VERSION INFO / SYSTEM PACKAGE.............................................................. 20

6 INSTALLING MOVISUITE® STANDARD ................................................................................................... 21

6.1 INSTALLING MOVISUITE® STANDARD ....................................................................................................... 21

6.2 SILENT INSTALLATION/UNINSTALLATION ..................................................................................................... 23
6.2.1 TRANSFER PARAMETERS FOR STARTING THE SETUP...............................................................................................23
6.2.2 RETURN CODES ..............................................................................................................................................24
6.2.1 SAMPLE ........................................................................................................................................................24
6.3 ALLOWING PROGRAMS THROUGH THE FIREWALL .......................................................................................... 25
6.4 VERSIONING OF MOVISUITE® STANDARD ................................................................................................. 26
6.4.1 SERIES VERSIONS: VERSION TYPE = 0 .................................................................................................................27
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6.4.2 RELEASE CANDIDATE AND FIELD TEST VERSIONS: VERSION TYPE = 1 OR 2 .................................................................27
6.4.3 CURRENT DEVELOPMENT VERSIONS: VERSION TYPE = 3 ........................................................................................27

7 STARTING MOVISUITE® STANDARD ..................................................................................................... 28

8 CONTROL ELEMENTS OF MOVISUITE® STANDARD ................................................................................ 29

8.1 PROGRAM TITLE BAR AND TOOLBAR .......................................................................................................... 30

8.2 MORE MENU ....................................................................................................................................... 32
8.3 PROGRAM WORK AREA .......................................................................................................................... 35
8.3.1 CIRCLE VIEW..................................................................................................................................................35
8.3.2 TREE VIEW ....................................................................................................................................................36
8.3.3 STRUCTURE ELEMENTS ....................................................................................................................................37
8.3.4 KEYBOARD COMMANDS IN CIRCLE VIEW .............................................................................................................38
8.3.5 KEYBOARD COMMANDS IN TREE VIEW ...............................................................................................................39
8.4 CONTEXT MENU.................................................................................................................................... 40
8.5 STATUS BAR......................................................................................................................................... 41

9 USING PROJECT MANAGEMENT ........................................................................................................... 42

9.1 "START" PAGE ..................................................................................................................................... 42

9.2 "PROJECTS" PAGE ................................................................................................................................. 43
9.3 "CONTACT" PAGE ................................................................................................................................. 44
9.4 "LANGUAGE" PAGE ............................................................................................................................... 45
9.5 "SETTINGS" PAGE ................................................................................................................................. 46
9.6 "PROGRAM INFORMATION" PAGE ............................................................................................................ 47

10 SAVING A PROJECT ............................................................................................................................ 48

11 NODE TYPES ...................................................................................................................................... 49

11.1 PROJECT NODE ................................................................................................................................... 49

11.2 STRUCTURE NODE ............................................................................................................................... 50
11.3 MOVI-C® CONTROLLER: DEVICE NODE ................................................................................................. 51
11.3.1 LAYOUT IN "CIRCLE VIEW" .............................................................................................................................51
11.3.2 LAYOUT IN "TREE VIEW" ................................................................................................................................52
11.4 MOVI-C® INVERTER: DEVICE NODE......................................................................................................... 53
11.4.1 LAYOUT IN "CIRCLE VIEW" .............................................................................................................................53
11.4.2 LAYOUT IN "TREE VIEW" ................................................................................................................................54
11.4.3 DEVICE STATUS ............................................................................................................................................54

12 NAVIGATING IN THE FUNCTION VIEW ................................................................................................ 55

12.1 MOVISUITE® CIRCLE VIEW................................................................................................................... 55

12.2 MOVISUITE® TREE VIEW ..................................................................................................................... 57
12.3 TOGGLING BETWEEN CIRCLE VIEW AND TREE VIEW ....................................................................................... 57
12.4 SCROLLING AND PLANNING IN TREE VIEW .................................................................................................. 58
12.5 ZOOMING IN TREE VIEW........................................................................................................................ 59

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13 EDITING THE PROJECT ........................................................................................................................ 61

13.1 ADDING STRUCTURE NODES ................................................................................................................... 61

13.2 ADDING DEVICES FROM THE CATALOG ...................................................................................................... 61
13.3 SELECTION: NAVIGATION MODE AND SELECTION MODE ................................................................................ 61
13.3.1 NAVIGATION MODE: .....................................................................................................................................62
13.3.2 SELECTION MODE .........................................................................................................................................63
13.4 EDITING NODES .................................................................................................................................. 63
13.4.1 MOVING NODES WITH DRAG AND DROP ...........................................................................................................63
13.4.2 COPYING NODES WITH DRAG AND DROP...........................................................................................................64
13.5 OPENING THE CONFIGURATION ............................................................................................................... 64
13.6 OPENING THE TOOLS ............................................................................................................................ 65

14 CONFIGURING COMMUNICATION INTERFACES ................................................................................... 66

14.1 ETHERNET ......................................................................................................................................... 67

14.1.1 SETTING/READING THE IP ADDRESS PARAMETERS OF THE ETHERNET-PC ADAPTER ..................................................68
14.2 ETHERCAT® ...................................................................................................................................... 69
14.2.1 IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING THE ETHERCAT® ADDRESS ......................................................................70
14.3 USB ................................................................................................................................................ 71
14.3.1 SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS............................................................................................................................71
14.3.2 HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS ..........................................................................................................................72 USM21A ................................................................................................................................................72 CAN dongle ...........................................................................................................................................72

15 NETWORK ......................................................................................................................................... 74

15.1 INITIAL NETWORK SCAN ........................................................................................................................ 74

15.2 UPDATING A NETWORK ........................................................................................................................ 75
15.3 CHECKING THE ASSIGNMENT OF DEVICES ................................................................................................... 77

16 DEVICE NOTIFICATIONS...................................................................................................................... 78

16.1 DEVICE NOTIFICATIONS ......................................................................................................................... 79

16.2 SHORT NOTE REGARDING THE NOTIFICATION .............................................................................................. 81
16.3 DETAILED INFORMATION ON NOTIFICATION AND TROUBLESHOOTING ............................................................... 82

17 STRUCTURE OF THE CONFIGURATION ................................................................................................ 83

17.1 OPENING THE CONFIGURATION ............................................................................................................... 83

17.2 DISPLAY OPTIONS OF THE CONFIGURATION ................................................................................................ 83
17.3 STRUCTURE OF THE CONFIGURATION ........................................................................................................ 85
17.4 NAVIGATION BAR OF THE CONFIGURATION ................................................................................................ 86

18 STARTUP ........................................................................................................................................... 87

18.1 MOVI-C® CONTROLLER (E.G. UHX85A) .............................................................................................. 87

18.1.1 DEVICE PROPERTIES ......................................................................................................................................87
18.1.2 FUNCTIONS .................................................................................................................................................87
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18.1.3 DIAGNOSTICS ..............................................................................................................................................88
18.1.4 OPENING THE TOOLS ....................................................................................................................................88
18.1.5 DEVICE NAME ..............................................................................................................................................89
18.1.6 COMPONENTS .............................................................................................................................................89
18.1.7 SOFTWARE MODULE .....................................................................................................................................89
18.2 MOVI-C® INVERTER (E.G. MOVIDRIVE®) ............................................................................................... 90
18.2.1 DEVICE PROPERTIES ......................................................................................................................................90
18.2.2 DRIVE TRAIN................................................................................................................................................91 Creating the drive train ........................................................................................................................92 Option 1: Using digital motor integration .........................................................................................92 Option 2: Use electronic nameplate .................................................................................................93 Option 3: Read motor nameplate .....................................................................................................95 Option 4: Create drive train from catalog .........................................................................................96 Optimizing the drive train ..................................................................................................................105 Determining the load moment of inertia ........................................................................................105 Measuring the load moment of inertia ...........................................................................................105 Setting controller dynamics.............................................................................................................109 Editing the drive train .........................................................................................................................110
18.2.3 FUNCTIONS ...............................................................................................................................................111
18.2.4 DIAGNOSTICS ............................................................................................................................................111
18.2.5 OPENING THE TOOLS ..................................................................................................................................112

19 MOVISUITE® TOOLS ......................................................................................................................... 113

19.1 FIRMWARE LOADER ........................................................................................................................... 113

19.2 COMPARISON................................................................................................................................... 114
19.2.1 STARTING THE COMPARISON WITH SEVERAL SELECTED DEVICES ..........................................................................114
19.2.2 FILTER OPTIONS .........................................................................................................................................115
19.2.3 ADDING/DELETING DEVICES .........................................................................................................................115
19.2.4 HIGHLIGHTING DIFFERENCES ........................................................................................................................117
19.2.5 APPLYING VALUES TO OTHER DEVICES ............................................................................................................117
19.2.6 REFRESH DISPLAY .......................................................................................................................................118
19.3 SCOPE ............................................................................................................................................ 119
19.3.1 STARTING SCOPE THE FIRST TIME ..................................................................................................................120
19.3.2 CREATING A NEW SCOPE PROJECT .................................................................................................................121 Measurements ...................................................................................................................................122 Templates ...........................................................................................................................................122 Measurement mode ...........................................................................................................................123 Recording channel ..............................................................................................................................125 Trigger.................................................................................................................................................126 Trigger block ....................................................................................................................................127 Logical operations of trigger conditions ..........................................................................................130 Controller............................................................................................................................................132 Apply ...................................................................................................................................................133 Export as CSV ......................................................................................................................................133
19.3.3 MAIN SCOPE WINDOW ...............................................................................................................................135 Scope title bar.....................................................................................................................................135 Scope status bar .................................................................................................................................135 Scope work areas................................................................................................................................136 Project Explorer ...............................................................................................................................137 Recording channel ...........................................................................................................................138 Measurement ..................................................................................................................................140
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MOVISUITE® standard Measurement cursor ..........................................................................................................................142 Properties ...........................................................................................................................................144 Online settings ....................................................................................................................................145 Measurement cursor ..........................................................................................................................146 Trigger.................................................................................................................................................147
19.4 MANUAL MODE ................................................................................................................................ 148
19.4.1 OPENING MANUAL MODE ............................................................................................................................148
19.4.2 HIDING MANUAL MODE ..............................................................................................................................148
19.4.3 ASSIGNING MANUAL MODE TO A DEVICE ........................................................................................................149 Activating manual mode ....................................................................................................................150 Deactivating manual mode ................................................................................................................151
19.4.4 GENERAL CONTROL ELEMENTS OF MANUAL MODE ...........................................................................................151 Breadcrumb and manual mode function selection/display ...............................................................151 Deactivated manual mode .................................................................................................................152 Activated manual mode .....................................................................................................................153 Additional windows ............................................................................................................................153 Timeout ..............................................................................................................................................155 Fault status .........................................................................................................................................155 System messages ................................................................................................................................156 Output stage inhibit ...........................................................................................................................157 Terminating manual mode .................................................................................................................157 Closing the manual mode window ...................................................................................................158
19.4.5 SPEED-CONTROLLED MANUAL MODE .............................................................................................................158
19.4.6 POSITION CONTROLLED MANUAL MODE .........................................................................................................160
19.4.7 REFERENCE TRAVEL ....................................................................................................................................160
19.4.8 LOAD CYCLING ...........................................................................................................................................161
19.4.9 CYCLE MODE .............................................................................................................................................162
19.4.10 EMERGENCY MODE – DEFECTIVE EXTERNAL ENCODER.....................................................................................162
19.4.11 LIMIT SWITCH PROCESSING AND DISPLAY ......................................................................................................163 Software limit switches ....................................................................................................................164 Hardware limit switches ...................................................................................................................164 Behavior when a hardware or software limit switch has been hit ..................................................165
19.5 XML DATA EXCHANGE (INTERNAL) ..................................................................................................... 165
19.6 PARAMETER TREE EDITOR (INTERNAL) ................................................................................................. 167
19.7 ASSIST CS.. ..................................................................................................................................... 167
19.8 MULTIMOTION MONITOR .................................................................................................................. 167
19.9 CAM EDITOR ................................................................................................................................... 167

20 PROJECT AND DATA MANAGEMENT................................................................................................. 168

20.1 PROJECT MANAGEMENT ..................................................................................................................... 168

20.1.1 NEW/OPEN/SAVE PROJECT ..........................................................................................................................168 New project ........................................................................................................................................168 Open project.......................................................................................................................................168 Save project ........................................................................................................................................168 Data management processes .............................................................................................................170
20.1.2 EXPORTING/IMPORTING A MOVISUITE® PROJECT .........................................................................................172
20.2 DEVICE DATA MANAGEMENT................................................................................................................ 174
20.2.1 CHANGING PARAMETERS DIRECTLY ................................................................................................................174 In startup mode ..................................................................................................................................174 In planning mode:...............................................................................................................................175 In configuration ..................................................................................................................................175
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MOVISUITE® standard In wizards: e.g. drive train ..................................................................................................................175
20.2.2 TRANSFERRING A DATA SET ..........................................................................................................................176
20.2.3 EXPORTING/IMPORTING DEVICE DATA SET ......................................................................................................176
20.2.4 DEVICE REPLACEMENT DETECTION.................................................................................................................178
20.2.5 DETECTING DIFFERENT DEVICE PROPERTIES .....................................................................................................179

21 VERSIONING OF MODULES............................................................................................................... 180

21.1 INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................................. 180

21.2 WORKING WITH VERSIONING ............................................................................................................... 182
21.2.1 SELECTING A DEVICE MODULE WITH VERSION FROM THE CATALOG......................................................................182
21.2.2 SELECTING A SOFTWARE MODULE WITH VERSION FROM THE CATALOG ................................................................183
21.2.3 CONNECTING A DEVICE MODULE IN FUNCTION VIEW WITH A DEVICE IN NETWORK VIEW .........................................183
21.2.4 ONLINE-OFFLINE CHECK OF MODULE VERSIONS ...............................................................................................184
21.2.5 NOTIFICATION FOR DIFFERENT DEVICE VERSIONS .............................................................................................184
21.2.6 DEVICE VERSION NOT INSTALLED ...................................................................................................................185
21.2.7 DEVICE NOT KNOWN...................................................................................................................................185
21.3 ADJUST VERSION AND DEVICE ............................................................................................................... 186
21.3.1 PLANNING PHASE .......................................................................................................................................187
21.3.2 STARTUP PHASE .........................................................................................................................................189
21.3.3 COMPATIBILITY CHECK IN THE "ADJUST VERSION AND DEVICE" DIALOG................................................................189
21.4 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ABOUT VERSIONING ....................................................................................... 191
21.4.1 VERSIONING OF DEVICE MODULES .................................................................................................................191
21.4.2 VERSIONING OF SOFTWARE MODULES ...........................................................................................................191
21.4.3 ASSIGNING MODULES TO DEVICES IN A VERSION ..............................................................................................191

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1 General information
1.1 How to use this documentation

The documentation is part of the product and contains important information. The documen-
tation is for everyone who works with this product.

The documentation must be accessible and legible. Make sure that persons responsible for
the system and its operation, as well as persons who work independently with the software
and the connected products from SEW-EURODRIVE, have read through the documentation
carefully and have understood it. If you are unclear about any of the information in this doc-
umentation, or if you require further information, contact SEW-EURODRIVE.

1.2 Structure of the information and warnings

The following types of information and warnings are used in this documentation.

Description of the information

Description of the warning

1.3 Rights to claim under limited warranty

A requirement of fault-free operation and fulfillment of any rights to claim under limited war-
ranty is that you adhere to the information in the documentation at hand. Therefore, read the
documentation before you start working with the software and the connected products from
Make sure that the documentation is available to persons responsible for the machinery and
its operation as well as to persons who work independently on the devices. You must also
ensure that the documentation is legible.

1.4 Exclusion of liability

Please observe this documentation as well as the documentation for the software used and
the connected products of SEW-EURODRIVE. Otherwise safe operation is impossible and
the specified product features and performance characteristics cannot be ensured.

SEW-EURODRIVE assumes no liability for injury to persons or damage to equipment or

property resulting from non-observance of the documentation. In such cases,
SEW-EURODRIVE assumes no liability for defects.

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1.5 Terms of use

SEW-EURODRIVE grants the non-transferable right to use a copy of the software for an un-
limited period, including the corresponding documentation and media (together called: "mate-
rial") according to the detailed terms of use and other contractual agreements.

Updates or extensions to the applicable material that are provided as part of an agreement of
transfer of possession or other contract (such as maintenance contract) are also part of the
material provided.

All material is owned by SEW-EURODRIVE and is protected by copyright. If no legal excep-

tions apply, it is expressly forbidden to:

 Reproduce the material temporarily or permanently, in whole or in part, except for the
purpose of designated and contractual uses, or for the creation of a legally permitted
backup to ensure future use.
 Translate or modify the software, or to reproduce the results achieved.

You are obliged to prevent unauthorized access of third parties to the provided material.
SEW-EURODRIVE remains the owner of all rights, even if you modify the material by com-
bining it with your own programs or those of a third party.

If detailed terms of use are displayed during the software installation and must be accepted
before the software can be used, these also apply in addition to the terms of use described

1.6 Product names and trademarks

All product names in this documentation are trademarks or registered trademarks of their
respective titleholders.

1.7 Copyright notice

© 2021 – SEW-EURODRIVE. All rights reserved. Copyright law prohibits the unauthorized
reproduction, modification, distribution and use of this document – in whole or in part.

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2 Safety notes

2.1 Preliminary information

The following basic safety notes are used for the avoidance of injuries and property damage,
and they refer primarily to the use of the products documented here. If you also use other
components, also observe the warnings and safety notes that apply to them.

2.2 Use

As the user, you must ensure that the basic safety notes are observed and complied with.
Make sure that persons responsible for the machinery and its operation as well as persons
who work on the device independently have read through the documentation carefully and
have understood it. If you are unclear about any of the information in this documentation, or if
you require further information, contact SEW-EURODRIVE.

The following safety notes refer to the use of the software.

This document does not replace the detailed documentation for the connected devices. This
document assumes that the user has access to and is familiar with the documentation for all
connected products.

Do not perform installation or startup if the product is damaged.

Removing covers without authorization, improper use, or incorrect installation and operation
may result in severe injuries to persons or damage to machinery.

2.3 Target group

Any work with the software used may be performed only by a trained specialist. A specialist
in this context is someone who has the following qualifications:

 Appropriate training
 Knowledge of this documentation and other applicable documentation
 SEW-EURODRIVE recommends additional product training for products that are op-
erated using this software.

