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История ормуса - от

алхимии до
современной науки

История Ормуса как

древнего знания
Задумывались ли вы когда-нибудь о том, какими знаниями обладали древние люди нашего мира,
которые мы еще не открыли? Может ли быть так, что мистические материалы, о которых так часто
говорят в религиях по всему миру, на самом деле были физическими субстанциями, которые можно
было получить и использовать в различных целях?

От "шеманны" египтян, белого хлеба, подносимого в качестве золота своим богам, до "хлебов предложения" и
"манны" израильтян, хранившихся в Ковчеге Завета, и причастия хлеба и вина у христиан - во многих
культурах эти подношения высоко ценились. Моисей даже взял золотого тельца, сделанного израильтянами
для поклонения, и "сжег его в огне, и истолок в порошок, и насыпал соломы на воду, и заставил сынов
Израилевых пить из нее" - предположительно для улучшения их духовной связи.

The Chinese alchemist Wei Po-yang wrote of the ‘Pill of Immortality’, an edible powder from gold that was
said to cause rejuvenation in those who ingested it. Hindu alchemists preferred to work with mercury,
creating an edible white powder form and oil form that imparted healing and spiritual benefit through its
transmutation into gold.

Artephius, an alchemist of the twelfth century, claimed he had lived a thousand years due to using a
mysterious quintessence. And Fulcanelli, a French alchemist of more recent times, believed that secrets of
alchemy were carved and concealed in the architecture of great cathedrals, going so far as to claim he had
created the Philosopher’s Stone based on this knowledge.

If any of these stories contain truth, then the alchemical materials described would be substances
unknown to modern science – substances derived from gold, mercury, and other precious metals that are
not easily detectable.

This is where the chronology becomes extremely interesting as three seemingly disparate pioneering
identities coalesce to bring what we know as Ormus more widely available. It was almost as though some
mysterious force was acting to bring these identities together in order to facilitate a mystery becoming
mainstream in contemporary culture.

The Three Ormus Pioneers

The emergence of Ormus in the modern world owes much to the pioneering work of three key figures:
David Hudson, Larry Blackman and Barry Carter.

It’s almost as though a mysterious force has been at work to bring these pioneering identities together
and make what we know today as Ormus more widely available. David Hudson, during the 1970s,
uncovered source materials and processes that revealed a never-before-seen state of elements – and he
shared his findings during the 1990s through lectures.

Larry Blackman (the Essene) followed in his footsteps with degrees in biochemistry, inorganic chemistry,
nuclear physics, electronics, clinical psychology, and astronomy. He then developed, and during the 90s
chose to share current Ormus collection processes.

Barry Carter was also key to making this knowledge accessible to the world. In 1989, after learning about
these materials firsthand, he began researching and sharing them extensively, forming a website,
moderating forums, giving workshops, lecturing at conferences – all on behalf of Ormus history and

He made it his mission to spread the word quickly and effectively, becoming the organizing figure of the
modern day Ormus community. Without their dedication and passion, knowledge about Ormus would
likely remain buried – so take a moment to feel eternally grateful for those who have gone before us and
opened the door to a higher life.

The Contemporary Timeline

In the late 1970s, an Arizona farmer named David Hudson made a startling discovery: strange materials
that appeared to be the alchemical substances mentioned in ancient texts. After spending millions of
dollars researching and patenting his methods for obtaining these materials, he began touring the United
States in the early 1990s giving lectures and workshops about them.

When Jim heard about this mysterious substance, he was immediately intrigued. Jim and Barry Carter
had the opportunity to attend one of David Hudson’s lectures in Portland, