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1. In the relation y = a cos ( ω

−¿ k
, the dimensional formula for k is

(a) M0 L-1 T-1 (b) M0 L T-1 (c) M0 L-1 T0 (d) M0 L T

2. An empty plastic box of mass 5 kg is observed to accelerate up at the rate of g/6 when
placed deep inside water. What mass of sand should be put inside the box so that it may
accelerate down at the rate of g/6 ?
(a) 1 kg (b) 1.5 (c) 2 kg (d) 2.5 g
3. A stationary bomb explodes into two parts of masses 3kg and 1kg.
The total KE of the two parts after explosions is 2400J. The KE of
the smaller part is
(a)600 J (b)1200 J (c)1800 J (d) 2160 J
4. A temperature of 100°F (Fahrenheit Scale) is equal to T K (Kelvin Scale). The value
of T is
(a) 210.2 (b) 48.8 (c) 310.7 (d) 112.4
5. Which of the following graphs represent the correct variation of velocity(v) of sound with the
pressure(P)in a gas at constant temperature?

6. The number of degrees of freedom for a rigid diatomic molecule at high temperature is
(a) 5 (b) 7 (c) 3 (d) 2
7. The distance traversed by a moving particle at any instant is half of the product of its
velocity and the time of traverse. Show that the acceleration of the particle is constant.
8. State the number of significant figures in
(i) 0.007 (ii) 2.67x 10-24 kg
9. Find the dimensions of the quantity ‘q’ from the expression:
T =2π√ml³/3Yq, where T is the time period of a bar of length l, mass m and Young's
modulus Y.
10. Derive an expression for the path of projectile and the time of its flight.
11. Two absolute scales A and B have triple points of water defined to be 200 A and
350 B. What is the relation between TA and TB ?
12. The coefficient of volume expansion of glycerine is 49 x 10 -5K-1. What is the
fractional change in its density for a 30 °C rise in temperature?
13. A body cools from 80 °C to 50°C in 5 minutes. Calculate the time it takes to cool
from 60 °C to 30°C. The temperature of the surroundings is 20 °C.
14. Derive an expression for the pressure due to an ideal gas.
15. Molar volume is the volume occupied by 1 mole of any (ideal) gas at standard
temperature and pressure (STP: 1 atmospheric pressure, 0 °C). Show that it is 22.4
16. An air bubble of volume 1.0 cm3 rises from the bottom of a lake 40 m deep at a
temperature of 12°C. To what volume does it grow when it reaches the surface,
which is at a temperature of 35 °C.
17. Define Gravitational Potential Energy. Derive the expression for it.
18. Derive an expression for excess pressure inside a soap bubble.
19. Explain anomalous behaviour of water. How it explains the survival of aquatic
20. Derive an expression for the time period of simple Pendulum of length.

21. A boy playing on the roof of a 10m high building throws a ball with a speed
of 10m/s at an angle of 30° with the horizontal. How far from the throwing
point will the ball be at a height of 10m from the ground?
22. Assertion (A): The average speed of a body over a given interval of
time is equal to the average velocity of the body in the same interval of time
if a body moves in a straight line (in one direction).
Reason (R): This is because in this case distance travelled by a body is equal to the
displacement of the body.

23. Assertion: Air quickly leaking out of a balloon becomes cooler.

Reason: The leaking air undergoes adiabatic expansion.
24. Assuming that the mass, M of the largest stone that can be moved by
a flowing river depends up on “v” the velocity, “ρ” the density of water and on “g”, the
acceleration due to gravity. Show that M varies with the sixth power of the velocity
of flow.
25. Two vectors A and B are inclined to each other at an angle θ. Using triangle law of vector
addition, find the magnitude and direction of their resultant.
26. Derive an expression for velocity of a car on a banked circular road
having coefficient of friction, µ. Hence write the expression for optimum velocity.
27. (a) Draw energy distribution curves for a black body at two different temperatures T 1 and
T2, where T1 > T2.
(b) Give reason:
(i) A body with large reflectivity is a poor emitter.
(ii) A brass tumbler feels much colder than a wooden tray on a chilly day.
28. The equation of a plane progressive wave is y = 10 Sin 2 π (t – 0.005 x), where y and x
are in cm and t in seconds. Calculate the amplitude, frequency, wavelength, and velocity of
the wave.
29. State Wein’s Displacement law and Stefan’s law.
30. What is an ideal gas? Show the deviation of real gas behaviour from ideal gas
31. State 4 assumptions on which kinetic theory is based.
32. If three gas molecules have velocities 0.5, 1 and 2 km/s respectively, calculate the ratio of
their root mean square speed and the average speed.
33. Calculate the degrees of freedom for a monoatomic, diatomic and triatomic gas
34. State The law of equipartition of energy.
35. Using the law of equipartition of energy, determine the values of C p, Cv and γ for
monoatomic, diatomic and triatomic gases.
36. What are beats. What are the essential conditions for the formation of beats?
37. Describe the various modes of vibrations of an open organ pipe.
38. Explain using diagram, the modes of vibrations of a stretched string fixed at both ends.
39. What are standing waves. What are the necessary condition for the formation of
stationary waves?
40. State Newton’s formula and Laplace correction mathematically.

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