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SEPTEMBER 2020/2021








CHEW YEN LIM MC200911918
CHEW YEN MAY MC201012478
Article 1: The quality of work life and turnover intentions among Malaysian
nurses: the mediating role of organizational commitment
Reference (APA style): Ibrahim Alzamel, L.G., Abdullah, K.L., Chong, M.C.
et al. The quality of work life and turnover intentions among Malaysian
nurses: the mediating role of organizational commitment. J. Egypt. Public.
Health. Assoc. 95, 20 (2020).

Summary of the article

Employee turnover intention is measured for identifying organizational employees of

specific industries to identify whether they were planning to leave their organization or not.
Turnover intentions may sometimes be referred to as voluntarily or in case involuntarily and
it needs to be understood by the present organization quite adequately. The main aim of this
article is to understand the factors influencing the turnover intention of the nurses and
maintain the work-life quality among Malaysian nurses. Mainly in the hospital's lots of
pressures need to be handled by the nurses and the management of the organization needs to
perform some basic ideologies.

Malaysian Health Ministry reported in 2016 that their hospitals were facing
tremendous issues of having a shortage of their nurses. In order to enhance the turnover of the
nurses in hospitals organizations need to provide a suitable workplace that can help them in
maintaining the work-home balances, design the workload and social influences. A survey
has seemed to be conducted among 430 nurses for understanding the behaviour of their
organization as well as the turnover intentions properly. Random sampling has been applied
for selecting appropriate participants, questionnaires have been prepared earlier, and they
need to put their responses.

Explanation and critique about the article

Any kind of industry needs to understand the importance of their employees to run
their organization quite well and fosters their business. According to Alzamel et al. (2020),
however, the scenario of 2016 has shown that nurses do not want to continue their services
and started to leave their jobs due to several reasons. However, it has been seen that the role
of the nurses in the hospitals is necessary and a huge amount of work needs to be conducted
by them without having a proper pay scale. Despite that, in many hospitals, proper sanitation
facilities are not provided which creates problems for the nurses as well as their patients to
recover quickly. However, the leaders present in the ward need to be cooperative and must
provide a friendly environment for their employees as it enhances their employee satisfaction.

However, employees not provided with emotional stability in their workplace, which
helps an organization to retain their employees for a longer period of time. Moreover, it has
seemed to be found that as employees are attached to the organization with an emotional
attachment it becomes difficult for them to leave the workplace instantly. As argued by
Alzamel et al. (2020), therefore, the feelings of the nurses need to be valued and it can
enhance the quality of their work and minimize turnover retention in hospitals. The main
criticisms are that they were quite acquainted with the facts that their employees were leaving
the hospitals. However, still do not take any kind of steps to recruit new nurses otherwise it
can create huge pressure among those remaining nurses. A Taiwanese study reveals that the
work-life quality of the nurses needs to be improved in Malaysian hospitals and improve the
scenario of employee turnover.

However, it has seemed to be identified that a relation between reverse correlations

with the turnover intention needs to be placed. According to Alzamel et al. (2020), this
relationship reveals that the commitment of the organization plays an important role in
enhancing their productivity and attachment with the organization and ultimately reduces the
employee turnover intentions. The first test of the hypothesis reveals that flexible working
hours need to be maintained among their nurses and a healthy environment helps in
maintaining a sustainable environment for them as well as for their patients. However, the
random sampling process seems to be a positive step that has been followed as different
views regarding the topic can be understood properly. However, a proper pay structure with
an adequate amount of holidays needs to be provided for the nurses. It can help them to grow
the interest among the students to learn to nursing

As a large number of students is enhanced with these facilities the scarcity, as well as
employee turnover intention, can be minimized quite rapidly. The task of the nurses is quite
hectic as they need to provide their services 24*7 shift wise and need some holidays for
maintaining their health otherwise it can create problems for them, to work hard in busy
wards. The second hypothesis is that there is a significant positive relationship between the
Quality of work-life and organizational commitment. It is necessary among the leaders and
the organizational management to provide adequate facilities for their nurses as they were
considered as the backbone of the medical industries.

Opinion on the value of the study

The current study has focused on turnover and work-life quality of Malaysian nurses
to maintain organizational commitment. It can be said that turnover must be a serious issue of
an organization as it changes workplace culture. Author has stated that low income, poor
organizational culture, workplace dissatisfaction, and lack of commitment are some reasons
for employee turnover. It can be observed that public hospitals of Malaysia are facing issues
due to poor workplace culture and hospitals losing skilled nurses (Alzamel et al. 2020).
Moreover, according to the case report, every manager has to understand main reason for
employee turnover and the contribution of poor working culture on employee turnover. As a
result, the cost of nursing institutions is increasing day by day and patients have to search for
other organizations for their treatment.

