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5.1. Discussion
Both the hardware and the software parts of the design are interfaced to
achieve the overall objective of home security. While the hardware part contains
devices that make the surveillance possible and achievable, the software drives the
operations and en-ables the functioning of the interconnected devices. The primary
objective of the project is to assure the security of the home while at the same time
managing the costs asso-ciated with the installation of the surveillance system. This
project has therefore relied on cost-effective devices to ensure the overall cost-
effectiveness of the project.
The sensitivity of the PIR sensor is at a distance of 6 to 10 metres. A careful
positioning of the sensor enhances its operations. For example, the placement of the
sensor in such a way that an intruder walks across its field of vision improves its
performance as it is likely to detect motion as compared to the positioning such that
an intruder walks straight towards the sensor. The pi camera captures any movements
within this range at the field of view of the sensor.

5.2. Conclusion
This thesis studied one of the new ways of achieving automatic light system
using LDR and PIR motion sensor. This whole system is mainly divided into two
parts. The main objective of this thesis to ON the light when required practically
though may be moving condition. When the light will be ON only when required and
be in OFF position when it is not then it contributes for the power saving category
The light being ON whenever it is necessary helps the user to use the way with
safety. The light is ON only when required and remains in OFF position for rest of the
time helps in power saving and also increases the life span of the whole system than

Auto lighting system is an energy efficient system in different ways such as

the use of LED light and PIR sensor which save a vast amount of power every year.
Unlike typical lighting system which consumes large amount of power this system is
able to minimize the power consumption as well as the yearly cost.
Choosing the LED lamp over other lighting source, not only makes the system
further energy efficient but also makes it cost effective and be easy to maintain in the
long run. Compared to other lamps LED consumes much less power and has a very
high life. Although the initial cost is slightly more than the other lamps, considering
no maintenance and replacement cost, makes it the best choice for this project. With
an improved awareness of the importance of home security, homeowners are on the
lookout for an efficient surveillance system which is cost-friendly. This design covers
all the vital areas of a home security system.
Detection of intrusion into the home is made possible using passive infrared
sensors. The sensor uses the infrared radiations changes as a result of human motion
across its field of movement. When movement is detected, light is enabled.
The system designed is energy efficient and is applicable particularly in areas
with low energy supply as a result of inadequate electricity supply. The method
additionally offers flexibility and reliability. It enables the owner to be aware of the
security situation at home.

5.3. Recommendations for the Future Work

In this thesis, if the system will be in OFF position for more time, then there
may be delay in detecting the obstacle but if any laser based sensor is used on the
transmitter side then there will be reduction in the delay cases. In this thesis, there is
particular detection range for the sensors beyond that range the sensors may fail to
detect the obstacle. Using more wireless technology this issue can be overcome. This
system can be made even more accurate than it is.
The use of CCTV in surveillance has been associated with more cost as a
result of the need for a computer, additional space required for continuous recording
of occurrences, and the necessary manpower to monitor and detect motion or human
intrusion. The system design in this project overcomes this challenge through the use
of rasp-berry pi which is cost-friendly, low power consumption and high-resolution
power. For home security, the system is efficient as since it is applicable for
surveillance of small personal areas.

The PIR-based security system is recommended for residential properties for

efficiency and effectiveness of home surveillance. Some shortcomings of the system,
however, are related to the sensitivity of the PIR sensors. More work is required in the
determination of the right materials for use in the manufacture PIR sensors to increase
its ability to detect any kind of human movement across or along its path.
Most surveillance systems require the use of power for its operations. Further
studies should be carried out on the potential use of PIR-based home surveillance
system in 34 remote areas with no access to any source of power. For example,
research should be conducted on the use of solar powered PIR based security systems.

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