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1) Complete this graphic:

secular music religious music

a capella

with instruments



vulgar languajes

text about knights,courtly love

text comes from the bible

2) Fill in the blank about Gregorian chant:

- When music is sung without instruments,it is called…………………….

- Gregorian chant is a monophonic chant,that is to say……………………

- The name of” Gregorian chant” comes from………….

- The gregorian notation is based in three elements:

tetragram,…………………. and ……...clef

3) Características del Canto gregoriano

4) Explica los siguientes términos:

Marcabrú Lengua vulgar Unísono polifonia

5) Find the mistakes in each sentence and correct them:

a) Minstrels sang the songs without instruments,like the religious music

b) Secular chants were written in Latin

c) Troubadours were singers who performed their compositions about death

d) Religious music and secular music are polyphonic music

6) Diferencias entre trovadores y juglares

7) Answer these questions about ”Cantigas de Santa Maria”

- who was the composer and compiler?

- When and where were created?

- What about the text?rhyme,topics,,,

- In which languaje were written?

- What was its form?

8) What is the meaning of these words:

Secular chant mintrels courtly love knigths

9) Audición

10 Audición

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