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Assignment No.

BIO101 – Basic Biology-I

Fall 2023
Total Marks: 10 Due Date: November 27, 2023

Q1. What is the difference between Lysosomes and lysozymes? (5 marks)
Q2. Explain the central dogma of life in your own words. (5 marks)

Please ensure that you submit your solution file before the due date. We will not accept any
assignments via email after the due date has passed.

 Use the font style “Times New Roman” and font size “12”.
 Use black and blue font colors only.
 Txt, html and image formats are acceptable in in-line assignments.
Solution guidelines

 To complete this assignment, you may read resources available on the internet, but
please ensure to write the content in your own words.
 This is an individual assignment, not a group assignment. Please ensure that you work
independently and avoid copying others' work.
 Give the answer according to the question only and avoid irrelevant details.

Please note that your assignment will not be graded if

 It is submitted after the due date

 The file you uploaded does not open
 The file you uploaded is copied from someone else
 Cheating or copying /plagiarism of assignments is strictly prohibited. The cheated or plagiarized
assignment will be marked ‘Zero’.


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