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Detectives Haru Kato and Shinnosuke Kamei from Japan’s Modern Crimes Prevention
Task Force are asked to assist security during a festival, where First Division officers
are trying to locate a bomber targeting a foreign prince. Two amateur thieves, Yoko and
Hiroshi, observe jewellery stores for a potential robbery. The ridiculously wealthy
Daisuke Kanbe meets the Police Superintendent, Haru, and requests a place on a
squad of his choice. The bomber is arrested while the amateur thieves accidentally rob
a sweet shop instead of a jewellery store and unknowingly flee in the bombers' van with
the bomb to escape from the police. During their pursuit to stop the bomb-containing
van, Daisuke inflicted damage on nearby vehicles and public facilities. He immediately
reimbursed all the repair costs with double the damage costs through his artificial
intelligence assistant, HUESC. The wealthy detective successfully pushes the van into a
river to prevent a blast. At the same time, Haru rescues the thief. He then falls into the
river while an amused Daisuke watches.
Daisuke arrests two street performers for buying a drug, Mescaline, and bribes them for
their dealer’s name. They identify the model Isezaki as the dealer and witness him
selling drugs, but Daisuke decides not to arrest him. They learn that the narcotics came
from the organized crime group Gondawara Gumi, run by mob boss Umezu. Kato
decides to follow the drug dealer's latest girlfriend, only to follow her to a co-worker's
mansion. He learns she is Suzue Kanbe, Daisuke's relative working undercover. She
discovered that Umezu(Gondawara Gumi's mob boss) is attending a party. Kato
infiltrates the party and steals Umezu’s phone for evidence. He managed to escape with
the help of a friend, a journalist named Mita, who was helping with the investigation, and
Daisuke, who had HEUSC purchase the building before attacking it with sleeping gas.
The entire crime group is arrested for drug smuggling and murdering a fashion model.
Kato is brought to meet Daisuke and Suzue’s grandmother, who asks Kato to make
Daisuke a good policeman. Kato becomes involved in an incident when a young man
takes several music fans hostage. Kato’s former Division 1 colleague arrives, causing
him to flashback to an incident that rendered his gun-shooting abilities useless. Daisuke
arrives at the scene, but rather than leaving with Daisuke, Haru decides to stay back
and learns the man is streaming the incident live on Chaintube. Haru asks Daisuke to
help him, so Daisuke launches smoke grenades, and they infiltrate the train. Division 1
Chief Takei orders Kato to shoot the man. Instead, Kato has HEUSC hack the man’s
emails and learns he aims to win prize money from Chaintube by reaching 10 million
views so his sick sister can have surgery. The hostages, desperate to see their favorite
band Yokorenbo’s last concert, attack, but Daisuke distracts them by paying to have
Yokorenbo sing outside the train. Kato has a chance to shoot but hesitates, so Daisuke
steps in and pays for the sister’s surgery himself. Instead of being disappointed with the
crisis, Takei praises Kato for a job well done.
Kato asks Daisuke to find a child’s lost puppy with HEUSC. Daisuke realizes that having
stormed out of his house in a bad mood, he forgot the earring he used to contact
HEUSC and lost his phone. Kato leaves the child with local police before Daisuke
reveals his lack of access to his money. Suzue panics after learning Daisuke is loose in
public without HEUSC. Their grandmother thinks the experience will be good for
Daisuke. Daisuke goes shopping with Haru and then to his apartment for a night-stay,
where he shows a lack of basic life skills. Haru asks why Daisuke joined the Modern
Crimes Taskforce, but Daisuke falls asleep before answering. Suzue stays up all night
worrying about Daisuke surviving. The next day, Haru spends all day looking for the
dog. Daisuke appears with the lost dog, delighting the child, but secretly informs Haru
that he learned the original dog was killed by a car. Hence, the wealthy detective bought
the dog’s identical sibling from the local breeder.
The task force is assigned to protect President Alvarez of Poliador, as there are
concerns that terrorists want to kill him. Daisuke, however, attends the embassy as
Alvarez’s guest. Alvarez wants the Kanbe family’s help to modernize Poliador but faces
tough opposition from indigenous protestors. An infiltrator retrieves a package and
murders the embassy chef to keep it secret. Haru and the task force befriend an elderly
embassy janitor. Daisuke and Alvarez are sent to a safe room after discovering the
chef's corpse. Daisuke has HEUSC hack security cameras so he can observe the
situation. Haru chases the murderer fleeing the embassy while HEUSC retrieves
footage showing the murderer planting a tear gas canister, designed by a Kanbe Group
company, filled with VX gas inside the safe room with Daisuke and Alvarez. Haru
catches the murderer, who disposes of the only key to the safe room down a drain,
hoping Alvarez’s death will prevent the dam from destroying his indigenous land. He
then commits suicide before Haru can stop him. At the same time, HEUSC informs
Daisuke that he cannot tell him how to disarm the canister; despite being a Kambe
product and that Daisuke doesn’t have the necessary authority. Haru manages to save
them, having realized the janitor had a secret spare key and had been using the panic
room to hide his dirty magazines. Alvarez returns to Poliador while Nakamoto begins
investigating the origins of the canister.
