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It’s time to wake up!

The five-minute YouTube video clip, “Intuition Enhancement Program” speaks of the link of
intuition, emotional excellence, and performance. In a matter of seven days, children are able to
do tasks blind-folded. Intuition being immediate cognition without the benefit of the five senses
and the rational mind, it is obvious that the children’s intuitive faculty has shot up.

Humanity is needlessly hindering prospects for progress by limiting itself to the rational mind and
the five senses. Transcend them and enhance the intuitive faculty and much progress will be within

The most famous equation in all of physics is e = mc2. Dr. Kenneth W. Ford and his team through
the hydrogen bomb and Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer and his team though the atomic bomb
demonstrated how a tiny amount of matter can be converted into a humongous amount of energy.
Scientists do not know how to convert e into m. Indian seers have preserved that knowhow for
millennia and it has a bearing on how creation happens. And it is not a product of the rational
mind. Steve Jobs and Albert Einstein both attributed their extraordinary success to intuition. US
Military believes that people have a sixth sense.

Peter Salovey, President of Yale and John Mayer of the University of New Hampshire coined the
term Emotional Intelligence in 1990 and Daniel Goldman popularized it with his New York Times
best-seller, Emotional Intelligence in 1995. According to HBR, Goleman’s paper on the topic is
one of the most archived in their publication. UNESCO reportedly sent out a communication to
140 Ministries of Education urging them to introduce SEL (social & emotional learning) as a
curricular requirement in schools.

The importance of intuition, emotional intelligence, and leadership for societal well-being is now
well understood.

Emotional intelligence is an intellectual inquiry to fundamentally understand the importance of

emotions within oneself and in others while emotional excellence is the wherewithal of how to
bring about the required positive changes within oneself with meditation, or more generally yoga,
known for thousands of years.

The importance of emotional excellence has been understood since ancient times. There are
numerous stories of Paratpara Shiva and Adyashakti in the Puranas wherein Adyashakti takes on
various forms like Kali and Durga to destroy the demons of negative emotions (anger, hatred,
hostility, resentment, frustration, jealousy, fear, sorrow, and the like).

In the eighteen chapters of the Bhagvad Geeta, Shri Krishna prods Arjuna, and through him
humanity, to engage in the struggle to rise in positive emotions (unconditional love, kindness,
empathy, compassion) at the exclusion of negative emotions.
In Christianity, the prayer of St. Francis seeks a shift from negative emotions to positive emotions.
The oft-misunderstood term, Jihad in Islam is Prophet Mohammad’s call to engage in the struggle
to rise in positive emotions from negative emotions.

H. H. Gurumahan says that intuition is enhanced by stimulating the pineal gland which produces
melatonin. The peak melatonin levels drops as we age and so the training has to be given at a
young age (6 – 14 years of age).

Gurumahan has devoted his life to world peace. He has been going into three weeks of mediation
with no food for the past twenty-nine years for world peace. This year, December 22, 2019 –
January 12, 2020, will be his thirtieth.

Gurumahan has not participated in any intuition enhancement training program and yet he
possesses a tremendous amount of intuition and emotional excellence. They are due to his long
years of meditation practice and this is the pathway for adults.

Emotions can now be scientifically estimated and since the process to enhance it is available,
progress can be audited.

Emotional excellence brings numerous benefits: Health & wellness, performance, leadership,
creativity and innovativeness, interpersonal relationships, and peace.

Seeing the recent impeachment hearings, you would think that two sides were living on two
different planets.

The most important problem in India that must be addressed first is emotional excellence. Rapes,
lynching, polluted Ganges, shoddy performance, etc., etc., are mere symptoms.

Just imagine what tomorrow’s world would be like if today’s children were to undergo Aha
Dharana type yogic training to enhance their intuition and emotional excellence. Many of the
problems of the world would be things of the past.
Enhancement of emotional excellence is sorely needed, not just here, but all across the world.
It is the need of the hour. It is time to wake up!

Pradeep Deshpande
Pradeep Deshpande is Professor Emeritus of Chemical Engineering and President of Six Sigma
and Advanced Controls Inc.

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