The above-mentioned persons must have the express authorization of the company to oper-
ate, program, parameterize, label and ground units, systems and electrical circuits in accord-
ance with the standards of safety technology.

All work in additional areas of transportation, storage, operation and waste disposal must be
carried out only by persons who have received suitable training in these areas.

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2.4 Other applicable documentation

Observe the following other applicable documentation:

 "MOVI-C® CONTROLLER power UHX85A and power eco UHX84A" manual


Always use the latest edition of documentation and software.

The SEW-EURODRIVE website (‑ provides a wide selection of

documents for download in various languages. If required, you can order printed and bound
copies of the documentation from SEW-EURODRIVE.

2.5 Bus systems

A bus system makes it possible to adapt electronic drive technology components to the par-
ticulars of the machinery within wide limits. There is a risk that a change of parameters that
cannot be detected externally may result in unexpected (but not uncontrolled) system behav-
ior and may have a negative impact on operational safety, system availability, or data securi-

Ensure that unauthorized access is prevented, especially with respect to Ethernet-based

networked systems and engineering interfaces.

Use IT‑specific safety standards to increase access protection to the ports. For a port over-
view, refer to the respective technical data of the device in use.

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3 MOVISUITE® standard: The future of automation

START SCREEN: Project creation

Once you have opened MOVISUITE®, you

can create a new project or open an existing
project on a user-friendly start screen.

Under the "Projects" tab, you can perform

further project functions, such as "Open",
"Save", "Save as", "Export" and "Import",
and you can configure the communication.

The other tabs let you write a feedback e-

mail to SEW-EURODRIVE, change the lan-
guage, and make other settings.

MOVISUITE®: Circle view

The MOVISUITE® circle view is a simple

project view with the focus on the functionali-
ty and startup of the individual device.

The circle view is mainly intended for pro-

jects with many axes without MOVI-C®

The circle view is also suited for diagnostics

and maintenance of a system whose seg-
ments or devices can be detected by bar-
codes or similar tools. In this view you can
automatically navigate to the respective
plant segment or device.

MOVISUITE®: Tree view

The MOVISUITE® tree view is intended for

large projects with a complex structure and
many devices.

This view provides an overview of all devices

and their states at any time.

Notification symbols indicate device faults

and startup warnings so you can easily pin-
point and eliminate faults during startup and

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MOVISUITE® provides a clearly structured,

context-sensitive catalog with all the compo-

Extensive filter options as well as a full text

search let you easily select components.


MOVISUITE® makes available a combined

network project view.

In the network view, all scanned devices are

displayed in hierarchical order. In the project
view, the devices are displayed in a struc-
tured manner. You can assign the physical
devices to the device modules in the project
view by drag and drop.

MOVISUITE®: Starting up the drive train

Starting up the drive train is provided in

MOVISUITE® by a simple, guided startup
procedure for motor, brake, encoder, gear
unit, and other mechanical components.

Drive train startup also offers additional func-

tions such as determining the load moment
of inertia and simple controller optimization.

Taking a "motor" into operation has never

been that easy!

MOVISUITE®: Manual mode

MOVISUITE® offers the manual mode tool

that can be used, for example, when starting
up the device.

Manual mode provides a speed-controlled

mode. It additionally provides modes such
as positioning, load cycling and cycle mode
that facilitate starting up and optimizing the
drive train.

Also an emergency mode is provided in the

event of distance encoder faults so that the

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drive can be moved to a service position in a
speed-controlled manner.


MOVISUITE® provides the "Scope" tool that

lets you record parameters and signals for
convenient evaluation.

Single trace mode is available for measure-

ments with a maximum of 10 signals and a
minimum sampling cycle of 250 us. Contin-
uous trace mode is available for long-time


Safety components can be taken into opera-

tion with MOVISUITE® using the Assist
DriveSafety software.

The Assist DriveSafety software takes over

the entire parameter setting of the safety-
related parameters, creation of the ac-
ceptance protocol, and validation.


MOVISUITE® represents the complete inte-

gration of control technology into project
management. Due to the automated code
generation, the IEC project is automatically
synchronized with the engineered devices
and the respective tasks and configurations
are performed.

Users can focus fully on creating the pro-


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Communication protocol: "DataStream"

and "ApplicationService"

The communication protocol "DataStream"

and "ApplicationService" has been optimized
for sending large amounts of data. The
transmission time of a complete data set of a
MOVIDRIVE® inverter could be reduced
from 90 seconds to 3 seconds thanks to the

The communication protocol is not compati-

ble with "Movilink".

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4 Advantages of MOVISUITE® standard

4.1 User interface

Advantage Description
Function view In the function view, you can structure the device mod-
ules as you wish. You can create a logical image of your
plant or application and structure the devices accordingly.
Combined network view / In the combined network view / function view, you can
function view easily assign the scanned devices to the function view by
drag and drop.
Function view: Circle view The user focuses on an individual device.
Function view: Tree view Provides the user with an overview of the entire project
and its devices.
Status display in the tree view The status display gives the user an overview of the sta-
tus of the devices in the project.
Device faults, warnings, and information are indicated
with the respective notification symbols.
Detailed messages and re- A pop-up window can be opened for every message that
medial measures via pop-up is displayed in the function with a notification symbol. The
windows pop-up window shows the message with an explanation
and remedial measures to eliminate the fault. In some
cases, action buttons are provided.
Edit functions in the function In the function view, devices can be sorted and structured
view as required. Functions, such as cut, copy, paste, delete,
select are available for this purpose.
Project creation wizard Using the project creation wizard, you can create a pro-
ject in just a few steps and apply the devices in the pro-

4.2 Project and data management

Advantage Description
Project management All devices are managed in a project. The data of the
project are saved in the project. In this way the project
can be easily transferred.
Transferring the project via The projects and comments by the customer can be sent
ready-made contact form using the ready-made contact form.
Planning work phase In the planning phase, a project can be prepared without
connected devices (at the office). It can also be evaluat-
Startup work phase In the startup phase, a project can be edited with con-
nected devices (at the plant).
Device replacement function When a device or unit has been replaced, the corre-
sponding notification symbol appears on the user inter-
Recognizing changes in the If the data set of the device differs from that of the project
data set database, a notification symbol appears.

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"PCdevice" and Data set synchronization functions for individual de-
"DevicePC" vices.
"PCdevices" and Data set synchronization functions for all selected devic-
"DevicesPC" es.
"PCall devices" and Data set synchronization functions for all devices in the
"All devicesPC" project.
Reset device fault Central function for resetting a device fault for individual
devices, several devices, and all devices in the project.
Copy data from one device to Data sets of a device family can be copied from one de-
another vice to another.
Export/import data sets of Data sets can be exported as file. These exported data
devices sets can be imported again.
Exporting/importing the The entire project can be exported and later imported
project again.
Versioning of modules The device modules and software modules are ver-
sioned. This means the configuration with its parameter
view and the functions in the tools exactly match the re-
spective firmware of the device and directly reflect the

Additionally, modules can be reloaded manually so that

new devices can be reloaded without having to update
MOVISUITE® standard.

4.3 Tools: Manual mode

Advantage Description
Manual mode In manual mode, MOVI-C® inverters can be moved in
speed controlled speed-controlled mode.
Manual mode In manual mode, MOVI-C® inverters can be operated in
position controlled the following new positioning modes:
- Position-controlled manual mode
- Load cycling
- Cycle mode
Manual mode emergency In manual mode, a device can be moved in "emergency
mode – external encoder mode – external encoder defective" mode even if the
defective external encoder is defective. Parameters need not be
set differently for this purpose!

4.4 Tools: Scope

Advantage Description
Offline scope Measurement data in the inverter are recorded and read
and displayed in MOVISUITE® Scope.
Online scope The current measurement values are displayed online in
Data logger Long-time measurements can be made with
MOVISUITE® Scope and stored on the hard disk.
10 recording channels Up to 10 recording channels can be used.

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Maximum of 3 trigger sources A maximum of 3 trigger sources can be configured
can be used and connected.
Filter functions for trigger Filter functions can be added for the trigger function, for
example to detect a trigger only when the signal has a
certain length.
Clearly arranged display of Curves are displayed in different colors and can be
curve profiles scaled as required.
Recording channel groups Recording channels can be combined into groups in the
display. Various automatic grouping functions are availa-
ble as well as a user-defined grouping function.
Comparing measurements An exported measurement can be added to an existing
measurement. This function can be used, for example, to
compare and evaluate two measurements that record the
same travel cycle.

4.5 Tools: Comparison

Advantage Description
Comparison of several Several devices can be compared. You can specify
devices whether you want to use offline or online data for the de-
An online-offline comparison is also possible.
Visualization of differences The differences are visualized in color.
Filter function A filter function can be used to specify that only differ-
ences are indicated. Also display values can be shown or
Applying values Users can take over individual values, an entire page of
parameters, or the entire parameter set from one device
to another device.

It is also possible to transfer individual values, a page of

parameters or the entire parameter set of a device to all
other displayed devices.

4.6 MOVIKIT®: MultiMotion

Advantage Description
Embedding MultiMotion func- MultiMotion functions embedded in the MOVIKIT® mod-
tionality ule.

Reduced complexity In this group, users are offered all functions needed for
setting parameters.
Additional settings for this purpose are made in the back-

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4.7 Programming applications (MOVI-C® flexible)

Advantage Description
Automatic creation of the IEC code generation makes it possible to use the existing
IEC project MOVISUITE® project with the devices engineered in
MOVISUITE® to generate an IEC project.

If the combination of devices is changed in

MOVISUITE®, the IEC project can be synchronized by
means of an IEC project update.

This function integrates the IEC Editor into MOVISUITE®

and significantly reduces the time needed for program-
Integrating the IEC Editor in The IEC project is integrated into the data management

Users can no longer "lose" project data. All data is saved

with a click of the mouse.

4.8 Configuring applications (MOVI-C® smart)

(not yet supported)

Advantage Description

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5 System requirements / version info / system package

The system package consisting of MOVISUITE® standard, MOVI-C® inverter firmware, and
controller firmware must be used to ensure a reliable functioning of MOVISUITE® standard
and MOVI-C® device firmware.

The requirements are described in the system package documentation enclosed with each
system package.

Hardware System requirements

Processor 1 GHz 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit processor
RAM At least 4 GB RAM, 8 GB recommended
Hard disk space At least 20 GB
of these at least 19,2 GB on the system drive
Graphics card At least 2 GB graphics memory
Screen resolution 1280 x 800 or higher

Software System requirements

MOVISUITE® MOVISUITE® is a 32-bit application
Operating system Windows 8.1 32-bit / 64-bit
Windows 10 32-bit / 64-bit
Framework MIRCOSOFT .NET Framework 4.72
Installer MICROSOFT Windows Installer 3.1 or higher

Enter the following programs in your virus scanner:

Programs to be entered in virus scanner


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6 Installing MOVISUITE® standard

6.1 Installing MOVISUITE® standard

MOVISUITE® standard is installed using an installation wizard.

The installation wizard is stored in the system package in the "MOVISUITE setup" directory.

Run the MOVISUITEsetup.exe file and follow the instructions of the installation wizard.

Figure 1: Installation wizard

The following components are installed with the MOVISUITE® wizard. The installation time
can take more than 90 minutes.

Information regarding the installation time:

Starting with MOVISUITE® version V2.10, only the components that have not
yet been installed and changed will be installed when updating the version,
which reduces installation time accordingly.

Component Comments Duration

Driver and redis- Installation of drivers and .NET redistributables 5 minutes
MOVISUITE® The MOVISUITE® standard user interface is installed. 5 minutes
standard An already installed version is uninstalled before in-
stalling MOVISUITE® standard.

MOVISUITE® standard is installed completely with all

device descriptions.

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IEC Editor IEC Editor installation. 30 min

The IEC Editor is only installed if it has not yet been in-
stalled on your computer.

To uninstall the IEC Editor, use the Windows function

"Control Panel\Uninstall Programs and Features".
IEC packages Installation of IEC packages. Already installed IEC pack- 50 min
ages are uninstalled before installation.

The version of the installation package and of the MOVISUITE® user interface is indicated in
the status bar of the installation wizard.

Figure 2: Installation version

Information regarding installation:

If a message appears during installation prompting you to reboot your computer,
perform the reboot. After the reboot, start and run the MOVISUITE® installation

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6.2 Silent installation/uninstallation

The setup of MOVISUITE® allows for "silent" installation and uninstallation, which means
without graphical user interface. (> MOVISUITE V2.3)

In this way the installation can be automated. This is in particular useful for customers who
have to distribute and manage MOVISUITE® on many systems at their companies.

An interface in the form of transfer parameters for starting the setup as well as return codes
for evaluation through a program logic are available for automated use of the setup.

- Transfer parameters for starting the setup

- Return codes for conversion by a separate program logic

The parameters are based on the predecessor software "MotionStudio" to make it easier for
existing customers to switch to the new software.

Following a list of transfer parameters and return codes.

6.2.1 Transfer parameters for starting the setup

Designation Transfer Description and example

Installation type -u Uninstallation (MOVISUITE® and modules, without
IEC Editor)

Default value:
No entry -> complete installation
Target folder -p Target folder where the software package will be installed.


"C:\Program Files (x86)\SEW" should be used preferably.

This is the default target folder. The folder "MOVISUITE
standard" is appended automatically at the end:
"C:\temp\MOVISUITE standard"
User interface -qn Automatic (un)installation without user interface.
level (For result, see "return codes")

Default: no automatic (un)installation

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6.2.2 Return codes

Return code Description

0 Setup successful.
-1 Error
A detailed log file is saved in the log folder. The log folder is located
parallel to the target folder (example: C:\Program Files
-2 Setup successful, restart necessary.
-3 Partial installation completed successfully,
restart required,
installation will continue after restart.

(does not apply to silent installation)

-4 Partial installation completed successfully,
restart required,
installation must be continued manually after restart.
-5 .Net-Framework 4.5 or later missing
-6 Faulty command line parameters
-7 Faulty path entered in the command line
-8 Setup aborted by the user

(does not apply to silent installation)

6.2.1 Sample

Command line for silent installation:

MovisuiteSetup.exe -p„C:\Program Files (x86)\SEW“ -qn

Command line for silent deinstallation:

MovisuiteSetup.exe -u -qn

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6.3 Allowing programs through the firewall

To use MOVISUITE, all programs of the software package must be allowed access through
your firewall.

Allowing programs through your firewall
 If you do not use a Windows Firewall, make sure that the following programs
are not blocked by your firewall.

Program Protocols Ports

SEW.CS2.Client.exe 300-310
SEW.CS2.Server.CommunicationController.Starter.exe (for versions 8001
lower than V2.10.x.x) 16001
SEW.CS2.ModuleCreator.RestApiHost.exe (optional) TCP/IP 8001, 16001
CODESYS.exe TCP 11740-11743
GatewaySysTray.exe UDP 1740-1743
Fernwartung FTP TCP 21
Fernwartung Telnet TCP 23

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6.4 Versioning of MOVISUITE® standard

The MOVISUITE® standard software is identified by a 4-digit version number. This version
number is displayed both in the installation wizard (see 6.1) and in MOVISUITE® in the main
menu (see 9.6).

The version number is structured as follows:

Major version Minor version Build number Release

Is incremented if major Is incremented with each Is incremented with each Version type
functions have been new series version. build process and there-  Release
added to MOVISUITE® or fore represents a unique  Release candidate
have been changed. number.  Service pack
 Hotfix

The release includes the version type and is coded differently depending on the version type.

Version type Release numbering

(ten thousands digit) (units, tens, hundreds digits)

Version type:

The version type distinguishes between the following version types:

Version type Type Short Meaning Effect

number name
0 Series Series version Is made available on
the internet and as
1 Release candidate RCx Test version of a series Is made available
version with release x only SEW-internally
for test purposes.
2 Field test version FTx Field test version with Is made available to
release x selected customers
and SEW employees
for a field test.
3 Current develop- CDy Development version This version is only
ment with build y available to the de-
velopment in the form
of a current build
state (nightly build).

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6.4.1 Series versions: Version type = 0

In the release, service packs and hotfixes are coded.

Service Hotfix
Version type
pack (units digit and tens
(ten thousands digit)
(hundreds digit)

The short name for service packs and hotfixes is shown as follows:

SPx, HFy

Calculation rule

Release = service pack * 100 + hotfix

Release Version Service Hotfix Meaning
type pack
100 0 1 - Series with service pack 1
103 0 1 3 Series with service pack 1 and hotfix 3

6.4.2 Release candidate and field test versions: Version type = 1 or 2

A field test or release candidate version is identified as follows:

Version type Release no.

(ten thousands digit) (units, tens, hundreds digits)

An increasing number is coded in the release number.

Release Version Release Meaning
type no.
10005 1 5 Release candidate with release no. 5
20003 2 3 Field test version with release no. 3

6.4.3 Current development versions: Version type = 3

The current development version represents the internal development version of the
MOVISUITE® software. The release number is always 30000.

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7 Starting MOVISUITE® standard

During the installation of MOVISUITE® standard, a shortcut is created on the desktop for
starting the software.

Instead of using the shortcut, you can start MOVISUITE® standard via the Windows start

Figure 3: Opening MOVISUITE® standard via Windows start menu

Click on .

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8 Control elements of MOVISUITE® standard

The following screen is shown after having started the software:

Program title bar


Program work area

Status line

Figure 4: Control elements of MOVISUITE®

MOVISUITE® standard automatically loads the last project. If no project is available, a new,
empty project will be created and displayed.

