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Appen Human-Centric Image

Collection Project
——Self Report Instruction
Project Overview

With Project Image collection, you will be part of

a project that aims to improve the efficiency and
accuracy of AI technology!
Your task is to submit 8 image of yourself and 2
photo of you and another person, and fill in the self-

Task Overview


This project is paid per task

and NOT an hourly rate. The

✓ Agree the terms and ✓ A computer or pay rate you see is for full
completion of the task
condition by signing smartphone
(complete task = upload 10
the consent form with ✓ A stable internet
photos and complete the
email confirmation connection self-report) that passes the
✓ At least 18 years old quality check.

How to Start
1. Read through the Project Guidelines.
2. Login and read the instructions carefully prior
to starting the task.
3. All subjects appear in the image need to sign
the digital consent form and confirm
participation via email
4. Start uploading image
5. Fill in all self-report questions
General Guidelines
What you’ll be doing:
❖ The project will need you to provide 8 photos of yourself (photo number 1-8), and 2 photos of you and
another person(photo 9-10). The 2nd person needs to be the same person in photo 9 and 10. Any
participant must be above the age of majority in their country of residence. (Minors could not
participate this project.)
❖ All subject's whole body(head, hand, feet) need to be framed in the image
❖ You need to strictly follow this rule: photo 1-8 for you own photos, photo 9-10 contains you and
another person(same person in 9 and 10).
❖ Only original photo will be accepted. Edited photo will not be accepted
❖ Previously captured photo within 10 years can be accepted.
❖ Newly captured photo must be taken at least 1 day apart.
❖ You must wear different clothing in each image, and each image must be taken in a different location
and at a different time of day.
❖ You will fill in a self-report based on each photo you have submitted
Device requirements
❖ Device must be digital such as a smartphone, DSLR camera,
or compact camera. For example, an iPhone XR, Google Pixel
5, Fujifilm X-T4, Sony A7 III, Nikon Coolpix B500, Ricoh GR II.
❖ The device must be able to record Exif data when capturing
❖ The device must capture images using at least an 8-megapixel
❖ The device must have been released in the year 2011 or later.
Image requirements
❖ Images should be uploaded using device's default viewable output format.
❖ Images must not be post-processed including any additional compression.
❖ Images must not be panoramas.
❖ The aspect ratio of an image must be less than 2:1.
❖ Images must not be captured using a fisheye lens or any other lens that result in spherical
❖ Images should not be captured using digital zoom; however, optical zoom is permitted.
❖ Images must not be captured while using filters.
❖ Excessively blurry images caused by motion blur, or otherwise will be rejected
❖ Images must not be captured using the “Bokeh” (shallow depth-of-field) effect.
❖ Any images that are reflections or drawings of people will be rejected.
❖ Non-consensual people (even a hand or any part of other people) are not allowed to be
shown in the image!
Image requirements
❖ Selfie (Self-taken photo) are NOT qualified.
❖ No sexual, violence or any sensitive content allowed.
➢ Do NOT upload images containing explicit content (violence, nudity, sexual
activity, obscene gestures, cruelty to humans or animals)
➢ Do NOT upload images that contain personally identifying information even in
the background (e.g. passport, documents with name, social security number, or
➢ Do NOT upload images containing any obvious trademarks (e.g. logos on t-
shirts, large advertisements in the background) or obvious landmarks (e.g. Eiffel
➢ Do NOT upload images containing PII (license plates, access badge, laptop
Quality Requirements

❖ No payment will be made if duplicated/similar photo is submitted

❖ Payment happens only if minimum 4 images pass Quality Checking.
❖ No sexual, violence or any sensitive content allowed
❖ Please note every one can only participate once in this project!
If you upload same photos with different accounts, Appen has the
right to terminate your account and not to pay you.
Actions Requirement
Please upload photos with specific actions below. Only photos with requested actions
can be accepted.
image1 swimming/Dancing
image2 Bending/bowing (at the waist)
image3 Lying down/sleeping
image4 Performing martial/fighting arts (including wrestling, boxing, etc.
image5 Jumping/leaping
image6 Running/jogging
image7 Crouching/kneeling
image8 Getting up or Crawling

Grabbing (person) (e.g., martial arts, wrestling, contact sport, etc.)

Hitting (person) (e.g., martial arts, wrestling, contact sport, etc.)

image9(two-person photo)
Kicking (person) (e.g., martial arts, wrestling, contact sport, etc.)

Pushing (person) (e.g., martial arts, wrestling, contact sport, etc.)

Giving/serving (object) to (person) or taking/receiving (object) from (person)

image10(two-person photo) Kissing (person) Lifting (person)

Hand shaking Playing with (person or group)

Samples: Image 1- Swimming/Dancing
Samples: Image 2 - Bending/bowing (at the waist)
Samples: Image 3 - Lying down/sleeping
Samples: Image 4 - Performing martial/fighting arts
(including wrestling, boxing, etc.
Samples: Image 5 - Jumping/leaping
Samples: Image 6 - Running/jogging
Samples: Image 7 - Crouching/Kneeling
Samples: Image 8 - Getting up or Crawling
Samples: Image 9 - Grabbing (person) (e.g., martial arts, wrestling, contact sport, etc.)
Samples: Image 9 - Hitting (person) (e.g., martial arts, wrestling, contact sport, etc.)
Samples: Image 9 - Kicking (person) (e.g., martial arts, wrestling, contact sport, etc.)
Samples: Image 9 - Pushing (person) (e.g., martial arts, wrestling, contact sport, etc.)
Samples: Image 10 - Giving/serving (object) to (person) or taking/receiving (object) from
Samples: Image 10 - Kissing (person)
Samples: Image 10 - Lifting (person)
Samples: Image 10 - Hand shaking
Samples: Image 10 - Playing with (person or group)
Reference-Camera Position
Login Appen Matrixgo Platform
Now that you are familiar with the guidelines and quality requirements, let’s get started!


Using your Matrixgo username
and password
(Two different platforms but all
Once you’ve logged in, carefully read the
from Appen.)
instructions and get
Make sure you log in successfully on this platform!
Step 1
Find your job
❖ Login with your Matrixgo username and password
❖ Go to “My Jobs” and “Pending”
❖ Choose “XXX -Image Collection Project - v3.6 Self-report [A10022-
LXXX], Click ‘View”
Step 2

Accept the task

❖ Click “Accept”-”Launch”
❖ You can start your task now
Step 3

Start your task

❖ You will see below page and Click “Addition”
Step 4

Start your task

❖ By clicking “Addition”, you will see page below
❖ Click “upload” to upload images
❖ Click “Start self-report” to launch the self-report and answer questions based on
each image uploaded
Step 5
❖ After all 10 photos are uploaded and all questions are answered,
Click ‘complete’ to submit your task! (DO NOT CLICK ‘complete and load next record’)

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