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In India, families have massively changed over three generations in terms of
education and freedom. This gives us a good way to understand how things are
getting better for women, but also how some things stay the same. The older
generation lived by traditional values, and women had fewer chances for education
and work outside the home. Even if they helped financially, they didn't have much say
in big decisions. Things got a bit better for the middle generation. Women started to
have more opportunities for education and jobs, but they still had to juggle family and
work. And society still expected them to act in certain ways. The youngest generation
is different. They're more influenced by the world around them, and more likely to go
to college and have different jobs. But there are still hints of unfairness. Women still
face problems at work, and are under pressure to balance their jobs and families.
1) Similarities and differences
between the answers of the
grandparents? Draw a conclusion.
In this collective narrative, the theme of inequality resonates across households. Janmesh
and Ethan's grandparents, too, grappled with the prevailing norms of their time. Ethan's
grandmother, despite matching or exceeding the efforts of her male counterparts in the
workforce, faced a stark wage gap, receiving only 80% of their earnings. Furthermore, the
injustice extended beyond the professional realm, as she was compelled to abandon her
pursuit of taekwondo at an advanced level, the sport deemed "unfit" for women. Ethan's
grandfather, too, confronted societal ridicule when attempting to contribute to household
chores, a stark illustration of the deeply ingrained gender stereotypes of the period. The
shared experiences across different family histories underline the universality of the
struggle against inequality. Yet, amidst the adversity, a hopeful evolution emerges. My
grandmother, like others, adapted to changing societal landscapes, imbibing modern
perspectives and fostering a commitment to equity. The legacy of resilience and progressive
change is evident in her determination to ensure equal treatment for her grandchildren,
irrespective of gender.
2)Similarities and differences
between the answers of the parents?
Draw a conclusion.
These restrictions reflected society's perception of women's vulnerability and typical
athleticism as "unfeminine. “Gender expectations were clear, as evidenced by mothers like
Ethan who had to give up karate for traditional dance. While parents agreed that progress
had been made in some areas, they unanimously highlighted ongoing gender discrimination
and constraints on women in the workplace. One mother highlighted ongoing inequalities in
the workplace by pointing out her workplace's curfew at a work event. However, there were
obvious subtle changes in one interviewee's story.This mother recalled a freer childhood
when she was free to participate in outdoor activities and sports. Nevertheless, she took
responsibility for her household chores, highlighting that her traditional gender expectations
still cast a long shadow. Fundamentally, the interviews highlighted persistent gender
disparities and revealed restrictive norms that hinder women's access to employment,
leisure activities, and education. The path to full gender equality remains complex and
requires both gradual cultural change and significant individual experience, even if certain
circumstances in certain situations indicate gradual progress.
3)What are the similarities and
differences between the answers of
the answers of the grandparents and
the answers of the parents? Draw a
In the time of our grandparents, the prevailing belief was that women had limited access
to education, extracurricular activities, and career opportunities, as you can see from the
first sentence of this paragraph. This is illustrated by the story of a grandmother who
faced the following limitations: Society's disapproval of women attending girls' schools
and participating in certain sports such as Taekwondo. Similarly, the parents' stories in the
second paragraph highlight ongoing challenges related to gender discrimination and
workplace restrictions. This generation of mothers also faces limited education, especially
in girls' schools, reinforcing deep-rooted societal perceptions of gender roles. Additionally,
issues such as the gender pay gap and the banning of women from workplace events
highlight the ongoing struggle for gender equality in the workplace. Over time, differences
emerge in the development of perspectives and experiences. Grandparents' stories
provide historical context for resilience and adaptation to social constraints, while parents'
stories illustrate gradual changes in social attitudes.
Parents appear to be more aware of gender inequalities, with some
expressing dissatisfaction with the status quo and advocating for change
through campaigns such as 'Educate Girls'.In summary, both generations
have something in common: overcoming social expectations and
inequalities related to gender roles. The stories of our grandparents
reflect historical struggle and perseverance and lay the foundation for
change. Meanwhile, parents' stories suggest increased awareness and
concerted efforts to challenge and address gender differences. Together,
these stories form a continuum of progress and resilience against gender
constraints, with each generation contributing to broader steps towards a
more just society
4)Has there been a development with
regards to the sub questions?
If so, what is that development?
Today, we are witnessing a society where the gender gap has narrowed significantly,
demonstrating a commitment to inclusivity and egalitarian values. This marked change is
particularly evident in the decline of stereotypes that once determined career choices and
personal preferences based on gender. In the memories of our grandparents, certain
occupations, activities, and even clothing choices were strictly differentiated by gender.
Fast forward to today, and a more fluid and inclusive approach is gaining ground. Today,
both men and women are encouraged to pursue their passions and desires
unencumbered by the constraints of traditional norms. This change extends to
professional fields, where the value of gender diversity is increasingly recognized in the
workplace. Women are rising to leadership positions and making significant contributions
in a variety of industries. At the same time, men are breaking with historical conventions
and becoming more actively involved in fields traditionally associated with women, such as
education, medicine, and nursing.
Educational institutions play a key role in this change by challenging stereotypes
and creating an environment that fosters talent regardless of gender. The
changing dynamics of parent-child relationships also contribute to this
development. Shared responsibility in childcare and household management has
become more important, disproving the idea that certain jobs are inherently tied
to a particular gender. This not only strengthens the individual, but also the family
dynamics. Despite undeniable progress, challenges remain, including gender
stereotypes and prejudice. The gender pay gap and inequality in representation
are the focus of ongoing efforts to build a more just society. However, the
progress achieved so far highlights a common commitment to dismantling
outdated norms and building a society where individuals can thrive based on their
abilities and desires, rather than conforming to traditional gender expectations
1) Have the postions of both genders
changed with regards to education,
traditional gender roles and (career)
In today's world, young generations benefit from a wealth of information
accessible through media and technology, giving them access to a variety of
topics where gender roles are particularly important. Unlike the times of our
grandparents and parents, when the education system heavily favoured
boys, our generation is experiencing positive changes. Historically, boys have
had better opportunities and access to sports and media, while girls have
often been relegated to all-girls schools and have limited participation in
extracurricular activities and academics. However, in recent years there have
been significant improvements, with the number of mixed schools increasing
and initiatives such as Educate the Girl Child and NGOs promoting girls'
education becoming increasingly important around the world.
2) Have the postions of both
genders changed with regards
to education, traditional
gender roles and (career)
Governments and institutions are increasingly supporting the education of girls
and women. Career opportunities have expanded significantly since the days
when our grandmothers were often excluded from work and career pursuits.
Despite this progress, the general pay gap remains an ongoing challenge, as
women tend to earn less than men for similar jobs and roles, regardless of their
qualifications. Historically, traditional gender roles envisioned men as the
primary breadwinners and relegated women to the role of housewife or
househusband. This framework has limited women's independence for many
years. Fortunately, in modern times, patriarchal norms and misogyny are
decreasing, paving the way for a more egalitarian society. Our generation, like
our parents and colleagues, has an open and positive view of gender roles,
especially when it comes to empowering women and girls.
The people we interviewed …
Thank you!!

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