You can disable or enable this function via MOVISUITE® standard |Start under Last opened

Figure 5: Always start with last project

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8.1 Program title bar and toolbar
1 2 3 4 5

The topmost bar in MOVISUITE® standard is the program title bar. The program title bar
offers the following functions:

No. Name Description

1 Main menu The main menu offers the following functions:
- Start
- Project
- Contact
- Search
- Documentation (not yet supported)
- Language
- Settings
- Program information
2 Project name Here the name of the project is displayed. A save button is
located next to the name. Clicking this button lets you
save changes made after a device SCAN, for example.
3 Work phases The following modes are available for the work phases:
1. Planning: In this mode, no communication is estab-
lished with the physically connected devices. This
means data is saved only in the project database
of MOVISUITE® and is read from there.
2. Startup: In this mode, communication is estab-
lished with the physically connected devices. This
means data is saved in the project database of
MOVISUITE® as well as in the device.
4 Global functions Direct calling of global functions
1. Feedback: Opens the feedback window in the main
2. Search (not yet implemented): Opens the search in
the main menu.
3. Documentation (not yet implemented): Reference
to documents in the main menu
4. Language setting: Opens the language setting in
the main menu
5 Windows control They offer the known functions close, minimize, maximize,
buttons and restore

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1 2 3 4

The second bar in MOVISUITE® standard is the toolbar. The toolbar offers the following

No. Name Description

1 Breadcrumb with device The breadcrumb shows the path and the selected device.
name and path
The breadcrumb is only displayed in the configuration.
2 Context-related toolbar The context-related toolbar functions are available in the
functions framework work area depending on the current context.
The context-related toolbar functions are described in the
following chapters.
3 Edit toolbar functions The edit toolbar functions provide the following options:
- Display mode (standard/expert mode)
- Undo (not implemented)
- Redo (not implemented)
- Cut
- Copy
- Paste
- Delete
- Enable/disable selection mode
4 More menu The More menu offers all toolbar functions. These toolbar
functions are available or dimmed depending on the con-

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8.2 More menu

The More menu offers all toolbar functions. These toolbar functions are available or dimmed
depending on the context.

The More menu consists of several levels. This means that certain entries, such as the Edit
menu item, have a lower-level menu that opens when positioning the mouse pointer over the
menu item.

Figure 6: Context menu

Function Subfunction Description

Show function view --- Switches to the function view.
Show function and --- Switches to the combined network view.
network views

Open configuration --- If you have selected a device in the function view,
you can choose this menu item to open the con-
figuration for setting the device parameters. The
integrated view of the configuration opens.
Open configuration --- The configuration for a selected device is opened
as window in a separate window.

Circle view --- Shows the function view as circle view.

Tree view --- Shows the function view as tree view.

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Add structure node --- Inserts a new structure node at the currently se-
lected node.

Add from catalog --- Inserts a new device or software module from the

Clicking this menu item opens the catalog auto-


Edit Rename Renames the selected node or segment.

Cut Cuts the selected node.
Copy Copies the selected node and its subnode.
Paste Inserts the copied or cut node.
Delete Deletes the selected node.

Navigation mode (Default)

Navigation mode allows for navigating with a sin-
gle click. With a single click, either another node
level (circle navigation) is shown, or the configura-
tion is opened.
Selection mode Selection mode allows for navigating with a dou-
ble click and selecting nodes with a single click.

Deselect all Cancels the selection of all nodes.

Clear network Deletes all devices in the network view.
Clear function view Deletes all device modules in the function view.

Reset device fault --- This function lets you reset a fault that occurred in
the currently selected device.
Reset all device --- This function lets you reset the faults of all devic-
faults es in the project.

Activate configura- --- Activates configuration state in the device.

tion state
Update device --- Updates the device addresses of all devices. This
addresses is necessary when the configuration state of the
MOVI-C® CONTROLLER is changed.

Update IEC project --- The IEC project is updated. If no IEC project is
present, a new IEC project will be created.

This function automatically updates the configura-

tion data.
Update configura- --- The configuration data for the IEC project are
tion data updated.

PC  device --- The data of the selected node(s) is loaded from

the project database into the device.
PC  devices --- The data of the selected node(s) and all lower-
level nodes is loaded from the project database
into the device.
Device  PC --- The data of the selected node(s) is loaded from

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the device into the project database.
Devices  PC --- The data of the selected node(s) and all lower-
level nodes is loaded from the devices into the
project database.

PC  all devices --- The data of all nodes in the projects are loaded
from the project database into the devices.
All devices  PC --- The data of all nodes in the projects is loaded
from the devices into the project database.

Copy data --- Copies the data of the selected node.

Paste data --- Inserts the data of the copied node into the se-
lected node. In "Startup" mode, the data is also
loaded into the device.

Manage data Export Exports the selected node to a file.

Import Imports an exported file and adds the nodes to
the selected segment.

Network Scan Starts scanning the network.

Configure commu- Opens the communication configuration window
nication for setting the communication connections.
Show function and Switches to the combined network view.
network views
Disconnect device The connection between network and function
view of the selected node is unassigned.

Compare --- Opens the comparison tool for comparing data

sets of two or several devices.

Project New project Creates a new project.

Open project Opens an existing project.
Save project Saves the changes made to a project.
Save project as... Saves the project under another name.
Import project Imports a project and opens the imported project.
Export project Exports the currently open project.

Search Open search Opens the search window.

Next search hit Goes to the next search hit.
Previous search hit Goes to the previous search hit.

Help Operating instruc- Available documentation is displayed depending

tions on the selected device.

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8.3 Program work area

The program work area is the area that displays the entire project and its structure. The fol-
lowing chapters describe two different display modes for the function view.

8.3.1 Circle view

In the circle view, the user is focused on the current device. The device is represented by a
large circle in the middle of the screen.

The directly connected devices and structure nodes are shown as child nodes.



1 5

7 6
1 1


Figure 7: Program work area in the circle view

The program work area offers the following functions:

No. Function Description

1 Catalog Clicking the Catalog tab opens and closes the catalog. In
the catalog, you can choose products/devices and solutions
that you can add to the project.
2 Network Clicking the Network tab opens and closes the network
view. Operating principle, see Fehler! Verweisquelle konn-
te nicht gefunden werden..
3 Project node Shows the project node, which means the root node of the
4 Hierarchy path Represents the path that lists all the direct, higher-level
5 Current nodes (in the ex- The current node shows the currently selected node. This
ample the current device) node can be a project node, a structure node, or a device

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6 Child node (in the exam- Shows the lower-level nodes. This node can be a struc-
ple a device node) ture node or a device node.
7 Child node (in the example
a structure node)
8 Configuration navigation You can use the navigation nodes to directly go to the con-
node figuration of a device.

8.3.2 Tree view

The tree view provides an overview of the entire project.

All device nodes and structure nodes are displayed in this view.

3 1


6 5
1 1



Figure 8: Program work area in the tree view

The program work area offers the following functions:

No. Function Description

1 Catalog Clicking the Catalog tab opens and closes the catalog. In
the catalog, you can choose products/devices and solutions
that you can add to the project.
2 Network Clicking the Network tab opens the network view. Operating
principle, see Fehler! Verweisquelle konnte nicht gefun-
den werden..
3 Project node Shows the project node, which means the root node of the
4 MOVI-C® CONTROLLER The lower-level nodes are the child nodes. Lower-level
device module nodes can be of the following type:
- Structure nodes: divide the project into areas.
- Device nodes: represent the instanced devices.

The example shows a MOVI-C® CONTROLLER device


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5 MOVIDRIVE® device Shows the MOVIDRIVE® device node.
6 Structure node Shows a structure node.

Individual branches can be expanded and collapsed:

Figure 9: Expanding branches

To do so, position the mouse pointer over an intersection. A "–" is displayed. Clicking this
minus sign collapses the node:

Figure 10: Collapsing branches

To expand the node again, click the plus sign.

8.3.3 Structure elements

Structure nodes have been implemented to allow for clearly structured MOVISUITE® pro-

Structure nodes let you divide MOVISUITE® projects into substructures.

This means that all MOVISUITE® users can organize their projects in various subareas and
assign names to them.

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8.3.4 Keyboard commands in circle view

Keyboard action Result

→  If a child node is selected, the focus and selection will change to the
adjacent child node to the left in the hierarchy level of the subtree 
changes to the next child node in clockwise direction.
 If there is no adjacent element to the left in the hierarchy level of the
subtree, then the element that is furthest to the right in the hierarchy
level of the subtree is focused  changes to the next child node in
clockwise direction.
 If another element than a child node is selected, no action will be per-
 If you additionally keep the shift key pressed down, the previous se-
lection or multiple selection is maintained. If you additionally press
down the Ctrl key, only the focus will move and the selection will not
←  If a child node is selected, the focus and selection will change to the
adjacent child node to the right in the hierarchy level of the subtree
 changes to the next child node in counterclockwise direction.
 If there is no adjacent element to the right in the hierarchy level of
the subtree, then the element that is furthest to the left in the hierar-
chy level of the subtree is focused  changes to the next child node
in counterclockwise direction.
 If another element than a child node is selected, no action will be per-
 If you additionally keep the shift key pressed down, the previous se-
lection or multiple selection is maintained. If you additionally press
down the Ctrl key, only the focus will move and the selection will not
↑/Backspace Focus and selection change to the higher-level element in the hierarchy.
 From the child node to the current node.
 From the child node to the lowest hierarchy node.
 From the hierarchy node to its higher-level hierarchy node.
 From the project node, the focus is not changed.
 If you additionally keep the shift key pressed down, the previous se-
lection or multiple selection is maintained. If you additionally press
down the Ctrl key, only the focus will move and the selection will not
↓ Focus and selection change to the lower-level element in the hierarchy.
 From the current node to the child node. First child node of the hier-
archy path in clockwise direction.
 From the hierarchy node to its lower-level hierarchy node.
 If a child node is focused, the focus will not change.
 If you additionally keep the shift key pressed down, the previous se-
lection or multiple selection is maintained. If you additionally press
down the Ctrl key, only the focus will move and the selection will not
Enter Has the same function as a single mouse click.
Space bar The currently focused element is selected/deselected.
Escape Ends the current functions (e.g. popups will close).

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Context menu Opens the context menu of the currently selected node.
key/shift + F10
F2 Opens the function for renaming the currently focused element (it the ele-
ment permits this).

8.3.5 Keyboard commands in tree view

Keyboard action Result

→ Focus and selection change to the adjacent element to the right in the current
hierarchy level (if present). No action will be performed if no adjacent ele-
ment is present. If you additionally press down the shift key, the previous
selection (multiple selection) will be maintained. If you additionally press
down the Ctrl key, only the focus will move and the selection will not change.
← Focus and selection change to the adjacent element to the left in the current
hierarchy level (if present). An action will be performed if no adjacent ele-
ment is present. If you additionally press down the shift key, the previous
selection (multiple selection) will be maintained. If you additionally press
down the Ctrl key, only the focus will move and the selection will not change.
↑/Backspace Focus and selection change to the higher-level element.
 From the lower semi-circle to the upper semi-circle.
 From the upper semi-circle to the parent.
 From the structure node to the parent.
If you additionally press down the shift key, the previous selection (multiple
selection) will be maintained. If you additionally press down the Ctrl key, only
the focus will move and the selection will not change.
↓ Focus and selection change to the lower-level element.
 From the structure node to the child.
If you additionally press down the shift key, the previous selection (multiple
selection) will be maintained. If you additionally press down the Ctrl key, only
the focus will move and the selection will not change.
Enter Navigates to the element.
Space bar The currently focused element is selected/deselected.
Pos1 / Home The first element of the current hierarchy level is focused and selected.
End The last element of the current hierarchy level is focused and selected.
Ctrl + Pos1 / The first element of the current hierarchy level is scrolled into the visible area
Home in a focused manner but is not selected.
Ctrl + End The last element of the current hierarchy level (at the far right) is scrolled into
the visible area in a focused manner but is not selected.
Shift + Pos1 / The first element in the current hierarchy level is selected and a possible se-
Home lection within the hierarchy level is expanded. If no element is selected, the
first element of the hierarchy level will be selected.
Already existing selections in other hierarchy levels will be discarded.
Shift + End The last element in the current hierarchy level is selected and a possible se-
lection within the hierarchy level is expanded. If no element is selected, the
last element of the hierarchy level will be selected.
Already existing selections in other hierarchy levels will be discarded.
Insert Opens the product catalog for an existing selection.
Del The currently selected items are deleted.
Page up↑ Scrolls to the top in the view without changing the selection and focus.
Page down↓ Scrolls to the bottom in the view without changing the selection and focus.

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Shift + Page up↑ Scrolls to the left in the view without changing the selection and focus.
Shift + Page Scrolls to the right in the view without changing the selection and focus.
Ctrl + Page up↑ Scrolls to the very top in the view without changing the selection and focus.
Ctrl + Page Scrolls to the very bottom in the view without changing the selection and
down↓ focus.
+ Shows a hidden subtree (if present) under the currently focused element.
- Hides an open subtree under the currently focused element.
Escape Ends the current functions (e.g. popups will close).
Context menu Opens the context menu of the currently selected node.
key/shift + F10
F2 Opens the function for renaming the currently selected element (it the ele-
ment permits this).

8.4 Context menu

Context menus are available in many areas of the program work area. To open a context
menu, make a right mouse click on the desired item (on a node for example).

The context menu shows all functions that apply to the current context.

Example of a context menu for an MDA90A device node:

Figure 11: Context menu

The context menu functions are a subset of the functions provided in the More menu.

For a description of the functions, refer to chapter 8.2 and the More menu, see 8.2.

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8.5 Status bar

Figure 12: Status bar

The status bar shows status information regarding the system and devices.

No. Function Description

1 Communication status The communication status display shows information about
display the connection status as follows:
- Database + devices (startup mode or operating
mode): A communication connection has been es-
tablished with the physical devices.
- Database (planning mode): No communication con-
nection has been established with the physical de-

When changing the work phase, the communication status display opens and the communi-
cation status window is displayed. The communication status window shows the current
communication status as well as where data is saved.

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9 Using project management

Project management can be opened via MOVISUITE® menu.

Figure 13: Main menu

Clicking the "MOVISUITE®" button opens the menu.

9.1 "Start" page

If the Start tab [1] is not yet selected, click on it. This page lists the most important initial func-
tions for project management.

2 3

Figure 14: Start in the main menu

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The Start menu offers the following functions:

Function Description
Planning For creating a new project.
From network scan For creating a new project and performing the scan automatically.
Open... Opens an existing project.
Import... For importing a MOVISUITE® project.
Last opened projects Here you can choose the last project you have opened.

9.2 "Projects" page

If the Projects tab [1] is not yet selected, click on it.


Figure 15: Project in the main menu

The following project functions are available:

Function Description
New... Create new project
Open... Opens an existing project.
Save Saves a project.
Save as... Saves the current project under another name.
Properties Displays and changes project properties.
Communication Communication settings of the PC (see 9).
Export... For exporting a project.
Import... For importing a project.

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9.3 "Contact" page

You can click the Contact tab [1] if you would like to send feedback to SEW-EURODRIVE.
On the Contact page, you can enter user data. You can attach the current MOVISUITE®
project to an e-mail by clicking "Attach project to this inquiry".

"Name", "Company" and "Inquiry text" are mandatory fields and must be entered.

Clicking the "Create e-mail" button [2] lets you create an e-mail. The e-mail will be displayed
in the standard e-mail program of your computer from where you can send it once you have
entered a recipient. 1

Figure 16: Contact in the main menu

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9.4 "Language" page

On the Language page, you can set the language. Choose the required language and apply
the setting by clicking the "Apply" button [3]. Instead, you can double click the flag [2] of the
respective country.

Figure 17: Language selection in the main menu

The following languages are available:

Abbreviation Language
DE German
FR French
EN English
RU Russian
ZH Chinese
ES Spanish
PT Brazilian Portuguese

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9.5 "Settings" page

On the "Settings" page you can make global settings for MOVISUITE®.

Figure 18: Settings in the main menu

You can make the following settings:

Setting Meaning
Start options
Always start with last With this setting, the last project is always loaded automatically
project when opening MOVISUITE®.
Show start screen This option lets you disable or enable the start screen that is
displayed when loading the program.
Show project phase When changing the project phase, the help is displayed automat-
help ically.
Activate hardware ren- You can use this option to enable or disable hardware rendering.
dering With this setting you specify whether the graphic is rendered on
the graphics card or via main CPU.
Activate online update Activates or deactivates online update.
Permission level
Permission level value Displays the currently set permission level.

The following permission levels are available:

1. Standard: (default setting): For all users.
2. Advanced: Selected users with additional permission.
3. Internal: SEW-internal permission level.
Permission level Password entry for activating the permission level.

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Data logging
Activate logging Activates data logging.
Log levels Serves to log the following messages:
 Fatal
 Error
 Warning
 Info
 Debug
 Trace
Memory space re- Size of memory space available for logging information
served for logging
Activate device status Starts a service in the background that reads and displays the
test current device status.
Activate consistency Starts a service in the background that checks whether the data
check sets of device and PC match.
Test interval For entering the interval at which the background service checks
the devices.
Project path of data Project path for the projects.
Create startup data For SEW-internal use only:
Creation of startup data sets.

9.6 "Program Information" page

The "Program information" page shows version information of MOVISUITE®.

Also the license agreement is displayed.


Figure 19: Program information in the main menu

You can close this page by clicking the main menu tab [2].

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10 Saving a project

The current MOVISUITE® project can be saved in different ways. The marking on the disk-
ette symbol on the save icon at the left next to the project name indicates whether a
MOVISUITE® project needs to be saved.

You can save the project three different ways:

1. Click the diskette symbol next to the project name
2. Click the "Save" button in the main menu (see 9.2).
3. Via the key combination Ctrl-S

Figure 20: Save button

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11 Node types

Various node types can be used in the MOVISUITE® project. These node types are de-
scribed in the following chapters.

11.1 Project node

The project node is the initial node in the MOVISUITE® project.

Figure 21: Project node in circle view

Figure 22: Project node in tree view

You can add structure nodes or device nodes to the project nodes via context menu or More

Figure 23: Adding structure node via context menu

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11.2 Structure node

Using structure nodes, you can subdivide the project into different areas.

You can insert a structure node via context menu of a selected device or via the More menu
by choosing Add structure node.

Figure 24: Structure node in circle view

Figure 25: Structure node in tree view

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11.3 MOVI-C® CONTROLLER: Device node

11.3.1 Layout in "circle view"

The figure below shows the device node for a controller (e.g. UHX85A).

A distinction is made between the upper area (hardware settings) and the lower area (appli-
cation settings).

In the hardware settings, you set all hardware-dependent parameters (such as interfaces,

In the application settings, the software module is inserted. Lower-level inverters and struc-
ture nodes can be added to the "Components" segment.

Hardware settings

4 3
1 1
7 1

1 Application settings

The device node consists of the following items:

No. Parameter segments

1 Interfaces
2 Components
3 Diagnostics
4 Tools
5 Device name
6 Device properties
7 Software module

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11.3.2 Layout in "tree view"

The figure below shows the device node for an inverter (e.g. MDX90A) in "tree view".

Hardware and diagnostics settings

Software module settings

Figure 26: Controller device node

Clicking on the upper half of the circle directly opens the configuration.

Instead, you can use the context menu to go to the configuration. Open the context menu
with a right mouse click. The following context menu is displayed:

Figure 27: Opening the configuration

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11.4 MOVI-C® inverter: Device node

11.4.1 Layout in "circle view"

The figure below shows the device node for an inverter (for example MDX90A).