The researchers have stated that higher authorities have to know desires or
requirements of an organization for mitigating employee turnover. It is observed that work-
life quality is a vital part to reduce employee turnover and managers have to develop better
workplace management for nurses. Additionally, good working conditions, leadership
quality, culture, and employee retention policies can help Malaysian hospitals to retain their
nurses. The article has defined that a positive workplace environment can help a person to
change their attitude or behavioural skill to deliver maximum outputs. As argued by Alzamel
et al. (2020), it is necessary for every hospital to change its management structure and
organizational culture for developing the best workplace management system. Therefore, it
can be argued that every organization needs to develop some preferable workplace
environment for nurse care.

Organizational commitment is necessary to maintain loyalty and it can easily meet

goals of hospitals. Authors have stated that positive correlation can improve work-life quality
and people can accept the current workplace environment. Quality of the workplace can
support a person to improve job satisfaction and it must be a good thing to prepare for future
work. As argued by Alzamel et al. (2020), it can be said that current study can add value as it
has provided information about the workplace management system, organizational culture,
and management tools. Organizational commitment, quality of work-life, and turnover
intention are parts of research hypotheses that have also been described in the research. In
order to maintain employee turnover, authors have conducted primary quantitative surveys
and statistical analyses.

The current research has analysed importance of a workplace management system,

moreover, it has discovered that several techniques are by which a person can overcome this
issue. Organization commitment and rewards policies are some parts of the hypotheses
authors have analysed that a friendly workplace can improve attitude of employees (Alzamel
et al. 2020). The present research paper has examined workplace quality of nurses and reason
for employee turnover of Malaysian hospitals. It has defined that managers of an organization
have to keep their commitment and need to understand requirements of nursing students. In
this present situation, people prefer to work within a friendly workplace instead of an
unethical organization. It is necessary for an organization to fulfil desires of staff with the
help of working style, payment style, and performance management system.

Article 2: Achieving corporate sustainability performance: The infuence of

corporate ethical value, and leader-member exchange on employee
behaviors and organizational performance
Reference (APA style): Lee, S.H. Achieving corporate sustainability
performance: The influence of corporate ethical value, and leader-member
exchange on employee behaviors and organizational performance. Fash
Text 7, 25 (2020).

Summary of the article

The stakeholder theory highlights the necessity of paying attention to internal stakeholders in
order to move toward corporate sustainability, since workers' attitudes and behaviours may
have both direct and indirect effects on an organization's performance. Employees may see
their company as socially responsible if these three aspects are reflected: ethical leadership,
corporate ethical principles, and a comprehensive ethics program, according to the study.
This means that contextual (company ethical principles) and relational (leader-member
interaction) variables may have an impact on employee behaviour, which can help companies
move toward corporate sustainability. Corporate ethical values (CEV) provide a crucial
framework for workers to engage in more ethical decision-making, and CEV also enhances
long-term organizational success. On the other side, as a relational component, leader-
member exchange (LMX) has been studied to better understand management behaviours as
well as to motivate personnel via empowerment, respect, and duty. Corporate social
responsibility (CSR), sometimes known as corporate sustainability, emphasizes a company's
responsibilities to its stakeholders and how it should respond to social and environmental
Employees have a significant impact on an organization's success, both directly and
indirectly, because they create the organizational, social, and psychological context that acts
as the catalyst for task activities and processes. Employee conduct that is discretionary, not
directly or explicitly acknowledged by the formal incentive system, and that enhances the
organization's successful functioning in the aggregate is referred to as OCB. Because these
activities generate social capital, employees who engage in greater levels of OCB are shown
to be more deeply entrenched in their present firms. Employee actions that are purposefully
undertaken to harm an organization's legitimate and reasonable objectives are referred to as
counterproductive work behavior (CWB). CWB is highly associated with negative emotions
(such as anger, anxiety, and frustration) produced by organizational limitations such as
unfairness, stressful work environments, and job discontent as an employee's expression of
their displeasure with their work environment. Employees who participate in high levels of
CWB, on the other hand, are more likely to acquire stress-related issues, high turnover
intentions, a lack of confidence at work, and bodily and psychological aches.

