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Values And Attributes Of a Student Work Immersion

In the approved latest draft of the Senior High School (SHS) curriculum, student that choose
to take the Technical-Vocational –Livelihood and the arts and sports track are expected to spend
1,404 hours outside the campus, doing “Immersion”

This total is devided into four. In the first half of semester of grade 11, the student will spend
270 hours in a company, field, organization or other work place. In the second half of semester
of grade 11, he/she will spend another 270 hours. In the first half of semester of grade 12, he/she
will do 324 hours.

In the final half or semester of grade 12, the student will spend practically all the time (or 540
hours) outside the campus (expect for a few monitoring or processing sessions on campus). In
effect, for much or three-fourths of his or her time and for a whole fourth of his or her time in
SHS, the student becomes a de facto full time employee in a work place.

Our country has a had a lot of experience with on-the-job training(OJT) programs on the
college level. Unfortunately, many (if not most) college OJT student are assigned only to
significant jobs in a company (answering the phone, making photocopies, making coffe that sort
of thing) rarely are OJT students expected to produce the same product that regular employees


IMMERSION can be used as a facilities tool to career counseling for students, especially
those in professional courses By placing them in real-word work scenario, its give them
opportunity to explore the kind of task and activities the would like to do. IMMERSION also
matches the candidate profile with a list of occupation, which can be used as reference point for
exploring opportunities.


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