A distinction is made between the upper area (hardware settings) and the lower area (appli-
cation settings).

In the hardware settings, you set all hardware-dependent parameters (such as interfaces,
options, and drive trains).

In the application settings, you set all device-independent parameters. The application func-
tions are implemented in the same way for all device variants because one function platform
is used for all MOVI-C® devices. It might occur, however, that the scope of functions differs
for the device variants, which means that certain functions do not exist.

1 2
1 Hardware settings
5 5
1 1
6 1

1 Application settings

The device node consists of the following items:

No. Parameter segments

1 Interfaces
2 Drive trains
3 Functions
4 Diagnostics
5 Tools
6 Device name
7 Device properties
8 Software module

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11.4.2 Layout in "tree view"

The figure below shows the device node for an inverter (e.g. MDX90A) in "tree view".

Hardware and diagnostics settings

Software module settings

Figure 28: Inverter device node

Clicking on the upper half of the circle directly opens the configuration.

Instead, you can use the context menu to go to the configuration. Open the context menu
with a right mouse click. The following context menu is displayed:

Figure 29: Opening the configuration

11.4.3 Device status

The current device status is indicated on the device node.

Figure 30: Device status in circle view Figure 31: Device status in tree view

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12 Navigating in the function view

The function view can be displayed in two different ways.

12.1 MOVISUITE® circle view

The MOVISUITE® circle view is a simple project view with the focus on the functionality and
startup of the individual device.

The circle view is mainly intended for projects with many axes without MOVI-C® CONTROL-

The circle view is also suited for diagnostics and maintenance of a system whose segments
or devices can be detected by barcodes or similar tools. In this view you can automatically
navigate to the respective plant segment or device.

When opening MOVISUITE®, the project node in the middle is shown as the current node
[1]. The lower-level devices or structure nodes are connected to the project node as child
nodes [2].


Figure 32: Structure of circle navigation

Clicking the child node focuses it so it can be used as the current node. Doing so makes the
child node (in the example a MOVI-C® CONTROLLER) the current node [1].

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Figure 33: Hierarchy path of circle navigation

The project node is moved to the so-called hierarchy path [2].

To return to the project node, click on it [2] once (in the hierarchy path).

To select the lower-level vehicle, select the node. The node will then be displayed as the
current node and the MOVI-C® CONTROLLER will be moved into the hierarchy path [3].

Figure 34: Device node in the hierarchy path

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12.2 MOVISUITE® tree view

The MOVISUITE® tree view is intended for large projects with a complex structure and many

This view provides an overview of all devices and their states at any time.

Figure 35: Tree view

The difference to the standard view is that the complete project tree is displayed in the expert
view. The nodes can be expanded and collapsed at the intersections [4] (see also 8.3.2).

12.3 Toggling between circle view and tree view

You can toggle between circle view and tree view in the following ways:

Toggling by: Description

Buttons in the toolbar

The blue mark indicates the currently selected view.

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More menu

The blue mark indicates the currently selected view.

Context menu
on the background of the
function view

The blue mark indicates the currently selected view.

Key combination F8

12.4 Scrolling and planning in tree view

If more nodes are present in the function view than can be displayed in the visible area, scroll
bars will appear to the right and at the bottom.

You can scroll using the following functions:

1. Scrolling with the scroll bar
2. Scrolling via keyboard
a. Mouse wheel for scrolling up or down
b. Ctrl + mouse wheel for scrolling left or right
3. Shifting using panning function
a. Clicking the mouse button on the background displays a hand cursor that you
can use to shift the area as required.
b. Panning can be performed by pressing Ctrl + Shift at the same time and keep-
ing the mouse button pressed. When doing so, all drag and drop functions
and selection functions are disabled.

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12.5 Zooming in tree view

Two zoom levels can be set in the function view.

You can toggle between the two zoom levels by clicking the zoom level 100% or zoom level
50% button on the toolbar.

Figure 36: Selecting the zoom level

Zoom level 100%:

The nodes are displayed as circles. The upper semi-circle represents the device, the lower
semi-circle represents the software module.

Figure 37: Zoom level 100%

Zoom level 50%:

The device nodes are displayed as semi-circles. The software module is not displayed.

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Figure 38: Zoom level 50%

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13 Editing the project

13.1 Adding structure nodes

Open the context menu of the segment to which you want to add a new structure node.

Choose New structure node from the context menu.

Circle view Tree view

13.2 Adding devices from the catalog

Open the context menu of the segment to which you want to add a new device.

Choose Add from catalog.

Circle view Tree view

13.3 Selection: Navigation mode and selection mode

In MOVISUITE®, a distinction is made in the function view between navigation mode and
selection mode.

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The required mode can be set in various ways:

Toggling by: Description

Buttons in the toolbar

The blue mark indicates the currently selected view.

More menu

The blue mark indicates the currently selected view.

Key combination Ctrl + M

13.3.1 Navigation mode:

In navigation mode, you can navigate with a single mouse click.

In circle navigation this means that clicking a child node will make it the current node. Click-
ing a parameter segment or parameter group in a device node, opens the configuration.

In tree navigation, clicking a node will directly open the configuration. Clicking the upper
segment opens the device configuration. Clicking the lower segment opens the software

You can select nodes using the shift key and a mouse click. If you select another node while
keeping the shift key pressed will select node key as well as all the other nodes inbetween.

You can select several nodes using the Ctrl key and a mouse click. Each node you click
while keeping the Ctrl key pressed will be selected.

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13.3.2 Selection mode

In selection mode you can navigate using double click and select using single click.

In circle navigation this means that double-clicking a child node will make it the current
node. Double-clicking a parameter segment or parameter group in a device node will open
the configuration.

In tree navigation, double-clicking a node changes directly to the configuration. Double-

clicking the upper segment opens the device configuration. Double-clicking the lower seg-
ment opens the software module.

A single click selects either the segment or the node.

You can select nodes using the shift key and a mouse click. If you select another node while
keeping the shift key pressed will select node key as well as all the other nodes inbetween.

You can select several nodes using the Ctrl key and a mouse click. Each node you click
while keeping the Ctrl key pressed will be selected.

13.4 Editing nodes

The context menu offers edit functions for the node.

These functions let you perform the following functions:

- Rename
- Cut
- Copy
- Paste
- Delete

If you select a node with lower-level devices and cut or copy it, all its child nodes will be in-
serted together with the node.

13.4.1 Moving nodes with drag and drop

Moving nodes in the function view using drag and drop is only possible in tree view.

You can do the following when selecting a structure node or device node while keeping the
mouse key pressed down:
1. Move the node onto another node.
2. Move the node to another position.

The target position is marked in green color.

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Figure 39: Moving nodes to another hierarchy level

Figure 40: Changing the sequence

13.4.2 Copying nodes with drag and drop

Copying nodes in the function view using drag and drop is only possible in tree view.

You can do the following when selecting a structure node or device node while keeping the
mouse key pressed down and at the same time pressing the Ctrl key:
1. Move the node onto another node and in this way create a copy of the node under-
neath a node.
2. Move the node to another position and create a copy of the node at that position.

The target position is marked in green color. A "+" sign is additionally shown at the cursor
position to indicate that the node has been copied.

13.5 Opening the configuration

Refer to chapter 17.1 and subsequent chapters for a description of how to open the configu-

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13.6 Opening the tools

You can open the tools using the context menu of the device:

Circle view Tree view

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14 Configuring communication interfaces

The menu for configuring the required communication interfaces is either

- opened automatically before a scan, if you have not yet configured other communica-
tion interfaces,
- you open it by clicking the Menu button in the program title bar and selecting

To configure the communication interfaces, click the MOVISUITE® tab.

Figure 41: Main menu

The menu opens.

At the moment, the start menu is now displayed automatically (this will be changed in the
future). Click the Project tab [1].

Next click the Communication tab [2] on the project page.




Figure 42: Configuring the communication interfaces

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The following interfaces [3] are offered:
- Ethernet
- EtherCAT®/SBusPLUS

14.1 Ethernet

Choose the Ethernet interface (1) in the area where the communication adapters are listed.

3 6
1 1

1 1 4



Figure 43: Configuring the Ethernet communication interface

Activate the interface with the Scan Ethernet button [3]. When the scan is activated, an icon
is displayed on the interface [2].

Choose the communication adapter to be used for scanning [4].

To configure the Ethernet adapters in Windows, click the Windows Network Connections
button [5] and set the parameters in the Ethernet PC adapter (see 14.1.1). You can read-in
the available adapters by clicking the Update adapters button.

In the list of IP addresses, you enter the IP addresses of the devices you want to scan [6].
This is necessary when a router is used and to avoid that all devices are connected in one

Additionally, you can enter the IP addresses of the required external EtherCAT® masters in
the list of external EtherCAT® masters [7].

The timeout time can set in the Timeout field [8].

If you change an entry, the Save and Cancel buttons will be displayed automatically.

To save the setting, click Save [9]. The menu closes automatically.

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14.1.1 Setting/reading the IP address parameters of the Ethernet-PC adapter

Do the following to determine the broadcast IP address:

Open the network connections:

- Control Panel\Network and Internet\Network Connections
- In MOVISUITE®, click Windows network connections.

Choose the connected adapter, and select the properties from the context menu.

In the window that now opens, select Internet protocol version 4 (TCP/IPv4).

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Next click Properties.

In the Properties window, select Use following IP address and enter or read the IP address.

In the above example, is entered as the IP address. This means you have to
enter as the Broadcast IP in MOVISUITE®.

14.2 EtherCAT®

Choose the EtherCAT® interface [1] in the area where the communication adapters are


1 2 1



Figure 44: Configuring the EtherCAT® communication interface

Activate the interface by setting Scan EtherCAT®/SBusPLUS [3]. When the scan is activat-
ed, an icon is displayed on the interface [2].

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Choose the communication adapter to be used as internal EtherCAT® master [4]. Please
note that the EtherCAT® interfaces are used by the Ethernet and EtherCAT® communication
interface and that only one interface can have assigned an adapter at the same time. The
user interface does not allow for a double assignment and in this way helps you in avoiding
configuration mistakes.

To configure the Ethernet adapters in Windows, click the Windows Network Connections
button [5] and set the parameters in the Ethernet PC adapter (see 14.1.1).

If you change an entry, the Save and Cancel buttons will be displayed automatically.

To save the setting, click Save [6]. The menu closes automatically.

14.2.1 Important information regarding the EtherCAT® address

The address of EtherCAT® devices cannot be set on the device. The devices are rec-
ognized by their position in the bus structure and are then assigned an address by the
EtherCAT® master.

A device ID (explicit device ID) is set using the two hexadecimal switches S1 and S2 on the
device. The EtherCAT® master uses this fixed ID only for unique device identification. This
device ID enables the EtherCAT® master to implement various EtherCAT® features (such as
hot connect, cable swapping detection, etc.). Setting switches S1 and S2 to the value "0"
disables the mechanism of the explicit device ID. With these switches, you can set a decimal
device ID between 1 and 255 in hexadecimal notation (setting ranges S1: 0..F. S2: 0..F 

What does this mean?

If the sequence of devices connected to EtherCAT® is changed or if individual devices are

removed, the devices will be assigned another address. This is not yet detected in the
MOVISUITE® project in the current system package 9 version because only bus type and
address are compared.

In this case, create a new project by choosing New Project / From Network Scan from the
start page.

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14.3 USB

MOVI-C® devices can be taken into operation with MOVISUITE® via the service interface
(RJ10/CAN) or USM11A. The following requirements have to be met for this purpose:

14.3.1 Software requirements

If you want to use the PEAK adapter via USB interface, select the entry USB [1] and click
Scan USB adapter [3]. When the scan is activated, an icon is displayed on the interface [2].




Figure 45: Configuring the communication interface USB

Next confirm your setting by clicking Save [4]. The dialog closes automatically.

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14.3.2 Hardware requirements USM21A

For information on how to use MOVISUITE® with the USM21A interface adapter, refer to the
manual USM21A Interface Adapter – Field Test Manual [22783059].pdf. CAN dongle

1.) If a USB-CAN adapter (CAN dongle) and a purple CAN cable by PEAK is available,
you can order the adapter cable sub-D9-RJ10 per MADEX request
ex_prod by quoting part number 1812 3864.

2.) Under part number 28214498, a complete package is available with a USB-CAN
adapter (CAN dongle), a purple CAN cable, and a sub-D9-RJ10 adapter cable.

Note the following:

MOVI-C® devices come equipped with internal CAN termination (120 ohms), which means
you only have to terminate the other end of the cable toward the USB-CAN adapter to ensure
proper operation. You can do this in two ways:

a) If a 9-pin gender changer (circled in blue color in the figure; available from Conrad,
Reichelt or similar) as well as the original purple CAN cable from PEAK are available,
then the following cabling is recommended between PC and MOVI-C®:

Figure 46: PCAN adapter with cable and terminating resis-


Bear in mind that only one end of the purple CAN cable from PEAK is terminated with
120 ohms. This end is marked by a black label (circled in green color in the figure)
and must be plugged onto the USB-CAN adapter!

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b) If only the USB-CAN adapter and the sub-D to RJ10 adapter cable is available, use a
CAN-DSUB9 terminating plug with integrated termination between cable and USB-
CAN adapter (marked in red color in the figure).

Figure 47: PCAN adapter with cable and terminating resistor

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15 Network
15.1 Initial network scan
To start the network scan, click Scan [1] in the toolbar.


Figure 48: Scanning the devices

If you have not yet configured any PC interfaces, the main menu opens and shows the
Communication configuration page. (see 9)

Information regarding SCAN if a device can be reached via several Ether-

net interfaces:
If devices can be reached via the engineering interface and the PROFINET in-
terface via Ethernet, then MOVISUITE® always displays the device with the
Ethernet IP that responds first.

To specify the interface to be used for communication, you can disable broad-
cast in the configuration for communication. Next, you have to explicitly specify
the IP addresses that are to be used for reaching the devices.

If devices were detected during the scan, they will be included in the network view and the
function view (if the function view is still empty).

To view the network, click the Network tab [2]. A combined network and function view opens.
You can also perform the scan in the combined network view / function view.

Network view

Function view

Figure 49: Combined function and network view

If a MOVI-C® device is connected and is detected during the scan, it will be displayed in the
network view. It will also be included automatically in the function view of the project.

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To operate the device, double-click the device in the function view (at the bottom). Doing so
opens the configuration where you can set the device parameters.

Instead, you can click the Network tab [2] again and return to the function view.

15.2 Updating a network

If you expand a network by one or more devices, you will have to perform another scan. To
do so, open the network view and click Scan.

Figure 50: Layout of nodes in the combined network and function view

Already connected devices will be marked in light blue both in the network view and the func-
tion view. (1)

Devices that are not yet connected will be marked in dark blue in the network view, and
dimmed in the function view. (2)

To connect physical devices that are not yet connected in the network view with devices in
the function view, you have to connect them using drag and drop.

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Figure 51: Example of how to create a connection

If you want to create an instance in the function view for a physically detected device, then
you have to move the device next to an already existing device or onto the higher-level node
in the function view using drag and drop.

Figure 52: Example of how to create a new device module in the function view

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15.3 Checking the assignment of devices

When positioning the mouse pointer over a node in the network view, the node enlarges and
the corresponding device in the function view is highlighted in yellow.

Figure 53: Assigning device modules to a device

The same applies to the function view. In this case the yellow highlight is displayed in the
network view.

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16 Device notifications

In the function view (circle and tree view) and in network view, notifications can be displayed
for the device modules.

Figure: Notification in circle view

Figure 54: Notifications in tree view

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Figure 55: Notifications in function and network view

16.1 Device notifications

The states of the nodes are divided into the following categories:

Category Display Symbol Description

Error A A fault in the device/module always requires interven-
Warning B A warning of a device/module indicates a problem.
Information C An information from the user interface informs the
user about a situation. The situation not necessarily
results in a warning or fault.
OK D Everything is OK.

The nodes can have the following states:

State Priority Description Icon

A network connection exists A1 No communication possible.
but a communication con-
nection is not possible
Unknown device A2 Unknown device detected
Version does not exist A3 Version for device not available/installed
System error A4 Communication OK.

e.g. application service communication error.

Network connection availa- A5 Communication OK.

ble, fault in the device

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A fault occurred, e.g. maximum motor tem-
perature reached  disconnection
Network connection availa- A6 Communication OK.
ble, fault in the option
A fault occurred in the option.
Network connection availa- A7 Communication OK.
ble, device in DUM state Device in DUM state.
Network connection availa- A8 Communication OK.
ble, option in DUM state Option in DUM state.
Network connection availa- A9 Communication OK.
ble, error in the user inter-
face. An error has occurred, e.g. wrong device
used for the module.
Trial license expired B1 Trial license expired

Trial license in use B2 Trial license in use

Configuration state active B3 Configuration state active in the device.

Network connection availa- B4 Communication OK.
ble, warning from device
A warning is present, e.g. temperature ex-
ceeds a certain value.
Network connection availa- B5 Communication OK.
ble, warning from user inter-
face. A warning is present, e.g. startup not per-
Address change detected B6 Device address has changed (e.g. by chang-
ing the configuration state).
Device replacement B7 Communication OK.
Device replacement detected by UUID
Different device family B8 Different device family of offline and online
detected device detected
Different version detected B9 Different version of offline and online device
Data set different B10 IMPORTANT: Also used to indicate that the
data set of the physical device does not cor-
respond with the planning!
Data set of safety option B11 Data set is different.
Faulty safety option data B12 Data set version differs.
Data set not validated in B13 Validation not performed or data set not val-
safety option id.
Code generation required B14 A change has been made to the project
structure and the configuration data.
Configuration data different B15 PLC parameter changed -> [PC -> device]
function must be performed.
Master slave function: B16 Master axis not available.
Master axis not available for

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Master slave function: B17 Master axis not available.
Master axis not available for
Trial license expired B1 Trial license expired

Manual mode is active C1 Manual mode has been opened for this de-
No network connection C2 A device node has not yet been connected
available with a physical hardware.
Non-preferred route C3 The device is connected via another com-
munication interface.
Network connection C4 Communication OK.
available, information from
device. An information is available, e.g. device has
field test firmware installed.
Network connection C5 Communication OK.
available, information from
user interface. An information is available, e.g. the module
in use is old.

16.2 Short note regarding the notification

Positioning the mouse cursor over the notification symbol enlarges the notification symbol
and shows a tooltip.