Explanation and critique about the article

Employees that engaged in high levels of organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) have
been shown to improve business sustainability performance (Lee and Ha-Brookshire 2017;
Shin 2012). The outcomes of this study further support the idea that employees who are
highly engaged in OCB can have a significant impact on the company's long-term viability.
The two aspects of OCB, according to Organ (1988), are interpersonal (OCBI), which
involves helping individuals and colleagues in the organization, and organizational (OCB),
which involves putting greater effort into accomplishing the organization's goals. Because
OCB entails discretionary work behavior that results in a pleasant work environment, several
studies have suggested that OCB propositions can be performed by good soldiers and
excellent actors. (Donia et al. 2016, p. 23). OCB was discovered to be a consequence of
excellent leader-member exchange (LMX), trust among parties, and long-term connections,
as explained primarily by the social exchange theory (Becton et al. 2017). Furthermore,
Valentine et al. (2011) claimed that context-based elements including corporate ethical
principles and cooperative norms might boost and support OCB among employees. OCB
enhances both organizational and individual results by restoring organizational effectiveness
(Koys 2001). (Podsakoff et al. 2009). Employee views of CSR, on the other hand, were found
to have direct and beneficial effects on OCB, leading to increases in work performance,
according to Newman et al. (2015). Organizational culture and ethical principles, according
to Chahal and Sharma (2006), can influence profitability and market share, as well as
stakeholder satisfaction and retention. Choi et al. (2013) found that an organization's ethical
atmosphere has a favorable relationship with its financial success. Indeed, Lee and Ha-
Brookshire (2017) found that ethical principles had a substantial and beneficial influence on
the economic and social elements of sustainable performance in the fashion retail business.
Similarly, this study assessed business sustainability in terms of economic and social factors,
such as competitive performance (CP) (Madueno et al. 2016).
Leader-member exchange (LMX) is concerned with the quality of subordinate-supervisor
relationships in the workplace (Dansereau et al. 1975). Leaders may build connections with
members of their work groups at varying intensities as part of a dyadic relationship-based
strategy that emphasizes the interaction between leaders and followers (Liden et al. 2006).
Employee productivity and satisfaction were shown to improve with a high level of LMX
(Zhang et al. 2012), as well as decreased turnover intentions (Harris et al. 2009). Low-quality
LMX implies inflexible interactions, one-directional influence (manager-employee), and
limited support, whereas high-quality LMX reveals relationships between managers and
workers filled with confidence, respect, encouragement, and reciprocal influence (Chernyak-
Hai and Tziner 2014). LMX is one of the most widely utilized theories to explain
management behavior and to influence employees' motivation in many elements of
organizational performance, such as sense of empowerment, respect, and obligation
(Chernyak-Hai and Tziner 2014; Fein et al. 2013).

Opinion on the value of the study

In our opinion to achieve corporate sustainability, it is critical not to overlook the importance
of workers as key stakeholders in improving an organization's performance, since they make
decisions and collaborate closely to influence the long-term success of businesses. Because
global fashion retail businesses have been involved in numerous scandals involving working
conditions and labor issues, which are incompatible with sustainability, it is critical to
understand how employees, as fundamental stakeholders, can influence an organization's
sustainability performance. Although corporate sustainability is receiving more attention in
various industries, there is little research on how employee actions impact company
sustainability success. The outcomes of this study further support the idea that employees
who are highly engaged in OCB can have a significant impact on the company's long-term
viability. On the other hand, revealed that counterproductive work behavior (CWB) had a
detrimental impact on corporate sustainability performance. Because CWB is defined as
"intentional and voluntary activity intended to undermine an organization's justifiable
interests" (Gruys and Sackett2003), prior research has revealed that CWB has a detrimental
impact on organizations performance.
Lessons Learned

Based on the above discussion it has seemed to be learned that the entire details were
prepared based on the importance of turnover intention and attachment with the organization
of their nurses in Malaysia. However, it has been learned that as the intensity of the nurses
starts to decrease to a huge extent in the hospitality or maybe a huge workload. Moreover, it
needs to be identified and reduced gradually by conducting this survey using different types
of questions involved with demographics as well as the operational issues. As the major
issues are identified, it can be easy for the organizational management to reduce those
barriers and tries to maintain a healthy relationship and friendly approaches among their

In case, sometimes organizations can provide additional rewards or incentives for

their nurses as it is considered as the important stage for retaining their existing employees.
According to Alzamel et al. (2020), apart from that, the questionnaire has been prepared in
English as well as Malay as they can provide the necessary responses to the questions. Most
of the nurses were female having a diploma degree in nursing and simple random sampling is
important as it helps to reduce the errors and makes the research work more accurate and
scientific. It has been learned that an organization needs to provide adequate holidays and
proper salaries among their employees, which makes them fun and keeps them attached to the
organization. Despite that, all the employees need to be supporting and always need to help
each other and it enhances the bonding and ultimately strengthens the team development.

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