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‫الجمهورية الجزائرية الديمقراطية الشعبية‬

‫جامعة قاصدي مرباح ورقلة‬

‫كلية المحروقات والطاقات المتجددة وعلوم األرض والكون‬
‫قسم انتاج المحروقات‬

‫استمارة اقتراح أطروحة الماستر للسنة الجامعية‬


Enseignant (Encadreur) : Mme Boufades Djamila

Co-Encadreur : Mr Adjou Zakaria
Les étudiants : Zahaf Maamar – Belahlou Narimene
……………… : Signature

Experimental investigation of the influence of pore geometry on laboratory water-oil relative permeability
and oil recovery

Résumé :

The relationship between the porosity of concrete, mortar, or rocks, and their transfer properties has been a
longstanding issue in the literature. There is a wide spectrum of approaches ranging from simple – easy to
implement – formulae to complex computational schemes. In engineering applications, permeability is often
related to the porosity and tortuosity of the material. It have been proposed to describe the fluid flow within
the porous material as a parallel bundle composed of capillaries of different diameters. These diameters
were distributed according to the void fraction of each pore size obtained from Pore Size Distribution (PSD)
measurements which yielded better results than the single diameter approach

Problématique et plan de travail :

Rock properties that control pore geometry can also affect the relative permeability characteristics of a
reservoir. If variations in rock types permeability characteristics of a reservoir. If variations in rock types are
ignored, laboratory measurements for predicting fluid flow may be misleading; a common binocular
microscope can be helpful in detecting these important variations.

Mots clés : pore size, relative permeability, oil recovery, capillary pressure, porosity, fluid
Avis du CSD

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