The tooltip includes the current notification in text form. Other notifications might also be dis-

Figure 56: Short note regarding notifications

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16.3 Detailed information on notification and troubleshooting

Clicking the notification symbol opens a window with a message.

Figure 57: Notification window for faults, warnings, and information

The notification window shows all notifications for the device in a list.

The notifications are prioritized. The most critical notification appears first in the list.

You can select notifications. By selecting notifications, a list of possible error causes opens.
Clicking the expander button of an error cause opens one or more measures for eliminating
the error.

Depending on the notification, one or more buttons are offered for eliminating the error or

Figure 58: Opening a notification-dependent action

In the example, the IEC project can be updated.

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17 Structure of the configuration

In the configuration, the parameters are set for a device.

17.1 Opening the configuration

You can open the configuration in various ways:

Open configuration Description

Circle view: Click a segment or parameter

More menu: Choose "Open configuration"

or "Open configuration as window".

Context menu: Choose "Open configura-

tion" or "Open configuration as window".

Key combination F11

17.2 Display options of the configuration

The configuration can be displayed integrated in the MOVISUITE® framework. In this case,
the function view (and if applicable also the network view) is superimposed.

For information on how to open the configuration, refer to chapter 17.1.

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Figure 59: Configuration

To return to the function view, click the Back button.

The configuration can also be displayed in a separate window. In this case, you can open
several configuration windows for different devices at the same time. You can position the
windows on the screen as required and adjust the size of the windows.

Figure 60: Configuration as separate window

For information on how to open the configuration, refer to chapter 17.1.

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In the case of integrated display, you can undock the configuration by choosing the function
"Show configuration in window" from the More menu on the toolbar.

Figure 61: Undocking the configuration

17.3 Structure of the configuration

The parameters are classified hierarchically in three levels, similar to a tree.

1 3 4

5 5

Figure 62: Structure of the configuration

In the first level [1], you select the parameter group. The parameter group is subdivided into
parameter segments [2]. In the second level [3], you select the parameter subgroup.

Selecting the second level opens a parameter window [4] where you can set the parameters.

Clicking the Back button [6] lets you return to the function view (or combined network func-
tion view).

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17.4 Navigation bar of the configuration

The toolbar includes a navigation bar that displays the higher-level node structure and the
current node (indicated in bold).

Figure 63: Navigation bar of the configuration

Opening the navigation bar with a mouse click opens a navigation window. Any other device
can be selected in this navigation window. Next, the configuration for this device opens.

Figure 64: Navigation to another device in the configuration

This function can be used to select another device within the configuration without having to
changing to the function view.

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18 Startup


The MOVI-C® CONTROLLER consists of the following items:

No. Parameter segments Description

1 Device properties Here you find information about the device (device type, in-
stalled options, firmware versions, etc.).
2 Functions This is where the data management functions are handled.
3 Diagnostics Diagnostics offers windows for monitoring the inverter and the
4 Tools The tools provide auxiliary programs, such as the IEC Editor.
5 Device name In this field you can change the device name.
6 Components All lower-level, connected inverter nodes and structure nodes
are inserted at this segment.
7 Software module The software module of the controller is displayed in this seg-

The standard software module is always present.

18.1.1 Device properties

The Device properties segment contains parameters that describe the device. It additionally
contains important parameters for resetting the parameter setting.

The Device data segment describes the properties of the device.

18.1.2 Functions

The "Functions" segment contains a node for data management.

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The following functions are set in the data management:

- Device replacement
- Export firmware

18.1.3 Diagnostics

Clicking Diagnostics opens the diagnostic pages.

Parameter groups Description

Status This parameter group displays status information, such as de-
vice state and fault state.

18.1.4 Opening the tools

If a MOVI-C® device has been selected as the current node, then you can open auxiliary
programs by clicking the Tools segment.

Click the Tools segment and choose the required tool.

Figure 65: Tools

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Instead, you can open the tools via context menu of the More menu:

The following tools are available:

Name Description
IEC Editor Opening the IEC Editor for programming
Configuration Opens the configuration in a separate window

18.1.5 Device name

The name of the controller is displayed in the device name. Clicking on it opens a window
where you can change the device name.

Figure 66: Device name of the controller

18.1.6 Components

The lower-level axes and software nodes can be added to the component segment. The de-
vices are selected via context menu and the catalog.

Figure 67: Component segment with lower-level axes

18.1.7 Software module

The controller comes equipped with the "MOVIRUN® flexible" software module, which can-
not be modified. This software module provides functions for programming the controller.

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18.2 MOVI-C® inverter (e.g. MOVIDRIVE®)

The MOVI-C® inverter node consists of the following items:

No. Parameter segments Description

1 Device properties In the device properties you find information about the device
(device type, installed options, firmware versions, etc.). This is
also where the communication settings are made.
2 Drive trains A maximum of two drive trains can be provided here.

You can open the drive train by clicking the parameter group
(for example drive train 1).

The remaining nodes on this segment are currently used by

developers for diagnostic purposes.
3 Functions The functions provide all application settings.
4 Diagnostics Diagnostics offers windows for monitoring the inverter and the
5 Tools The tools provide auxiliary programs, such as scope.
6 Device name In this field you can change the device name.
8 Software module In this segment you can instance a software module from the

The first behavior that is implemented is the MultiMotion pack-


18.2.1 Device properties

The Device properties segment contains parameters that describe the device. It additionally
contains important parameters for resetting the parameter setting.

The Device data segment describes the properties of the device.

The Communication parameter group describes the parameter setting for the communication
connections of the device.

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The Basic settings parameter group provides parameters that can be used, for example, to
reset the device to its delivery condition.

18.2.2 Drive train

The Drive trains segment displays one or two drive trains (depending on the device type).

You can switch to Drive trains by clicking a node.

Parameter segment Description

Drive train DT1 Using this node you can set up drive train DT1 and set its pa-
Optimization DT1 Using this node you can optimize drive train DT1:
- Controller optimization
- Determine load moment of inertia
Drive train DT2 Using this node you can set up drive train DT2 and set its pa-
Optimization DT2 Using this node you can optimize drive train DT2:
- Controller optimization
- Determine load moment of inertia

When clicking Drive train, the current parameter setting of the drive train is read from the
device and is displayed.

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MOVISUITE® standard Creating the drive train Option 1: Using digital motor integration

Devices with the "digital motor integration" function offer the easiest way of taking a motor
into operation. All data of the motor, encoder, brake, and gear unit are included in digital mo-
tor integration and are read from the device. Users need not set any additional parameters in
these components.

You can choose "Digital motor integration" by selecting "Use the nameplate of digital motor

1 2 3

Figure 68: Startup with digital motor integration

"Digital motor integration" is detected automatically [2], and the values are read and dis-
played [3].

Create the drive train by clicking "Use nameplate of digital motor integration" [4].

The software creates the drive train and displays it.

The values specified by the nameplate of "digital motor integration" cannot be changed (read
only) and are indicated by a symbol. These items are additionally identified by a sym-
bol to indicate that these items and parameters cannot be modified.

Startup must be performed step by step. Confirm the values and check the additional set-
tings that are not read from the nameplate of the "digital motor integration". Click Next to con-
tinue with the next step.

In the last step, you transfer the drive train to the device by clicking "Continue and save drive
train to device".

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The startup values of motor and encoder are blocked as they are read from the
electronic nameplate. If you want to change these startup values, you have to
cancel the relation with the nameplate. You can do this by using the context
menu of the motor block.

Figure 69: Nameplate "digital motor integration": Cancel relation

The currently set values read from the nameplate "digital motor integration" are
maintained but can now be edited. Option 2: Use electronic nameplate

If an encoder with electronic nameplate is connected, the following window opens (if you
have not yet started up a drive train):


Figure 70: Startup with electronic nameplate

The electronic nameplate is detected automatically [1], and the values are read and dis-
played [3].

Usually only one encoder with electronic nameplate is connected, and this encoder is select-
ed directly.

If two encoders with electronic nameplate are detected, you can choose the nameplate you
want to use [2].

To create the drive train, click the Use electronic nameplate button [4].

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The software creates the drive train and displays it as depicted below.

Figure 71: Entry of electronic nameplate cannot be changed

The values read from the electronic nameplate cannot be changed (read only) and are
marked with a symbol. These items are additionally identified by a symbol to indicate
that these items and parameters cannot be modified.

Startup must be performed step by step. Confirm the values and check the additional set-
tings that are not read from the electronic nameplate. Click Next to continue with the next

In the last step, you transfer the drive train to the device by clicking "Continue and save drive
train to device".

The startup values of motor and encoder are blocked as they are read from the
electronic nameplate. If you want to change these startup values, you have to
disconnect the relation with the electronic nameplate. You can do this by using
the context menu of the motor block.

Figure 72: Electronic nameplate: Cancel relation

The currently set values read from the electronic nameplate are maintained but
can now be edited.

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MOVISUITE® standard Option 3: Read motor nameplate

If you have not yet started up a drive train, the following window opens:




Figure 73: Read motor nameplate

You can create a drive train by reading the nameplate from the motor (1) and entering the
data in the edit box provided for the motor type designation (2).

Once you have entered the nameplate data or parts of the nameplate data, the detected
components (3) are shown. The data is applied by clicking ENTER or the Apply drive train
button (4).

Figure 74: Drive train by entering the type string of the motor nameplate

Once you have created the drive train, you must put it into operation. To do so, follow the
instructions of the wizard. Click Next to proceed to the next step.

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The components are already assigned default values. Check these entries. Selecting a field
that is present on the nameplate causes it to be highlighted in the nameplate (1).

Load the configured drive train into the device by clicking the Next and save drive train to
device button. Option 4: Create drive train from catalog

You can select Create drive train manually.

Figure 75: Create drive train manually

A motor with controller is added automatically. You can add further components to the drive
train using drag and drop or by clicking the Add button. The component is positioned auto-

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After configuration, the drive train looks for example as shown in the figure:

Figure 76: Example of a configured drive train

The drive train is applied when clicking Finished.

The drive train is taken into operation using a wizard that guides you through the startup pro-
cedure step by step and prompts you to enter setting values.

Startup is described in the following sections. Motor configuration

After having chosen a motor, you have two options to select it.

Clicking the "Use nameplate" button opens the edit function of the motor where you can
choose the nameplate.

Clicking the "Select from catalog" button opens the catalog and shows all the motors.

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Figure 77: Selecting the motor from the catalog

You can directly enter the required motor type in the search field [1],
you can use the filter function to restrict the motor types and the series [2].

The filtered motors are displayed in area [3].

To select a motor (for example CMP40S), double-click it and have it displayed in the motor's
symbol field. The catalog closes and the motor parameters are displayed.

Figure 78: Parameter setting of the motor

Further motor parameters, such as speed class, system voltage, sensor type, sensor source,
brake type and brake mounting, are entered manually. Parameters that need to be set are
indicated by a white background.

Click Continue with 2 to configure the encoder.

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MOVISUITE® standard Encoder configuration

The catalog opens and you have to select the required encoder (same procedure as for se-
lecting the motor).

Figure 79: Selecting the encoder from the catalog

Once you have selected the encoder, the following screen opens:

Figure 80: Parameter setting of the encoder

Also for the encoder you can specify further parameters, such as counting direction and posi-
tion control.

Click Continue with 3 to configure the gear unit.

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MOVISUITE® standard Gear unit configuration

Select a gear unit type from the catalog. Double-click the required gear unit (F107 in the ex-
ample) to have it applied.

Figure 81: Selecting the gear unit from the catalog

You can now choose the required gear ratio of the gear unit. Gear unit type and gear ratio
can be read from the gear unit nameplate or from the order.

Figure 82: Parameter setting of the gear unit

Click Continue with 4 to configure the additional transmission.

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MOVISUITE® standard Additional transmission configuration

You have to configure the gear ratio for the additional transmission.

Figure 83: Parameter setting of the additional transmission

You can enter the value either as floating-point number under Direct entry or in the form of
gear unit stages. You cannot enter more than 7 gear unit stages.

Click Continue with 5 to configure the user units. Configuring user units

User units allow for calculating mechanical gear ratios with a gear ratio factor.

This offers the following advantages and possibilities:

1. Users can define an arbitrary user unit in which the setpoints are specified and the
actual values are calculated. In a bottling plant, for example, the unit can be scaled to
"bottles". This means the speed is specified in bottles/min and the acceleration in bot-
2. The number range and the accuracy of the process values in the process data can be
optimized by scaling the values for the application.

1 2 3

Figure 84: Structure of the drive train

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The resulting original unit is displayed in the component blocks.

No. Block Input Output Description

1 Motor --- 1 rev. 1 motor revolution
2 Gear unit 1 rev. 1 𝑈𝑚𝑑𝑟 Taking account of gear
254.40 unit ratio
= 0,0039 𝑈𝑚𝑑𝑟
3 Additional 0.0039 rev. 0,0039 𝑈𝑚𝑑𝑟 Taking account of addi-
transmission 1 tional transmission
= 0,0079 𝑈𝑚𝑑𝑟
4 User unit 0.0079 rev. 1 Taking account of user
0,0079 𝑈𝑚𝑑𝑟 ∗ units
= 0,000786 𝑈𝑚𝑑𝑟

The last row shows an example of how the user unit is processed and calculated. This is
contingent upon the values below having been entered in the user unit block.

Figure 85: Setting of the user units

"Bottles" has been entered as the user units text.

The following calculation was given as gear ratio:

1 𝑈𝑚𝑑𝑟 = 10 𝐹𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑐ℎ𝑒𝑛 = 0.1 𝐹𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑐ℎ𝑒𝑛.

This means that 10 revolutions at the output shaft of the additional transmission represent
1 bottle as the resulting distance.

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The number of decimal positions used for the distance was specified with "2".
For the speed, bottles/s and 4 decimal positions were entered.
For the acceleration, bottles/s² and 0 decimal positions were entered.

From the display of the drive train you can see that 1 revolution of the motor
shaft results in 0.000786 revolutions at the output shaft.

Click Continue with 6 to access the controller. Standard configuration of the controller

In the last step, you can set some parameters in the controller such as PWM frequency,
sampling cycle n/x controller, and direction of rotation reversal.

The control modes are dependent on the motor and combination of motor and encoder. The
control mode is selected with a reasonable value based on the motor and encoder in use.

Default values are determined and configured for the remaining parameters for the load mo-
ment of inertia and the speed controller.

You can change these values with the optimization function.

Figure 86: Controller settings

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Once you have made the controller settings, you can apply the data to the device by clicking
Next and Save drive train to device.

From now on, you can access any component and make changes. Bear in mind that chang-
es must always be transferred to the device by clicking the Save drive train to device button.

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MOVISUITE® standard Optimizing the drive train

Using the "Optimize ASx" function, you can set the controller dynamics and optimize the load
moment of inertia.

Figure 87: Optimizing the drive train Determining the load moment of inertia

The load moment of inertia of motor, brake, fan, and gear unit is calculated and set automati-

The external load moment of inertia is set based on the following equation:
1. Automatically: Jload = (Jmotor + Jbrake+ Jfan) * 3
2. The edit box is designed as a drop-down list so you can choose between the follow-
ing values:
a. Low load: Jload = (Jmotor + Jbrake+ Jfan) * 1
b. Medium load: Jload = (Jmotor + Jbrake+ Jfan) * 3
c. High load: Jload = (Jmotor + Jbrake+ Jfan) * 10
3. Manual: You can enter a number for the load moment of inertia yourself.
4. Determining the load moment of inertia: Clicking "Determine load moment of inertia"
starts the process (see

Next, send the values to the device by clicking Save drive train to device. Measuring the load moment of inertia

To determine the load moment of inertia, the drive has to be moved so that different acceler-
ation and deceleration operations occur.

To measure the load moment of inertia, open the optimization function and click "Determine
load moment of inertia".

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Figure 88: Measuring the load moment of inertia

The following window opens:

Figure 89: For starting manual mode.

You can perform the travel cycles for measuring the load moment of inertia by using manual
mode, for example. To do so, click the Open manual mode button [1].

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Figure 90: Performing reference travel using manual mode

Manual mode is opened. To start manual mode, click the Activate manual mode button in
manual mode.

In manual mode, the load cycling mode is activated. Enter a position 1 (left position) and po-
sition 2 (right position) [2]. The drive moves between these two positions after having started
manual mode.

It might be necessary to perform a reference travel before. To do so, open the Setting values
window [3] in manual mode and initiate reference travel by clicking the Start reference travel
button [4].

Start the movement in manual mode by clicking the Start button [5].

The load moment of inertia is determined in the device and is displayed in the Determine
mass moment of inertia window.

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Figure 91: Determining the load moment of inertia

The mean values of the determined load moment of inertia are shown in a table.

If the measurement deviation between two measurement sufficiently small, a green button is
shown. You can end the measurement by clicking "End measurement and apply value" and
apply the values to the inverter.

Figure 92: Load moment of inertia determined

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MOVISUITE® standard Setting controller dynamics

Using the "Set controller dynamics" function, you can set the stiffness of the control and the
backlash of the current drive constellation.

Figure 93: Setting the controller dynamics

Move the slider to the required value. You can move the drive using manual mode and moni-
tor the travel cycle using Scope.
In this way you can determine the optimum setting of backlash and controller dynamics.

Clicking "Advanced settings" lets you, in the role of an expert, make additional manual opti-
mizations of the controller parameters.

Figure 94: Expert settings

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MOVISUITE® standard Editing the drive train

Several options are available for editing the drive train (making subsequent changes).

Possibility Function
1 Using the context menu of a component, you can directly enter the component
(the motor in the example) by choosing another motor from the catalog ("Select
from catalog").

Editing the drive train performs the same function as clicking "Open menu" [3].

Adding a component performs the same function as using "Add components"

2 A selection opens where you can select further components or delete compo-

3 The window for editing the drive train opens where you can edit the drive train.

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18.2.3 Functions

The parameter groups under "Functions" can be used to make the following application set-

Figure 95: Functions

Parameter groups Description

Inputs/outputs Configuration of input and output assignments
Setpoints Configuration of setpoints: Fixed setpoints and process output
data, and control words.
Actual values Configuration of actual values: Process input data and status
Drive functions Configuration of FCBs.
Technology functions Configuration of touchprobe and cam switch.
Monitoring functions Configuration of reference signals, limit values, and monitoring

18.2.4 Diagnostics

Clicking Diagnostics opens the diagnostic pages.

