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Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel

in which it is stored than to anything on which it is
-Mark Twain

I wish a wonderful morning to Mam, teachers and my

dear friends present before us.We,the students of
class 10-K are here to present before you,our class
assembly.We would begin with the prayer and a hymn.
(Prayer and hymn in concordance with the day)

Now we would like to present a skit on our topic-

Narrator: Don’t be afraid of perfection,for you’ll
never reach it.Nobody is perfect.Nobody inordinately
possesses virtues innately.We all have our demons
within.Particularly,the demon of wrath.
(The entirety of the visual scene is composed of two
people sitting in two chairs.One of them is holding
a pad with a piece of paper,appears to be studying
the latter)
Dr.Jekyll:(Speaks in a relaxed authoritative
tone)So,Mr.Edmond Dantes,what seems to be
particularly troubling you?
E.D:Dr.Jekyll,uh,i-it seems that there is something
wrong with my perception.
Dr.J:May you be an iota more precise?
E.D:Well,one day I was strolling near the Thames.You
see,that day was hard for me,to say the least.I had
lost my employment and had a arduous quarrel with my
brother.That was when this woman,Ms.Anne,I came to
know from her name tag,appeared out of nowhere just
to dash me,like I were invisible!I just could not
control myself and ended up giving her a piece of my
mind.This was not a solitary event,the other
day,there was this man,with his irritable alsatian.It
would not stop.That infernal dog kept barking for an
hours on end,it would only cease with a shower of
rocks from my hand.This is my problem!society is
getting more irritable by the second.
Dr.J:Edmond,don’t you feel that the problem might not
lie with society but with someone else?
E.D:What are you implying doctor?
Dr.J:(Speaks hesitatingly)I am trying to make you
aware of your possible issue with anger management.
E.D:(increases his voice)I am fine sir,I do not have
any issues with anger,I merely don’t understand what
is your need to state that…
Dr.J:(cutting E.D mid sentence):Mr Dantes,based upon
my observations and my perception of these recounts
of your incidents,this is unfortunately what I am
forced to conclude.
(Edmond Dantes gets up,off his chair in fury,he is
in no control of his actions and moves toward the
doctor while speaking, who also stands up.)
E.D:(Shouts)I do not see the need for that as a
conclusion and have no idea of your malicious intent
for stating something as false as that.I have no
problem with anger!(he realises in an instant the
irony of the situation and calms down from being
aggressive).I,uh,I am(stammers with realisation)sorry

Edmond Dantes rushes out of the room.

Scene - II
E.D is on the streets of London.The streets are
crowded with people.He accidentally pushes a man
carrying a great deal of books.The books fall and E.D
tries to help.However,the man who looks
fearfully,aware of Edmond’s anger makes haste in
collecting the books and walks as fast as he
can.Later another man dashes him in the busy
street.This man however, is infuriated a myriad fold
more than Edmond could ever be.The man pushes E- onto
the floor(the street)violently and walks away.
A woman from the background comes to help him.

Woman:Here Mr,take my hand.

(E- gets up,stares at the woman in awe and after a
brief pause speaks)
E.D:(emphatically, later with a smile)Thank you Ms
Narrator 1:We all have two paths,the path of
correction and the path of continuation. It
is,ultimately up to us to decide what we want to


Anger is not an emotion seldom felt.It often is a mere
reflection of how we perceive and interpret a given
circumstance.We all feel angry at times – it's part of
being human. Anger is a normal, healthy emotion, which
we might experience if we feel:
● attacked
● deceived
● frustrated
● invalidated or unfairly treated

Most people will experience episodes of anger which

feel manageable and don't have a big impact on
their lives. Learning healthy ways to recognise,
express and deal with anger is important for our
mental and physical health.It is important,at an
early age, to be aware of how to control this
primordial instinct of ours.It can be frightening
when your anger overwhelms you. But there are ways
you can learn to manage your anger when you find
yourself in difficult situations.They include-

● Counting to 10
● Changing the environment
● Using humour to ease your feelings
● Focusing on your breath and trying not to speak
anything.This helps avoid making statements which
you might regret later.
● Even speaking out statements such as ‘I am angry’
might help in distracting yourself from the matter
at hand.This also helps you think more rationally.

Thought for the day-For every minute you remain

angry,you lose sixty seconds of peace of mind.
Values/life skills-(Are of common nature and hence can
be deduced later in time)

—--------THE END—----------

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