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Read the Passages carefully, then answer the questions that follow by crossing out
(X) the letter a, b, c or d as the most appropriate answers!

Passage I

It was Sunday. I never get up early on Sundays. I sometimes stay in bed until lunch
time. Last Sunday I got up very late. I looked out of the window. It was dark outside.
“What a day!” I thought. “It’s raining again”. Just then, the telephone rang. It was my
aunt, Lucy. “I’ve just arrived by train”, she said. “I’m coming to see you”.
“But I’m still having breakfast”, I said.
“What are you doing?” she asked.
“I’m having breakfast”. I repeated.
“Dear me”, she said. Do you always get up so late? It’s one o’clock!”

1. According to the passage above, ‘I’ means……………

a. Lucy
b. The writer
c. Lucy’s husband
d. The aunt

2. How long does he sometimes stay in bed?

a. For three hours
b. Until breakfast time
c. Every Sunday
d. Until breakfast time

3. When did he get up very late?

a. On Sundays
b. Next Sunday
c. Every Sunday
d. Last Sunday

4. How did his aunt get there?

a. By bus
b. By train
c. On foot
d. By plane

5. What did he say?

a. I’m still in bed
b. I’m still having breakfast
c. I’m still having lunch
d. I’m still sleepy
6. After hearing that he is still having breakfast, his aunt was ……………..
a. happy
b. sad
c. surprised
d. angry

7. What was the time?

a. It was 12.00
b. It was 11.00
c. It was 15.00
d. It was 01.00

8. What is the word “Late”?

a. Verb
b. Noun
c. Adjective
d. Pronoun

9. The opposite of “late” is ………….

a. simply
b. early
c. never
d. usually

10. The best title for the above passage is …………..

a. Breakfast or Lunch?
b. Bad Habit
c. My Aunt
d. Sunday Morning

Passage II

Meanwhile the traditional Chinese Taoist marriage has three. It means, Moslem usually
has two days event in wedding party, and Chinese has three days. Before the man
proposes to the woman, his family asks the professional matchmaker to send a present
from them to the bride’s family. Before agreeing to the marriage, the bride’s family
must accept the present. Then it is time for the second stage which, like the Hindu
custom, is the checking of the horoscopes. After the matchmaker has made sure that the
signs are good, the two families ask the God for their help. Before starting the
celebration, the groom’s family pays the bride’s family for losing a daughter. Then the
wedding party begins. Both the bride and the groom are dressed in silk. The groom
gives ceremonial gifts of chickens, candles, and clothing to the bride’s family. From the
guests at the reception, the couple receive red packets (hong bao) containing gold,
jewellery or money. The reception is often a lunch or dinner of fifteen courses, with
entertainment by a singer or a band.

1. How long has the Moslem got wedding ceremony?

a. one day
b. two days
c. three days
d. one week

2. What does the groom’s family ask the matchmaker before the man proposes to
The women?
a. to check the horoscopes
b. to pay the bride’s family
c. to send a present to the bride’s family
d. to pray to the God

3. When must the bride’s family accept the present?

a. After the ceremony
b. Before agreeing to the marriage
c. After checking the horoscopes
d. Before starting the celebration

4. Why should they check the horoscopes?

a. To ask for help of the God
b. To make the family happy
c. To get the present first
d. To find good signs

5 One of the Hindu customs is …………………..

a. The second stage
b. Asking the God help
c. Checking the horoscopes
d. Giving the present

6. What cloth do the groom and the bride wear?

a. Silk
b. Cotton
c. Uniform
d. Traditional

7. What do the guests give the couple?

a. a packet
b. green packet
c. gold or money
d. chicken

8. Why should the groom’s family pay the bride’s family?

a. Because they have a debt
b. Because the bride’s family lose their daughter
c. Because the matchmaker asks so
d. Because the horoscopes say so

9. What is a “groom”?
a. The father of the bride
b. The writer
c. The man who is getting married
d. The man who matches the couple
10. What is the opposite of “daughter”?
a. sun
b. son
c. children
d. parents

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