Figure 96: Diagnostics

Parameter groups Description

Status This parameter group displays status information, such as de-
vice state and fault state, drive running hours, operating hours,
and messages.
Process values This parameter group shows the current process values.
Fault memory This parameter group shows fault memories T0 to T4.

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18.2.5 Opening the tools

If a MOVI-C® device has been selected as the current node, then you can open auxiliary
programs by clicking the Tools segment.

Click the Tools segment and choose the required tool.

Figure 97: Tools

Instead, you can open the tools via context menu of the More menu:

The following tools are available:

Name Description
Firmware loader INTERNAL ONLY
For downloading firmware to the device.
Comparison Comparison of two or several devices.
Configuration Displays the configuration in a separate window.
Manual mode For starting manual mode.
Scope For creating scope recordings in online and offline mode.
Parameter tree INTERNAL ONLY

Using the parameter tree editor, the parameter tree and the pa-
rameter pages for configuration can be created.
Monitor MultiMotion monitor for monitoring and controlling an axis in con-
troller mode.
Assist CS.. Parameterization of the DriveSafety option, if installed.

For a description of the tools, refer to the main chapter 19 .

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19 MOVISUITE® tools

19.1 Firmware loader

The "Firmware Loader" tool lets you load new firmware into MOVI-C® devices.

MOVISUITE® standard provides exactly the firmware versions that match the selected ver-
sion of MOVISUITE® standard.

Figure 98: Structure of the Firmware Loader

First, select the firmware package [1] you want to load.

Observe the package version of the selected package and that of the current package.

In a higher level you can select the parts [3] you want to load into the device.

To trigger the download, click the Load firmware button [4].

The download status is indicated in the status and on the progress bar.

Once loading is complete, a message appears to inform you that the firmware package has
been loaded successfully.

Only those firmware packages are displayed that match the connected device
variant (such as double axis). Downloading a firmware to another device variant
(such as single-axis) is only possible for the corresponding device variant in the
project or by creating a new project for the respective device variant.

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19.2 Comparison

The parameter setting of two or several devices can be compared using the comparison tool.
For each device in the "startup phase", a distinction can be made whether either the data in
the project is to be used or the device data saved in the device.

When a comparison is started for a device, the screen looks as follows once the data has
been read:

Figure 99: Comparison after start

As in the case of the example all data between device and project match, no differences be-
tween project data set and device data set are indicated.

The functions of the comparison tool are described in the following subchapters.

19.2.1 Starting the comparison with several selected devices

When first selecting devices and then opening the "Compare" function using the context
menu, all selected devices will be included in the comparison immediately.

Figure 100: Comparing several devices

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When starting the comparison in the startup phase, the device data of the physical devices
are loaded, displayed, and compared (online mode).

When starting the comparison in the planning phase, the device data saved in the project are
displayed and compared (offline mode).

19.2.2 Filter options

Two filter options are available. You can activate or deactivate them.

Filter name Setting Meaning

Show display On All display values are additionally shown
values Disabled Display values are not shown

Only differ- On Only parameters with a different parameter value

ences are shown
Disabled Also parameters are shown whose parameter value
does not differ

19.2.3 Adding/deleting devices

You can add devices in several ways.

Figure 101: Adding devices for comparison

Clicking the "Add device" button opens a dialog where you can select a device.

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Figure 102: Selecting a device

Clicking the Apply button adds the device to a new column.

You can delete a device from the comparison by clicking the "Delete" button. This button is
displayed when you position the mouse over the column title of the device.

Figure 103: Deleting a device from the comparison

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19.2.4 Highlighting differences

Differences between the devices are highlighted in red.

Figure 104: Highlighting differences in the comparison

The highlighted lines are displayed in the navigation area and on the parameter page.

In this way you can easily identify differing parameters.

19.2.5 Applying values to other devices

Values of a device can be applied to one or several other devices in the following ways:

Possibility Description
Apply an individual value of a Open the context menu of a parameter cell:

- The value can be applied to all other devices

- The value can be applied to another device (in the
example LiftingAxis1 or LiftingAxis2)

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Apply column values Open the context menu of the table header of a de-

- The values of all parameters in the selected

column on the displayed page are applied to
all other devices
- The values of all parameters in the selected
column on the displayed page are applied to
another device (in the example LiftingAxis1 or
Apply data set Open the context menu of the table header of a device:

- The entire data set of the selected device is ap-

plied to all other devices
- The entire data set of the selected device is ap-
plied to another device (in the example LiftingAx-
is1 or LiftingAxis2)

19.2.6 Refresh display

The Refresh data function lets you load and update the data again.

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19.3 Scope

The "Scope" tool lets you record and display signals in the inverter and the safety option.

Scope is opened in circle view via the Tools menu. In tree view, you can open Scope via
context menu.

Figure 105: Opening Scope

Scope can also be opened via More menu.

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19.3.1 Starting Scope the first time

When opening the Scope tool the first time, the initial screen opens.


Figure 106: Creating or loading the scope project

On the initial screen [1] you can choose whether you want to create a new scope project [2]
or open an existing scope project [3].

The list of last opened projects [4] is empty because no projects have so far been created for
scope. If scope projects are now created and saved, the list will be filled accordingly. The list
lets you choose from the last 10 scope projects. If the scope option "Always start with last
project" is enabled, the last opened project will open when starting Scope.

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19.3.2 Creating a new scope project

Since no scope project is available, you have to click the Planning button [2].


Figure 107: Creating a new scope project

The new scope project is created and the Measurement tab opens [1].

The Measurement page shows the possible configuration pages [2] on the left side.

Configuration page Meaning/function

Measurements Here you choose the measurement mode.
Continuous trace mode: Direct recording on the PC with
online communication connection.
Single trace mode: Recording in the inverter/device and later
reading of the recording through scope.

Additionally, you can store the data in continuous trace mode

using a data logger, which makes it possible to make a long-
time measurement.
Templates In the templates, you can save the existing configuration as
template so you can use the template for another measure-
Measurement mode Here you choose the signals from the device to be recorded.
Trigger Here you configure the trigger condition.
Controller Here you configure post-trigger recording, sample rate, re-
cording duration, etc.
Export as CSV... The measurement is saved as CSV file, which can be further
processed in Excel, for example.

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MOVISUITE® standard Measurements

On the measurements page, you can perform the following functions:

Function Description
Create measurement Creates a new measurement.
Read measurement The settings are read from the inverters and a new
measurement is created from these configuration data.
Import measurement Is used to import a previously exported measurement,
Import data logger file Is used to import a data logger file, create a measure-
ment for it, and have it displayed.

Figure 108: Measurements page

The last loaded measurements are displayed in the Available measurements list. Templates

First create a measurement and then configure it using the pages Measurement mode, Re-
cording channel, Trigger, and Control.

You can then open the main menu of Scope, select the template page on the Measurement
page, and enter a name for the template. Clicking the Create measurement from template
button creates a new template, which is then displayed in the Available templates list.

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Figure 109: Templates page Measurement mode

On the Measurement mode tab, you choose the recording mode.

Figure 110: Measurement mode

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Continuous trace mode: Direct recording on the PC with online communication connection.

Single trace mode: Recording in the inverter/device and later reading of the recording
through scope.

Additionally, you can store the data in continuous trace mode using a data logger, which
makes it possible to make a long-time measurement.

Figure 111: Data logger

Value Setting Mode

File name File name, path: Continuous trace mode
File name and path of the log files.
Path Path for the log file Continuous trace mode
Restrictions File size Continuous trace mode
Maximum file size of measurement
Maximum number of files
Maximum number of files

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MOVISUITE® standard Recording channel

Figure 112: Configuring recording channels

On the Recording channel tab [1], you can configure the recording channels.

You can configure a maximum of 10 channels.

Column Access Description

Channel RO Number of the channel.
Color RW Here you choose the color for the channel.
Active RW Here you set whether the channel is active or not. The signals will
only be recorded on this channel if the channel is active.
Name RW This selection lets you choose the signal or parameter to be rec-
orded with this channel.
Brief de- RW Here you can enter a description or short name for this signal.
Description RO Defined name of the parameter in MOVISUITE® that is, for exam-
ple, also used in the configuration.
Unit RO Shows the unit of the parameter.
Data type RO Displays the data type of the parameter.
Reset RW This button lets you reset the channel to the default. This means
the default signal is set for this channel.

To assign another signal to a channel, click the signal name in the Name column [1].

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In the drop-down list, you can choose signals/parameters using different search criteria.

Search criterion Description

Search field You can enter text in the search field to filter the parameters for possi-
ble hits.
Default selection A list with default values for typical measured values is displayed.
Selection On the Selection tab, you can search for parameter names in a list
with all the parameters of the inverter, and then make your selection.
Index/subindex Here you can specify the index and subindex of the parameter to be
Debug address Here you can enter the debug address and the data type. Exactly the
value at this debug address with the corresponding data type will be
recorded as signal
(at internal level only).
Last In the Last section, you can choose parameters you have already se-
lected before.

Additional information
You can change the order of channels using drag and drop. Trigger

Configuring the triggers lets you define when a recording is triggered (for example in single
trace mode).

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Figure 113: Configuring the trigger Trigger block

2 4

Figure 114: Trigger block

The structure of a trigger block is depicted in the above figure.

Field [1] is used to activate the trigger block.

In the Name field [2], you can select the recording channel to be used for this trigger.

In the Trigger type field [3], you can select the mask to be used for the trigger condition.

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Trigger Mask Description

Analog The parameter value of the selected channel
is compared with a fixed value.

The following types can be used as compar-

ison operands:
= Comparison for equality.
Falling Comparison for the falling
edge edge of the specified fixed
> Parameter > fixed value
< Parameter < fixed value
Windows The parameter is within a
specified window range.
Rising Comparison for rising edge of
edge the specified fixed value.
Bit check An individual bit in the parameter is com-
pared with true (1) or false (2).

Digital The parameter value of the selected channel

is ANDed with a bit mask and then com-
pared with the comparison value.

You can use the following comparison oper-

= Bit mask Trigger when the
condition is met
False  true Trigger during tran-
sition from false 
<> Bit mask Trigger when the
condition is not met
True  false Trigger during the
transition from true
 false
Error When selecting a recording channel to which
a parameter is assigned that represents a
fault, you can configure the type of fault that
initiates the trigger.

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Status When selecting a recording channel to which
a parameter is assigned that represents a
device state, you can configure to which
status bits triggering is performed. All status
bits are stored in a list.

Digital When selecting a recording channel to which

inputs a parameter is assigned that represents digi-
tal inputs, you can configure to which input
bits triggering is performed. All input bits are
stored in a list.

Digital When selecting a recording channel to which

outputs a parameter is assigned that represents digi-
tal outputs, you can configure to which out-
put bits triggering is performed. All output
bits are stored in a list.

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MOVISUITE® standard Logical operations of trigger conditions

A maximum of 3 trigger conditions can be combined in a logical operation.

Figure 115: Maximum combination option for trigger

Each trigger block has a logical value false (0) or true (1) as output.

The triggers can be combined in a logical operation using AND or OR. Consequently, a logi-
cal result value is output at the respective output.

At level = INTERNAL of MOVISUITE®, a delay element is added that delays the resulting
trigger signal in the device again by the specified time.

In MOVISUITE® levels other than INTERNAL, the delay element is not displayed and has no

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The delay element can be configured as follows:

Mode Representation Description

None The delay element is disabled, which means the
trigger signal is passed without delay.

Dead time The resulting trigger signal is delayed by the

specified time with reference to the input trigger
signal. This means the resulting trigger signal
will only be generated if the input trigger signal is
present for at least the specified time.

Signal The resulting trigger signal is stretched by the

stretching specified time with reference to the input trigger
signal. This means the resulting trigger signal is
present for a longer time than it is present at the
input of the delay element.

Pulse The resulting trigger signal will be generated at

width least for the specified time even if the input trig-
ger signal of the delay element is shorter than
the specified time.

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MOVISUITE® standard Controller



Figure 116: Control settings

The Control page [1] lets you make the following settings:

Characteristic Description Measurement mode

Sample rate [2] Configuration of the intervals at which Continuous trace mode
samples are to be recorded. Single trace mode
Memory optimization Compression of the data in the Continuous trace mode
[3] memory. Doing so lets you record more Single trace mode
Post-trigger Setting in percent at which point the Continuous trace mode
recording [4] time of the trigger is to be represented Single trace mode
in the measurement.
Calculate [5] the Clicking this button calculates the dura- Continuous trace mode
recording time tion of recording. Single trace mode

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MOVISUITE® standard Apply

Once you have set the Measurement configuration, you can apply it to the target device by
clicking Apply [1] and finish the measurement configuration.

Figure 117: Applying scope settings

Scope settings can be applied in each of the 4 pages "Measurement mode",
"Recording channel", "Trigger" and "Control". In some cases, not all of the pages
have to be worked through. Export as CSV

You can export an already performed measurement as CSV file. You can then further pro-
cess the CSV file in Excel, for example.

Specify the following information for exporting a measurement:

Characteristic Description
Export path Choose a directory where you want to save the exported
File name Name of the exported measurement file.
Export measurement in- Selection whether the measurement information is to be
formation included in the CSV export.
Export channel information Selection whether the cannel assignment is to be included in
the CSV export.

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Export sampling points Selection whether all measurement points are to be included
with date as list with date in the CSV export.
Decimal separator Selection of the separator to be used for the decimal point.

In German, the "," is used as decimal separator. In English,

the "." is used as decimal separator.

When you choose the language in MOVISUITE®, the deci-

mal separator is used depending on the language set in

When you choose "System", the separator is used depend-

ing on the language set in the operating system.

You can select the language directly using the short names
Separator By default, the ";" character is used as the separator for val-
ues. But you can choose the separator to be used.

Figure 118: Export as CSV file

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19.3.3 Main Scope window Scope title bar

1 2 4 3

Area Description
Main menu [1] The main menu includes all the functions for creating, loading,
and saving projects as well as for setting the measurement con-
Scope project name [2] Displays the scope project name and a Save button to save the
scope project.
Windows controls [3] Windows controls for close, minimize and maximize.
Toolbar [4] The toolbar includes the functions for controlling scope.

The toolbar [4] provides functions for controlling scope. The following table describes these

Function Image Description

New measure- Click this button to create a new measurement. The Meas-
ment urement configuration page in the main menu opens.
Start Start recording
Stop Stop recording

Manual trigger To trigger a scope recording manually.

Reading from Reads the measurement data from the device.
device  PC
When recording is triggered, the recording data is loaded
automatically from the device.
Status Status:
Red: Measurement stopped
Green: Measurement started
Trigger state Indicates whether a trigger occurred or not.
Data buffer Status and fill level of the data buffer during a recording. Scope status bar

Indicates the scope status.

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MOVISUITE® standard Scope work areas

2 3

Figure 119: Display area of Scope

The work area of scope is divided as follows:

- Project and channel selection [1]

- Display of measurements [2]
- Display of properties [3]
- Display of recording channels [4]

You can click the windows with the mouse button to undock them, move them to other posi-
tions and dock them at the new position.

You can also pin or hide windows by clicking the icon.

To open a context menu, click the arrow icon.

The undock function is also available in the context menu. You can dock the window (if it was
undocked), or you can auto hide it so that the window is hidden in the background (see ).

The last settings and positions of the windows are saved.

Following a description of the default layout and its windows:

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MOVISUITE® standard Project Explorer

The Project Explorer shows the structure of the project.

Project Explorer toolbar

Project tree of scope

The Project Explorer toolbar offers the following functions:

Function Image Description

New Creates a new measurement.
Save Saves the scope project.

The Project Explorer shows the following project grouping:


Measurement 1

Measurement 2

The Devices node shows the devices that can be accessed via scope. At present, only the
"single-axis scope" is implemented. This is the reason why always the current device is dis-
played for which the scope has been started.

Under Measurements, all the measurements that have been performed are listed. You can
also have displayed several measurements.

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Under Measurements, the configuration windows for the measurement are listed. Clicking an
entry will automatically display the main menu with activated Measurement Configuration tab
and the selected measurement configuration window.

The Project Explorer supports a context menu. The context menu includes the following func-
tions depending on the selected node.

Node Context menu

Scope project

Device node


Measurement Recording channel

Figure 120: Recording channels

The recording channel window shows all the recording channels that have been set and acti-
vated in the measurement configuration.

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The toolbar offers the following functions:

Function Image Description

Grouping The recording channels are grouped as
- None: no grouping
- Free: any grouping.
- Data type: grouping by data type.
- Unit: grouping by unit.
New group Creates a new group.

This function can only be selected when

grouping is set to "FREE".
Reset offset Resets the offset of the recording channels
to their default.

The list of recording channels has several columns, which are described in the table below:

Column Description
No. Channel number.
Color Channel color.
Unit Unit of the value.
Displays Setting whether the value is to be displayed as curve in the diagram.
Value cursor 1 Value at cursor 1.
Value cursor 2 Value at cursor 2.
Actual value Value with reference to the active recording channel at the cross lines or
the current mouse position.
Name Name of the parameter of the channel.
Y/DIV Scaling per division. You can choose a value from the drop-down list, or
you can enter a value.

This value influences scaling in y-direction.

Offset Y-offset of the curve.
Data type Data type of the parameter of the channel.
Graph display

Setting of the curve representation.

Fix offset ON: The offset is not automatically shifted when scaling the display.

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MOVISUITE® standard Measurement

Figure 121: Measurement

In the main area, you can open one or several measurements and have them displayed as

The tab [1] shows the name of the measurement.

The toolbar of the measurement [2] offers scaling functions:

Scaling Symbol Description

Previous Goes to the previous representation/scaling
Scale Y Optimizes scaling in y-direction so that all sig-
nals are displayed in the window.
Scale X Optimizes scaling in x-direction so that the
entire value range is displayed.
Fit Sets the scaling in such a way that all signals
are displayed.
Align All channels are aligned in such a way that
each channel utilizes the entire display height.
The signals are superimposed.
Zoom X Activates the zoom function. You can open an
x-zoom area using the mouse. This area will
be applied when you release the mouse button
and the diagram will be displayed with the re-
spective zoom.
Zoom Y Activates the zoom function. You can open an
y-zoom area using the mouse. This area will
be applied when you release the mouse button
and the diagram will be displayed with the re-

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spective zoom.
Zoom XY Activates the zoom function. You can open an
xy-zoom area using the mouse. This area will
be applied when you release the mouse button
and the diagram will be displayed with the re-
spective zoom.
Cursor Locked: ???
Visible: Display of the cursor
Resolution: Resolution of the X-axis (time axis)
X offset Specification of X offset to shift the curve in X-
Continuous For activating continuous trace mode
trace mode
Single trace For activating single trace mode

The recorded signals are displayed in an x-y diagram. The x-axis [4] shows the time, the y-
axis [3] shows the scaling axis of the curve depending on the selected channel. The diagram
itself shows all visible channels.

