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IELTS Academic

Based my own experience – Seftiawan Samsu Rijal
• Ada tes akademik dan ada tes general training
• Biaya tesnya 3,1 juta untuk tes akademik
• Ada beberapa tipe tes, yaitu paper-based, computer-
based, online-based
• Ada beberapa penyelenggara seperti IALF dan British
• Empat parameter akan dites: listening, reading, speaking
dan writing
IELTS • Tesnya lebih cenderung tricky, maka perlu strategi khusus
untuk mengatasinya
• Mungkin kita merasa bisa berbahasa inggris, tapi
ternyata ketika mengambil simulasi tes atau real tes
ternyata nilainya rendah
• Soal IELTS dibuat oleh para professional yang akan
mengecek PEMAHAMAN kita
• Jawaban akan dibuat mirip – mirip, disini pemahaman
kita akan diuji terutama kemampuan paraphrase dan
memahami arti dari banyak redaksi
• Awal belajar IELTS April 2023 (bulan Ramadhan)
• Start awal nilai TOEFL di angka 523 (tes bulan Mei) = IELTS 6.0
My Experience of • Akhirnya mendapat eligible score bulan Oktober 2023

Academic IELTS • Surrounding myself with English environment

• Cara menghitung nilai IELTS

Test Type Test Date Listening Reading Speaking Writing Total Score Final Score
Simulation 27-May 7,5 6,5 6 5,5 6,375 6,5

Real 05-Aug 6 6,5 6 5,5 6 6

Simulation 28-Aug 7,5 7,5 6,5 6 6,875 7

Simulation 21-Sep 6,5 6 6,5 6,5 6,375 6,5

Real 07-Oct Eligible Score


• Beware of distractors
• Highlight key point(s)
• Listen carefully
• Not only are you listening to the speaker, but also you are reading the text
• Practice a lot, 10 false answers = mark as 7
• You will not lose your mark when your answer is incorrect
• Length of the test: 30 minutes
• Number of questions: 40
• There is a time to transfer your answer in PBT, but not in CBT

Tipe soal:
• Matching number with alphabet, vice versa
• Multiple choice → the hardest one → 2 speakers and often use paraphrase → stealing the
helmet on the bicycle → criminal
• Sentence completion
• Form completion
• Table completion
• Summary completion
• Short answer question
• Map/plan labeling
• Diagram/flowchart completion
• Look for Locator
• Look for repetitive word
• Scanning
• Skimming
• Not Given = you can not contradict or compare between the statement and
the given text
• No/False = You can contradict or compare the statement and the given text
• Number of questions: 40
• Duration: 1 hour
• Normally, consist of 3 topics. Topic 1 is the easiest, and Topic 3 is the
hardest one.
• Reading Test 119: Passage 1 - Nutmeg - a valuable spice (
Tipe soal
• Multiple choice
• T F NG, Y N NG
• Matching heading
• Matching paragraph information
• Summary completion
• The most challenging skill
• Consist of 2 tasks
• In academic IELTS, Task 2 is worth 2/3 of our final marks. Based
on my experience, if you can write well the second task, it may
help you a lot
• Our OVERVIEW is critical
• It has four marking criteria: TR, CC, LR, GRA
Writing • Task Response (TR) = your ability to ANSWER the QUESTION

(1 Hour) • It has around 5 types of question

• Coherence Cohesion (CC) = flow of our explanation. Should you
use this technique to arrange the paragraphs: what, why, how,
• Lexical Resources (LR) = your ability to use the correct term
related to the question topics
• Grammatical Range and Accuracy (GRA) = NEVER EVER write
simple sentence. Should you write compound and complex
clauses to secure band 6 or 6,5, or advanced clauses to reach
band 7.
IELTS • Agree or Disagree
• Advantages and Disadvantages
WRITING • Discuss Both Sides
• Cause and Effect
TASK 2 • Cause and Solutions

How to answer IELTS writing Task 2?
• Create 4 – 5 paragraphs, depending on the question
• Paragraph 1: Paraphrase the question, OVERVIEW and YOUR POSITION
• Paragraph 2 and 3: What (repeat and paraphrase your idea in the overview), Why, How,
Example or Statistics
• Paragraph 4: Repeat and paraphrase your idea in Paragraph 1, 2, and 3
• You have to produce at least 250 words

• Academic Writing Task 1 is worth 1/3 of our final mark

• Academic Writing Task 1 usually asked about graphs, tables, diagrams, and maps
• Our OVERVIEW is crucial
• Never go for details, just tell the readers what is significant
• You are being asked only to report, avoid an assumption!
• No need to write conclusions
• Try to always produce complex sentences
• You may work on this in the last 20 minutes, please work on Task 2 first
How to answer IELTS writing Task 1?

1 2 3 4
Paragraph 1: Paragraph 2: Paragraph 3: Please produce at
Restate the Explain the first Explain the least 150 words
question and trend second trend
make an overview
Speaking (15 minutes)
• Marking criteria: Fluency and Coherence, Pronunciation, Lexical Resource,
Grammatical Range and Accuracy
• It has three parts i.e., part one (short answer), part two (monologue), and part
three (discussion)
• Two minutes in monologue is equal to Task 2 of writing (250 words)
• In all parts, NEVER EVER only use simple sentences. Remember, you are being
marked, so please produce compound, complex, and advanced sentences
• In part two, use the PPF technique to increase your GRA and it is accepted to
speak out off-topic, BUT DO NOT change the topic
• Past, Present, Future (what is your sweetest memory when you are a child?)
When I was a child, my parents took me to the swimming pool.
Now, I also bring my children to the lake so that they can swim and enjoy nature.
In the future, I will bring my family to visit the sea and enjoy breathtaking views.
Several tips to reach certain band in IELTS
Writing and Speaking

Recommended Oxford Online Dictionary
Web and → to check our Academic
Writing Task 2
Channel Smalltalk2me → Writing and Speaking based on
PBT results issued by 2 weeks

After you CBT results issued by 3 - 5 days

take the If you got a low score, you could ask IELTS to
test recheck your results. You must pay for this.

You might retake the test, one band only, but

this is only available outside Indonesia.
Best of luck,
test taker!
I hope you will get your targeted

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