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ACWR 106: Definition Paragraph Activity for February 22, Thursday

Name and Last Name Beste Kalaycı

Student ID Number 76766 ACWR 106 Section: 19

Have you attended class on February 22, Thursday? Mark either “yes” or “no.”  Yes
You will get no (zero) points for this assignment if you have not attended class.  No

A definition is a linguistic statement or expression that identifies, classifies, and distinguishes objects or
concepts. Choose a scientific concept, procedure, problem, device, or mechanism related to your field of
study/department, preferably a topic you know, and write your extended definition, consisting of the 3 steps
and some additional information. Make it as specific as you can as general topics will not work for this
purpose. You want “a glass of water and not an ocean.”

Please keep it simple and write about something you know. This is not a research assignment.
 Write only 1 paragraph in 120 to 150 words. After the basic 3 steps, you must elaborate/extend the
definition with other relevant information.
 Do not use any outside sources: Write about something you know.
 Do not use biographies or historical information.
 Avoid choppy sentences, unnecessary words, tautologies, and repetitions.
 If you have questions, consult your instructor during class.
 See the table below for a reminder of the formula for a 3-step or “classical” definition.

A 3-step or “classical” definition involves:

1. Term
2. Class or category
3. Distinguishing features

A bicycle (or bike) is an engineless, two-wheeled vehicle, which operates by transferring the rider’s
muscle power to the back wheel via pedals, gears, and a chain.

 Incomplete worksheets will get no credit.
 Answer in full sentences.
 Do not email this. Emailed worksheets will get no credit.
 Submit this to Blackboard before February 22, 23.59.
 This file is in Microsoft Office's .docx format. Your work will not get credit if you submit it in the "PAGES"
format. If you need to, please download Microsoft Office Word, which is available free of charge to Koç
University students.

Repeated for emphasis: write about what you know. This is not a research assignment. You will get no
points for the assignment if you use outside sources.

Your paragraph, consisting of your 3-step definition and additional information:

A processor, also known as a central processing unit (CPU), is a critical component of a
computer’s hardware system, which executes instructions and performs calculations required
for running programs. It is kind of an electrical circuit that functions as the brain of the
computer, responsible for processing input, storing data, and processing output. It contains
short-term memory elements (registers) which hold data temporarily during processing.
Additionally, the processor contains control units that handle the execution of instructions
and arithmetic logic units that perform bitwise logic operations., and calculations. Processors
can be found in PCs, smartphones, tablets, and other electronic devices, playing a critical role
in their operations.

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