Daisuke becomes suspicious of his lack of clearance to his own company. Nakamoto
learns the Mizuo Company probably made the canister device and informs Kato he has
investigated Mizuo before. They confront Imura, a Mizuo Executive, but are forced to
leave when she starts recording them. Daisuke has HEUSC hack Imura’s electric car,
forcing her to speed so he could arrest her. HEUSC successfully hacks Imura’s laptop
during her interrogation, only to suddenly inform a shocked Daisuke he lacks the
clearance to access specific folders due to their connection to the Kambe Group. Kato
is approached by Takei and Hoshino, his former Division 1 boss and partner,
respectively, who are suspicious of Kambe. Nakamoto locates incriminating evidence
against Imura’s son that Imura had covered up. Kato tries to talk to Daisuke but is
advised to walk away or potentially lose his job. Nakamoto receives a similar warning
from their boss, Kiyomizu, about losing his pension. Regardless, Nakamoto uses the
evidence against Imura’s son to force her to reveal how Mizuo is linked to the Kamb
Group. Kato, unwilling to allow blackmail, has Imura released from custody.
Unfortunately, her electric car is hacked again, causing the battery to explode, killing
Imura instantly. Nakamoto accuses Daisuke of Imura’s murder. Kato learns from
Kiyomizu that the last time Nakamoto investigated Mizuo, it was due to the murder of
Sayuri Kambe, Daisuke’s mother.
Nakamoto and Takei investigated the potential murder of Sayuri Kambe by Shigemaru,
Daisuke’s father. Nakamoto received no help from the Kambe family and instead stole a
photo album from which a witness identified Shigemaru as the murderer. Police Director
Saiki, Takei’s now deceased father-in-law, kept a close eye on the investigation.
Nakamoto found a locker key in the album marked with the symbol for Adollium, a
dangerous material Shigemaru had been researching. Takei located the locker while
Nakamoto learned Shigemaru committed suicide, followed by the key being stolen from
his desk. With Shigemaru dead and the key being stolen, the investigation was closed.
Nakamoto plans to reopen the case, and Takei labels Daisuke a suspect for Imura’s
murder. Kato calls Daisuke, who admits he hacked Imura’s car, angering Kato so much
he smashes his car through Daisuke’s front gate. Daisuke insists he is innocent and
only interested in solving Sayuri’s murder. Takei is gassed in his vehicle and
experiences vivid hallucinations of Imura accusing him of her murder, fearing for his
own life if he didn’t sabotage the Sayuri investigation and tricking him into calling
Director Saiki. He awakens in Daisuke’s home, the hallucination having been created by
an advanced virtual reality headset to trick him into revealing who he was afraid of
during the Sayuri investigation, his own father-in-law Director Saiki.
Daisuke explains that after Nakamoto accused him of Imura’s murder, he managed to
convince him he was only interested in Sayuri’s murder. Nakamoto agrees to hold Takei
in Daisuke’s mansion while they find out what Adollium is. Nakamoto explains that he
never discovered Shigemaru’s lab's location, and now it no longer even exists in the
Kambe Company’s records. Daisuke interrogates his grandmother, but she refuses to
talk. Nakamoto infers from Takei’s fear that his father-in-law, Saiki, was murdered to
cover something up. Takei has been afraid for his own life ever since. Suzue realizes
HEUSC is actively hindering them by deleting information from the company servers.
Kato discovers the lab in a Kambe owned mansion in the mountains, and Daisuke
decides to infiltrate in secret. At the same time, Kato acts as a decoy outfitted with
Suzue’s military gadgets. An intruder enters Daisuke’s house, trying to reach Takei, just
as Daisuke had hoped, only for the intruder to begin bypassing security using
passwords belonging to Shigemaru. HEUSC shuts down Suzue’s supercomputer, and
Takei begins to panic while Nakamoto appears unconcerned. Daisuke infiltrates the lab
and finds security recordings proving Shigemaru is alive. Suzue confronts the intruder
but is knocked out after seeing his face. Nakamoto also confronts the intruder, and
Takei finally decides to confront him. Later Suzue wakes up to Kato and Daisuke and
learns Nakamoto and Takei are dead.