You can use the following shortcuts to set the scaling:

Shortcut Description
Scroll wheel Using the scroll wheel lets you change the scaling of the selected
Panning Clicking the diagram and dragging it with the mouse lets you move
the view in any direction.
Shift + drag mouse Zoom in x and y direction. When zooming, the zoom selection al-
ways has the same proportion as the size of the displayed diagram.
Ctrl + drag mouse Zoom in x and y direction. The size of the diagram is not taken into
account for zooming.
Pos1 Performs the FIT function
F11 Creates a screenshot of the current screen and saves it to the clip-
Ctrl + S Saves the current screen as screenshot to a file.

To select a channel in a measurement, you can either select a channel in the Channel Selec-
tion window, or click on the square at the left beginning of the channel's zero point in the dia-

Figure 122: Moving a measurement curve

Keeping the mouse button pressed on this square of the channel lets you move the meas-
urement in all directions.

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MOVISUITE® standard Measurement cursor

Using the measurement cursors, you can measure the curve and calculate specific mathe-
matical functions.

Figure 123: Measurement cursor

Two horizontal measurement cursors [1], [2] and two vertical measurement cursors [3], [4]
are available.

You can move these cursors into the directions shown in the figure.

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Figure 124: Values at the measurement cursors

In the Measurement Cursors window, the following values are calculated in the "Cursor"

Horizontally calculated values:

- Difference ΔX
- Mean value
- Maximum value
- Rectified value
- rms value
Vertically calculated values:
- Difference ΔY

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MOVISUITE® standard Properties

The Properties window shows various properties.

These properties are described in the following list:

Property group Description

Time axis: Clicking the Time axis button lets you open a win-
dow with a timeline in which you can move the curve in x-

Fixed grid: Using this property, you can fix the grid in the

White background: Using this property, you can show the

grid with white background. By default, the background is

Relative time axis: Using this property, you can scale the
time axis in such a way that the start of measurement begins
with the time "0 s".

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MOVISUITE® standard
Within this range, you can change the scaling in x and y direc-

Doing so is easier using the mouse with the zoom function

directly in the diagram.
The trigger time is shown in this property group.

Also the trigger component that has triggered the trigger is


In this group, the values between the cursor points are calcu-
lated and displayed.

Possible values:

Horizontally calculated values:

- Difference x
- Mean value
- Maximum value
- Rectified value
- rms value
Vertically calculated values:
- Difference y Online settings

In the online settings, you can set the Online trigger mode option.

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Property group Description
Online trigger mode Continuous: Recording is updated continuously and runs from
right to left.

Triggered: Recording is triggered using the set trigger. This

means the recording is only updated when a new trigger event
is detected. Measurement cursor

In this group, the values between the cursor points are calculated and displayed.

Possible values:

Horizontally calculated values:

- Minimum value
- Maximum value
- Difference
- Mean value
- Rectified value
- rms value
- Cursor 1 time
- Cursor 2 time

Vertically calculated values:

- Difference y
- Cursor 1
- Cursor 2

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MOVISUITE® standard Trigger

The Properties window shows various properties.

These properties are described in the following list:

Property group Description

Shows which triggers are active.

Manual: triggered by manual trigger in the user interface.

Trigger logic: device trips due to logic trigger operation.
System: trigger by the system.

Shows which trigger is active and has triggered the stop.

The trigger time is shown in this property group.

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19.4 Manual mode

With manual mode, you can move the inverters using MOVISUITE®. You can start and dis-
play the manual mode window simultaneously with the other applications.

19.4.1 Opening manual mode

You can open manual mode as view on the right side of the program. Manual mode has to
be opened at the device node.

Figure 125: Showing the manual mode window

To do so, open the "Tools" menu in standard view and choose Manual mode.

Once you have selected manual mode, it is displayed to the right. The assignment to the
device remains present as long as the manual mode window is open.

In tree view, you open manual mode via the context menu of the Tools group.

In MOVISUITE®, manual mode can always only be opened for one device.

19.4.2 Hiding manual mode

You can close manual mode by clicking the "X" button.

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Figure 126: Closing the manual mode window

A warning message appears when closing the manual mode window:

Figure 127: Warning message when closing the manual mode window

Clicking "Yes, deactivate manual mode" ends manual mode and the currently active set-
points will take effect.

19.4.3 Assigning manual mode to a device

Manual mode can be opened only for one device. Opening manual mode via the Tools menu
of a device defines the assignment to this device. The breadcrumb of the manual mode win-
dow shows for which device manual mode is open.

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Figure 128: Marker of the device with open manual mode

The symbol that indicates for which device manual mode is open is also used in the
function view.

If you open manual mode for another device, MOVISUITE® will automatically close manual
mode for the previous device. Activating manual mode

The manual mode window is always assigned to exactly one device. This is exactly the de-
vice from which you have activated manual mode via the Tools menu.

To activate manual mode, click the "Activate manual mode" button.

When manual mode is active, you can navigate in the function view and in the configuration.

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MOVISUITE® standard Deactivating manual mode

To deactivate manual mode, click the "Deactivate manual mode" button.

19.4.4 General control elements of manual mode Breadcrumb and manual mode function selection/display

The header of the manual mode window consists of 4 lines.

Line Representation Description

1 Headline of manual mode.

To hide the manual mode window, click the

"X" icon. Basic conditions, see
2 Breadcrumb:
The current device and its hierarchy path are
displayed via the breadcrumb.

A notification symbol additionally indicates a

fault or warning of a device.
3 Manual mode function
If manual mode is deactivated, you can se-
lect the manual mode function here.

If manual is activated, the currently selected

manual mode function is shown.
4 Button for activating/deactivating manual
Clicking this button activates or deactivates
manual mode.

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MOVISUITE® standard Deactivated manual mode

When manual mode is deactivated, the following items are available:

Manual mode function selection

Button for activating manual mode

Global functions
Timeout time for manual mode
Terminal functions active
Control word via bus active
Jerk limiting

The global functions can only be used when manual mode is deactivated.

An exception is the timeout time, which can be changed using the additional window (see
above) while manual mode is active.

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MOVISUITE® standard Activated manual mode

When manual mode is activated, the following items are available:

Selected manual mode function
Button for deactivating manual mode

Additional windows

Manual mode must be preselected. Depending on the manual mode in use, another manual
mode layout is displayed (see subsequent chapters).

You can expand the additional windows by clicking the buttons of the additional windows. Additional windows

You can show or hide additional windows in the bar at the bottom of the manual mode win-

When windows are open, the respective buttons are highlighted in light blue.

Figure 129: Example: The window for setting values is shown

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MOVISUITE® standard
You can have the following additional windows displayed:

Button Representation Description

The function "Release brake" is designed as a
check box and is combined in an additional
window together with output stage inhibit.

Actual values:
Actual position: current actual position of the
frequency inverters.
Torque: current actual torque of the frequency
Current: the current is displayed from min. = 0
to max. = Imax (8359.16).

Read only.
Digital inputs and outputs:
The terminal functions comprise all standard
I/Os (inputs and outputs).

The terminal state and its parameterized func-

tion are displayed.

Read only.

Setting values
You can adjust the acceleration within the
specified limits of the device using a slider.

Display: Start of reference travel and display of

the current reference travel state.

Timeout time for communication. If no data is

exchanged within the timeout time, the drive
will be stopped automatically by the frequency

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MOVISUITE® standard Timeout

In the event of excessive system utilization, manual mode might time out. In this case, the
following notification window appears in manual mode:

Figure 130: Manual mode timeout

You can reset the timeout by clicking the Reset device fault button.

You can also change the timeout time. When you set the timeout time to a greater value,
please bear in mind that the drive might turn longer in case of emergency until it switches off

A timeout can occur in the following cases:

- The axis is moved in manual mode and at the same time the scope tool is opened
and a new scope project is created.
- The axis is moved in manual mode and at the same time a scope measurement is
loaded from the axis.
- The communication is interrupted (for example by pulling a plug). Fault status

In the event of a fault, both the main fault and the subfault are dis-
played. No entries can be made. You can merely press the Reset
device fault button.

You can also deactivate manual mode by clicking "Deactivate

manual mode".

If the device issues a warning (device fault with fault response:

warning), then no fault is displayed in manual mode but only a
warning in the breadcrumb.
Figure 131: Device fault
indicated in manual
mode window

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MOVISUITE® standard System messages

Parameter "8500.5 Active FCB source" specifies the source the

current FCB has requested.

Using this parameter, you can evaluate whether or why manual

mode cannot be started.

The column "Message display" in the following table provides a

list to inform in which cases a message is displayed.

8500.5 Message text Message display

0 Output stage inhibited by digital input of basic X
unit DI00
1 Reserved No message
2 Higher-priority FCB activated by control word or Not possible
3 Higher priority FCB activated by parameter Not possible
4 Reserved No message
5 Parameter set changeover active X
6 Fixed setpoint processing active X
7 Fault response active X
8 Power off response active X
9 Higher priority FCB activated by safety option X
10 Preparing restart X
11 Drive not ready X
12 Higher priority FCB activated by test manager X

In these cases manual mode is inhibited and you cannot make any entries.

But you can terminate manual mode at any time.

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MOVISUITE® standard Output stage inhibit

You can set the device to "output stage inhibit" state by clicking
the Inhibit output stage button.

The message "Output stage inhibited by manual mode" is dis-

played. You can terminate this mode only by clicking the "Enable
output stage" button. In this case, manual mode will change to
stop state.

You can terminate manual mode at any time by clicking "Deacti-

vate manual mode".

A warning is displayed before activating output stage inhibit. Terminating manual mode

You can terminate manual mode at any time. However, this is a critical action. This is the
reason why a safety prompt appears. You can decide whether you really want to terminate
manual mode, or if you want to continue to use manual mode.

Figure 132: Safety prompt before closing manual mode

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MOVISUITE® standard Closing the manual mode window

When you close the manual mode window by clicking the "X" icon, the above warning is dis-
played. Manual mode is deactivated once you have confirmed the prompt.

19.4.5 Speed-controlled manual mode

The following figure shows activated, speed-controlled manual


Figure 133: Speed-

controlled manual

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Speed-controlled manual mode provides the following display and control elements:

Display element Function Description

Speed setpoint The speed setpoint is indi-
cated by the thumb in the
speed meter and can be
moved with the mouse.

You can also accept the

setpoint by entering it in the
edit box and pressing the
enter key.

Actual speed value The actual speed value is

indicated in the speed me-
ter by the blue area.

The exact numerical value

is shown in the middle to-
gether with the unit.

Brake state The brake state is shown:

- Brake lifted
- Brake applied

Speed reversal Clicking this button lets you

inverse the speed sign.
Stop Clicking Stop stops the

Start Clicking Start starts the


When the drive is enabled,

the button flashes green.

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19.4.6 Position controlled manual mode

In position-controlled manual mode, you can specify an absolute position (e.g. 1000 mm).

Please note that positioning is only possible when the drive has been referenced. You can
perform referencing using the additional window "Settings" (see 19.4.7).

The representation of software and hardware limit switches is described in chapter 19.4.11.

You can enter a target position (positive or negative) in the input field for the setpoint posi-
tion. You can also enter the positioning speed in the corresponding input field.

The actual position is indicated by a blue rhomb. The remaining distance to the target posi-
tion is highlighted in yellow. A yellow line marks the target position.

19.4.7 Reference travel

You can start reference travel by clicking the "Start reference travel" button in the additional
window "Settings" in manual mode.

When the drive has been referenced, the status "Active drive referenced" is displayed addi-
tionally to visualize that referencing has been performed.

You can perform reference travel also when no encoder is connected, for example when a
control mode without encoder has been set.

The representation of software and hardware limit switches is described in chapter 19.4.11.

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19.4.8 Load cycling

The following figure shows load cycling mode.

Figure 134: Load cycling

The representation of software and hardware limit switches is described in chapter 19.4.11.

In load cycling mode, you can enter a position 1 (left position) and a position 2 (right posi-
tion). The positioning speed must also be entered. You can then start load cycling by clicking
the Start button.

If the actual position is beyond the load cycling range, the drive first moves to the edge of the
load cycling range. Next, the load cycling movement starts.

The current absolute position in user units is always displayed as the actual position.

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19.4.9 Cycle mode

The following figure shows cycle mode.

The representation of software and hardware limit switches is described in chapter 19.4.11.

You have to set a cycle length and a positioning speed. The sign of the positioning speed
indicates whether the drive moves to the left (negative sign) or to the right (positive sign) in
cycle mode.

When starting cycle mode, the first cycle starts at the current actual position.

If the drive is stopped and started again either using manual mode or another source, then
the new cycle always starts at the current actual position.

Figure 135: Cycle mode

The remaining travel distance of a cycle is highlighted in yellow. In the above figures, the
cycle starts from left, moves to the right, and has arrived at the right position. The cycle then
starts again at the left position (the blue rhomb jumps to the left).

19.4.10 Emergency mode – defective external encoder

The following figure shows emergency mode with defective external encoder.

"Emergency mode – defective external encoder" is operated in the same way as speed-
controlled manual mode.

This manual mode can be used when the external encoder is defective and the drive is to be
moved in manual mode to a "reachable" replacement position.

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Figure 136: Emergency mode – defective external encoder

Reference travel is not possible in emergency mode. The button for starting reference travel
is therefore disabled.

An additional notification "Emergency mode – defective external encoder" is displayed.

19.4.11 Limit switch processing and display

A difference is made in the device between software limit switches and hardware limit

Software limit switches are always initialized so they are always activated before the hard-
ware limit switches.

For the operating principle of software and hardware limit switches, refer to the system man-
ual of the devices.

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MOVISUITE® standard Software limit switches

Software limit switches are visualized in the diagram by the left and right position marks.

Figure 137: Software limit switches

If the numbers are white, the software limit switches have not been hit. The line and the
number turn red as soon a software limit switch has been hit.

Special case – software limit switches after delivery state:

After delivery state, both software limit switches are located at positions = 0. In the above
figure, both software limit switches (left and right) are displayed but both software limit
switches show position "0". Additionally, a fault is displayed (see fault display – manual mode
= red area is shown) where a device fault is shown.

Software limit switch tooltip:

Positioning the mouse over a software limit switch displays a tooltip that describes the state
of the software limit switch. Hardware limit switches

Hardware limit switches are visualized by the left and right position marks.

Figure 138: Hardware limit switches

If the hardware limit switches are indicated in gray color as in the above figure, then the
hardware limit switch has not been hit. The hardware limit switch is indicated in red when it
has been hit.

Hardware limit switch tooltip

Positioning the mouse over a hardware limit switch displays a tooltip that describes the state
of the hardware limit switch.

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MOVISUITE® standard Behavior when a hardware or software limit switch has been hit

If a hardware or software limit switch has been hit, the drive can be moved away from the
limit switch in inverse direction.

This means:
1 If the right limit switch (hardware or software limit switch) has been hit, the drive can be
moved clear of the limit switch in negative direction of movement.
2 If the left limit switch (hardware or software limit switch) has been hit, the drive can be
moved clear of the limit switch in positive direction of movement.

19.5 XML data exchange (INTERNAL)

Using this tool, you can load parameter sets saved in XML files into the device and read
them out.

Figure 139: Startup test tool

To have data sets displayed, you have to specify the search path (see above figure).

You can search and set the required path by clicking Browse. The path is saved locally.

If you select a data set in the list, you can load the data set into the device by clicking "PC 

To read the data set from the device, click "Device  PC". A new name is created for the
read-out file according to the following pattern:

[Original file name]_READ_[date]_[time]

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Figure 140: File selection

You can open the selected file and the folder via context menu.

Additionally, a log file is created with every action. Log files are stored relative to the speci-
fied file path in the path .\Logging.

Using the context menu, you can edit the list. This means you can delete individual files or all
files from the list. You can also open the folder for the log files in the Explorer.

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Figure 141: Context menu

19.6 Parameter Tree Editor (INTERNAL)

The Parameter Tree Editor is available for SEW experts for maintaining and creating the con-
figuration pages.

The device should be configured using the nodes on the device.

19.7 Assist CS..

The Assist CS.. software is described in the manual for the CS.. components.

19.8 MultiMotion Monitor

The Monitor is a tool you can use to diagnose the interface in the IEC program for the Mul-
tiMotion axis and also to operate the interface in control mode.

The Monitor is described in the IEC Project Creation manual.

19.9 CAM Editor

The CAM Editor is a tool that lets you create curves than can be traveled along by means of
the controller and the camming function.

The CAM Editor is described in the IEC Project Creation manual.

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20 Project and data management

20.1 Project management

Using the project management functions, you can perform the following functions:

- Create new project

- Open project
- Save project
- Save project as
- Export/import project

20.1.1 New/open/save project New project

When creating a new project, a temporary project is always created. You are not directly
prompted to enter a project name. Instead, a default name is specified and the project is
saved under this name.

You are prompted to enter a project name the first time you save the project, or you can ac-
cept the suggested default name. Open project

When opening an existing project (by directly selecting the project in the main menu), the
project is loaded and you then work with the temporary project. Save project

A dot in the Save icon indicates that changes have been made to the saved project.

To save the changed data, click the Save button.

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Figure 142: Saving in MOVISUITE®

Figure 143: Saving in the main menu

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MOVISUITE® standard Data management processes

When opening a project in MOVISUITE®, the selected project is copied and saved in a tem-
porary folder.

You always work with the temporary project. All changes made during ongoing operation are
saved in the temporary project.

The project itself consists of a project directory where the following parts are saved:

Project fragment Description

Device data sets The device data sets are saved in a shared
database. Each write access is saved both in
the device database and in the device.
Folders for tools with subprojects Tools can contain subprojects.
Scope contains a scope project where the
configuration and the measurements are
The IEC Editor contains the IEC project
where all data for the IEC project is saved.

When saving the project, the temporary project is copied and saved in the actual project.
However, the temporary project remains open and the application continues to work with this
temporary project.

The temporary project is deleted when closing the tool and when changing the project.

The following figure shows this concept.



Projekt öffnen
Temporäres Projekt

Projekt speichern


Scope IEC-

MOVI-C Geräte

Figure 144: Sequence when opening and saving the MOVISUITE® project

The MOVISUITE® project is not saved completely until all subordinate tools
have saved your project and until MOVISUITE® has also saved its data in the
MOVISUITE® project database.