Daisuke resigns. Katsuhiro reveals Nakamoto owned two dice that were a transmitter,
and receiver, and he planted the transmitter on Shigemaru. Hoshino arrests Kato. The
other members of Modern Crimes manage to avoid the First Division officer monitoring
them and locating the transmitter signal while Suzue locates Shigemaru’s car. Kato
informs Hoshino of Shigemaru’s survival, but Hoshino accuses Kato of murdering Takei
for causing the incident that made him unable to fire his gun. Hoshino later finds Takei’s
resignation letter and realizes Kato is telling the truth. Daisuke locates Shigemaru’s car
and triggers a nerve gas trap, indicating someone planned to kidnap him. Suzue finds
footage of Frantz Weinski, bodyguard to Thomas Matheson, an arms dealer, before
HEUSC begins deleting the footage. Modern Crimes realize the transmitter is near Oura
Wharf and inform Kato. Suzue emails everyone in the city, offering ¥100,000 to
everyone who takes pictures of their surroundings and uses all the photos to locate
Shigemaru at Oura Wharf. Kato illegally boards the container ship Shigemaru is on,
closely followed by Daisuke in an advanced underwater combat suit. Daisuke fights
Weinski. At the same time, Shigemaru activates an Adollium antenna that destroys
Kato’s phone and Daisuke’s suit. Weinski destroys Daisuke’s earring, cutting him off
from Suzue, and starts beating him. Kato draws his gun to shoot Weinski but hesitates
Kato drops a shipping container between Daisuke and Weinski, allowing them to
escape. Weinski refuses to chase Daisuke because his only job is to get the ship to
Poliador, so Shigemaru pays him ¥100,000,000 to teach him a lesson. Suzue scans the
vessel and notices the engine is unusually small for such a large ship, so she sends
drones after it, narrowly helping them avoid an ambush. Suzue explains that Adollium is
somehow powering the ship with zero exhaust emissions. Daisuke heads for the engine
while Kato tricks Weinski by pretending to have fallen overboard. Reaching the engine,
Suzue theorizes that Adollium creates energy from seawater and could provide the
world with unlimited supply of electricity or be turned into a weapon. Daisuke begins
sabotaging the engine, but Weinski appears and stops him. Kato also arrives and tries
to shoot Weinski but hesitates again until Daisuke encourages him to stop being a civil
servant and be a detective. Kato finally shoots his gun, destroying the engine. Daisuke’s
suit reactivates, and he defeats Weinski. Daisuke starts to arrest Shigemaru for
murdering Takei and Nakamoto. Resisting the arrest, Shigemaru orders HEUSC to
incapacitate Daisuke with the ship's laser cannons. As Shigemaru escapes, Daisuke
and Kato deliver Weinski and his men to Hoshino, who is happy to see Kato appears to
have returned to his old self. Daisuke and Kato thoroughly destroy the ship to hide the
Adollium before tracking Shigemaru to the mountains' lab.
Daisuke discovers the data on Adollium in the lab while Kato finds an underground train
leading to Daisuke’s mansion. Before confronting his father, Daisuke hands the data to
Suzue, whose real identity is his grandmother’s butler, Hattori, who disguised himself as
Shigemaru to deceive Daisuke. Daisuke encounters his grandmother, Kikuko, who
admits she wanted to keep Adollium as a family secret so they could profit from it.
Daisuke’s mother, Sayuri, wanted to broadcast Adollium's existence to the public, so
Kikuko had Hattori assassinate her and, for years, has kept Shigemaru prisoner. Kato
tried to catch Hattori, but the butler resisted; he then shot the policeman in the thigh.
However, the wound is nothing comparable to the butler's severe injuries. The young
police finally managed to catch Hattori, armed with the knowledge that the servant had
orders not to kill Kato and the critical injuries he still suffered. Daisuke almost orders
Suzue to release the data publicly but hesitates when Kikuko points out that Adollium
could be used to create weapons of mass destruction. Kato, bleeding heavily, trips onto
Suzue’s computer and accidentally releases the data anyway. Amused at the result,
Daisuke arrests Kikuko. Two weeks later, a recovering Kato refuses an offer to return to
First Division, preferring Modern Crimes, while Daisuke helps Shigemaru begin
recovering. Modern Crimes become much more efficient after Daisuke gives them
HEUSC. Meanwhile, Adollium is now becoming public. It changes the world
dramatically. It even starts appearing on the black market with Daisuke and Kato
working to prevent its power abuse. Stopping another black market meeting, Kato again
falls into the river as an amused Daisuke watches, just like the first time they met.

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