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If you save your data in a tool (e.g. IEC Editor or Scope), then the data are only
saved in the temporary MOVISUITE® project. This means you have to save the
data by clicking the Save button in MOVISUITE® (see above) at the latest when
closing MOVISUITE®.

The data will be lost if you do not save the data in MOVISUITE®.

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20.1.2 Exporting/importing a MOVISUITE® project

You can export or import a project via the main menu of MOVISUITE®.

Figure 145: Exporting a MOVISUITE® project

When exporting a project, the current project is saved first and then the project is saved as a
project ZIP file at the location specified by the user.

MOVISUITE Projekt Geräteexport





Temporäres Projekt
3. Projekt
2. Speichern

1. Speichern

Scope IEC-

MOVI-C Geräte

Figure 146: Sequence for exporting a MOVISUITE® project

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When importing a project, the project you have selected is copied into the MOVISUITE® pro-
ject directory and then the project is opened automatically. If a project is open, it will be
closed (you might be prompted to save the project) before the import.

MOVISUITE Projekt Geräteexport


t Im



Temporäres Projekt
2. Projekt öffnen

Scope IEC-

MOVI-C Geräte

Figure 147: Sequence for importing a MOVISUITE® project

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20.2 Device data management

Device data management is used to save or read the data of devices in the project database

Several mechanisms are possible, which are described in the following chapters.

20.2.1 Changing parameters directly

In MOVISUITE®, users can work in two different modes:

1. Startup mode: In this mode, you work directly with the data of the device, have these
data displayed, and you change these values directly in the device and at the same
time also in the database.
2. Planning mode: In this mode, you work with the data of the database but the devices
need not necessarily be connected. Data are saved only in the database. In startup mode

What is important in startup mode is that changes are always saved in the device AND in the
MOVISUITE® project.

The advantage of this mechanism is that you need not make a backup in order to save the
data you have changed in the device in the database (which was the case in MOVITOOLS
MotionStudio and has been criticized).



Temporäres Projekt Write


Scope IEC-



MOVI-C Geräte

Figure 148: Changing parameters in startup mode

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MOVISUITE® standard In planning mode:

In planning mode, changes made to parameters are only saved in the MOVISUITE® project.



Temporäres Projekt Write


Scope IEC-

MOVI-C Geräte

Figure 149: Changing parameters in planning mode In configuration

In the configuration, the values are read directly from the devices and are displayed in the
parameters in startup mode. Only the required parameters of the currently displayed page
are read out.

Parameter changes are directly written into the device and are saved in the MOVISUITE®
project. In wizards: e.g. drive train

The drive train is an exception in the data management because in this case a consistent
data status must be fulfilled for the drive train function before the data can be saved into the

This is the reason why the required data set is first read from the device in startup mode. The
user prepares the drive train, changes it, and sets the necessary parameters. Next, the drive
train is saved as complete package in the device and at the same time in the MOVISUITE®

In the planning phase, the values are only entered in the MOVISUITE® project, else the pro-
cedure is the same.

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20.2.2 Transferring a data set

As parameters can also be changed from other sources (e.g. via CBG21A or MOVI-C®
CONTROLLER), users must have the option of synchronizing the data set of a device with
the data set saved in the MOVISUITE® project for this device.

The following options are provided:

- Device  PC: Perform a backup of device data.
- PC  device: Restore the project data into the device.



Temporäres Projekt


Scope IEC-

MOVI-C Geräte

Figure 150: Backup and restore of data sets

20.2.3 Exporting/importing device data set

You can export and import a device data set.

During the export, the device data set is read from the device in startup mode. Next, an ex-
port file is created that contains the complete device data set. Additionally, all tool project
data are saved in the export file.

Data sets can be imported in two ways:

1. When importing an export file and a device is selected, all data will be imported into a
2. When importing an export file and a segment is selected, a new device will be creat-
ed with the device type described in the export file and the data of the export file.

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Figure 151: Export/import device

MOVISUITE Projekt Geräteexport

x port
rät E
3. Ge



Temporäres Projekt
2. Projekt
1. Gerät  PC

Scope IEC-

MOVI-C Geräte

Figure 152: Exporting a device data set

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MOVISUITE Projekt Geräteexport

t im
fü rG
n sa
D ate


Temporäres Projekt

2. PCGerät

Scope IEC-

MOVI-C Geräte

Figure 153: Importing a device data set

When exporting and importing a data set, only the parameter data set of the
device is saved.

Both the configuration data for the software module and the software module
itself are not exported or imported.

20.2.4 Device replacement detection

A notification symbol at the device node indicates that a device or unit has been replaced.

Device replacement is detected by means of the UUID that is specified by production and is
unique for each device.

You have to perform the function "PC  device" (restore) to load the saved data set of the
device into the device in the MOVISUITE® project.

In the process, all read-only device properties are synchronized with the device so that the
data set in the device is identical with the data set in the MOVISUITE® project database.

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20.2.5 Detecting different device properties

When assigning a scanned device in the network view to a device module in the function
view, a dialog opens if the device properties are different.

Possible differences:

- Different device family

- Different part number or version
- Differently configured subcomponents (options)

Figure 154: Detecting different device properties

You can synchronize the data in the MOVISUITE® project. In this case, the device is not
affected because the read-only properties of the device cannot be modified.

The dialog also appears for the following actions:

- Copy data / paste data
- PC  device
- Device  PC

For these three actions, the device properties are always compared.

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21 Versioning of modules

The modules of MOVISUITE® are structured in such a way that MOVISUITE®
can be easily and conveniently expanded without having to compile

This means that in the case of a newly released series version of a device, you
can expand the current MOVISUITE® installation by this series version simply by
means of an update package instead of having to install the entire MOVISUITE®
software again.

21.1 Introduction

The versioning of modules in MOVISUITE® consists of the components shown in the follow-
ing figure.

Tools IECEditor Toolpakete

MOVISUITE (z.B. Scope, Assist CS.., CAM Editor,
MultiMotion-Editor) Über neue MOVSIUITE
Version updatebar

MOVIGEAR V01.01 MOVIDRIVE V01.01 MultiMotion V1.1.200 [Name[ V01.01

MOVIGEAR V02.00 MOVIDRIVE V02.00 MultiMotion V1.2.200 [Name[ V02.00
MOVIGEAR V02.01 MOVIDRIVE V02.02 MultiMotion V2.1.300 [Name[ V02.01 Modulpakete
MOVIGEAR V03.01 MOVIDRIVE V03.01 MultiMotion V3.1.200 [Name[ V03.01 Jederzeit
Neue Version kommt

Modul global: Modul global: Modul global: Modul global: Modulglobale

Im Modulpaket
enthalten, ersetzen alte

Language Files Dokumentation Images

Globale Daten
V1 V1 V1
Ersetzt alte

Figure 155: Components of MOVISUITE®

Package module Description

Tool packages MOVISUITE® The framework of MOVISUITE®
Tools (such as Scope, Tools that are provided in MOVISUITE®
Assist CS.., CAM Edi- for various devices and software modules.
tor, etc.)
IEC Editor IEC Editor programming software
Module packages Versioned device mod- A module package is available for each
ules firmware version of a device or software
version of a software module.
Global device modules A global module package is available
of a device family across all device modules or software
modules of a device family.

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Global data Language files Global text files
Documentation Global documentation/help files
Images Global Image storage


An update package can include the following:

Update package: - Module package MOVIGEAR V03.01

MOVIGEAR® - Module global MOVIGEAR V2
- Global data V2  Updates new texts and images.

The components of the package are marked in orange in the following figure.

Tools IECEditor Toolpakete

MOVISUITE (z.B. Scope, Assist CS.., CAM Editor,
MultiMotion-Editor) Über neue MOVSIUITE
Version updatebar

MOVIGEAR V01.01 MOVIDRIVE V01.01 MultiMotion V1.1.200 [Name[ V01.01

MOVIGEAR V02.00 MOVIDRIVE V02.00 MultiMotion V1.2.200 [Name[ V02.00
MOVIGEAR V02.01 MOVIDRIVE V02.02 MultiMotion V2.1.300 [Name[ V02.01 Modulpakete
MOVIGEAR V03.01 MOVIDRIVE V03.01 MultiMotion V3.1.200 [Name[ V03.01 Jederzeit
Neue Version kommt

Modul global: Modul global: Modul global: Modul global: Modulglobale

MOVIGEAR V2 MOVIDRIVEV2 MultiMotion V3 [Name] V2
Im Modulpaket
enthalten, ersetzen alte

Language Files Dokumentation Images

Globale Daten
V2 V2 V2
Ersetzt alte

Figure 156: Example of an update package

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21.2 Working with versioning

The following subchapters describe the most important functions, displays and actions that
will occur when working with MOVISUITE®.

21.2.1 Selecting a device module with version from the catalog

When you add a device from the catalog (preferably in the planning phase), you additionally
have to select the version of the module (firmware version of the device). The latest version
of the module is set by default.

Figure 157: Selecting the module version in the catalog

A module version must also be chosen for the selected options. An exception are all options
without firmware (CIDxx and CIOxx). No version needs to be selected for these options as no
selection is offered for these options.

Clicking "Apply" creates the device with the selected versions and options and displays it in
the function view.

If you change to the planning phase after having configured the module, you will have to
connect the devices in the function view to physically scanned devices in the network view.

An online-offline version check is performed in the process, see 21.2.4.

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21.2.2 Selecting a software module with version from the catalog

Also when selecting a software module from the catalog, you have to specify the version of
the software module. The latest version is set by default.

Figure 158: Selecting the software module with version from the catalog

Select the required version of the software module and apply the software module by clicking
the "Apply" button.

21.2.3 Connecting a device module in function view with a device in network


When connecting a device module in the function view with a device in the network view, the
versions of the saved data set and of the connected device are checked and, if required,

If the versions are different, the following message appears:

Figure 159: Different versions

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When the connection is created, the version is synchronized automatically. This means the
version of the physically connected device is applied to the MOVISUITE® project.

Next, you can additionally perform the data management function "PC  device" or "Device
 PC".

No dialog is displayed when the versions are identical.

21.2.4 Online-offline check of module versions

MOVISUITE® cyclically checks in the background whether the version of the device matches
the module version saved in the project. A notification symbol appears if a difference is de-
tected. Clicking the notification symbol opens a window with further information.

Figure 160: Example of a notification dialog

21.2.5 Notification for different device versions

A notification symbol is displayed on the device when you have update the firmware of the
device (e.g. V2.10  V3.00). This notification symbol indicates that different device versions
have been detected.

Figure 161: Different device versions detected

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The "Possible causes and solutions" part of the notification provides information on how to
solve the problem:

1. Perform the function "Device  PC": Doing so will apply the current data set of the
device to the project, which means also the versions will be adjusted.
2. Perform a firmware update and load the old firmware version into the device again.

The notification message disappears once you have performed one of the two suggested

Notes on working with different versions

We advise against using different versions of physical device and device module saved in
MOVISUITE®. The reason is that the scope of parameters might differ and data might get
lost in the worst case.

21.2.6 Device version not installed

It might occur that a device version is not installed on the PC. This can be the case, for ex-
ample, when a device firmware with a later version is loaded in the device but this version is
not yet included in the installed MOVISUITE® version.

In this case you only have the following options:

1. Load a device with a firmware version included in MOVISUITE®
2. Install a new MOVISUITE® version
3. Re-install an available new module for this new device

Notes on working with different versions

We advise against using different versions of physical device and device module saved in
MOVISUITE®. The reason is that the scope of parameters might differ and data might get
lost in the worst case.

21.2.7 Device not known

It might occur that a device module is not installed on the PC. This can be the case, for ex-
ample, when a new device is connected that is not yet included in the installed MOVISUITE®

In this case you only have the following options:

1. Install a new MOVISUITE® version that includes the device module
2. Re-install an available new module for this new device

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21.3 Adjust version and device

The "Adjust version and device" dialog allows for changing the components and versions in
an existing MOVISUITE® project. This function is available from MOVISUITE® version 2.2. A
video is available that explains the function in detail.

The dialog can be opened for the following components:

• Controllers
• Inverters
• Virtual axes
• Software nodes

The "Adjust version and device" dialog is described by way of an example.

Some adjustments are made in the planning phase on a MOVIDRIVE® Technology inverter
as an example. The MOVIDRIVE® main component is to be updated to the latest version 4.0
and the MOVIKIT® module "Positioning Drive" is to be replaced by "Velocity Drive".

The versions of the main component, subcomponents, and the MOVIKIT® module are
shown in the tooltip of the selected MOVISUITE® Technology.

Figure 162: Display of the main component, subcomponent, and MOVIKIT® module with their

To open the new dialog "Adjust version and device" in the context menu, right-click the upper
or lower semi-circle of the device node.

Figure 163: Context menu with the "Adjust version and device" dialog

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21.3.1 Planning phase

In the planning phase, you can edit the type, the subcomponent version, and the selection of
the MOVIKIT® module. For the main component, only the version can be adjusted.

Figure 164: "Adjust version and device" dialog

For example, if you want to change the MOVIKIT® module, you simply have to open the cor-
responding dropdown menu and make the selection.

If you want to change a subcomponent or a MOVIKIT® module, the latest version is already

You can also remove entire subcomponents and MOVIKIT® modules, or add new ones.

Figure 165: Changing the MOVIKIT® module

Changes are indicated by green icons. You can view the changes between components or
versions on the associated notification window.

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Figure 166: Change indicator

To apply the changes to the MOVISUITE® project, click "Apply".

Figure 167: Progress indicator while performing changes

The changed versions are then shown in the tooltip and in the configuration.

Figure 168: Display of the versions

Figure 169: Display of the MOVIKIT® module


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21.3.2 Startup phase

The dialog is opened via the context menu of the device. All settings can be made on the
MOVIKIT® module as usual.

In this example, the target versions for the main and subcomponents are dimmed because
the firmware of the device is adjusted when changing the version.
The firmware can only be changed by the Service of SEW-EURODRIVE using the Firmware

Figure 170: "Adjust version and device" dialog in the startup phase

Once you have confirmed the selection by clicking "Apply", all displayed versions and com-
ponents are applied both in the device and in the project.

21.3.3 Compatibility check in the "Adjust version and device" dialog

Now back to the planning phase to show an additional function.

Figure 171: Change to the startup phase

MOVISUITE® checks whether the selected target versions are compatible with one another.

The way in which incompatible versions are indicated and how this is remedied, is shown
taking a MOVIDRIVE® system inverter as example.

If version 2.10 is selected as the target version for the main component and for example Mul-
tiMotion is added as a new MOVIKIT® module, then this module is not compatible with the
version of the main component.

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Figure 172: Selecting the MOVIKIT® module Figure 173: Indication of the change

An incompatibility is already indicated in the dropdown menu and with an error icon next to
the version selection. Mouse over or clicking the icon provides further information.

Figure 174: Indication of incompatibility

The "Apply" button is not available and you cannot continue until all incompatibilities have
been eliminated.

Figure 175: Apply changes

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21.4 Additional information about versioning

21.4.1 Versioning of device modules

The version of a device module consists of two digits.

Frequency inverter, CONTROLLER, options (subcomponents)

Part number Major ver- Minor ver- Release Build
sion sion
0 0-99 Test version (cur-
rent development)
1-99 0-49 Series version
50-99 Fieldtest version
18259774 02 03 201703251 Example for

In the devices, neither release nor build are used for versioning the modules in

21.4.2 Versioning of software modules

The version in software modules is structured as follows. In the software modules, neither
release nor build are used for versioning the modules in MOVISUITE®.

Software modules + IEC

Part number Major ver- Minor ver- Status Build
sion sion
1-255 1-255 0-99 0-255 Test version
100-199 Fieldtest version
200-255 Series version
18247586 02 03 200 2 Example for Mul-

21.4.3 Assigning modules to devices in a version

The following figure illustrates the assignment of devices with a certain firmware version to
the modules.

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MOVISUITE® standard
Versionsabhängige Moduldaten:
ModuleVersionGUID DriveProgramGUID
.driveModule .dataModule
GUID-Device: 0543869f-1acc- VersionDescription:
41df-bfef-50faa - GUID Device = 0543869f-1acc... DeviceConfigGUID
74609d1 - Gerätefamilie = 16909057 .dataModule
Gerätefamilie: 16909057 - Sachnummer = 18259774
Sachnummer: 18259774 - Version = 02.02
Version: 02.02 FirmwareGUID
Modules .dataModule
- CrcRecipe
- DriveProgram (DataFlex) IecCodeGenerationGUID
- DeviceConfig
Modulglobale Daten
- Firmware IecEditorPackageGUID
CrcRecipeGUID .dataModule
- Help
- IecCodeGeneration
Report F-Texte
HelpGUID - IecEditorPackage
- ImagesModule ParaTreeGUID
ImagesModuleGUID - Language (F-Texte)
- Language (Catalog) SymbolInfoGUID
ImagesModuleGUID - ParaTree
- SymbolInfo

Versionsabhängige Moduldaten

ModuleVersionGUID DriveProgramGUID
.driveModule .dataModule
GUID-Device: 0543869f-1acc- VersionDescription:
41df-bfef-50faa - GUID Device = 0543869f-1acc... DeviceConfigGUID
74609d1 - Gerätefamilie = 16909057 .dataModule
Gerätefamilie: 16909057 - Sachnummer = 18259774
Sachnummer: 18259774 - Version = 03.01
Version: 03.01 FirmwareGUID
Modules .dataModule
- CrcRecipe
- DriveProgram (DataFlex) IecCodeGenerationGUID
- DeviceConfig
- Firmware IecEditorPackageGUID
- Help
- IecCodeGeneration Report F-Texte
- IecEditorPackage
- ImagesModule ParaTreeGUID
- Language (F-Texte)
- Language (Catalog) .dataModule
- ParaTree
- SymbolInfo

Globale Daten
BlockedNamingKeyword DriveTrain ImagesParaTree Tool
CommonData Help Language

The drive module is assigned to a device by means of the device ID and version ID (GUID
device, device family, part number, version).

The upper figure shows two devices with different versions. In MOVISUITE®, these devices
refer to two different drive modules that differ by the different version.

Each drive module includes references to data modules that are also filed separately as a
package for each version.

Example: The drive module for version 02.02 includes among others another parameter tree
and symbol info than the drive module for version 03.01.

The module global DataModule CrcRecipe, help and images contain version-independent
data that are used for every module with the same GUID device.

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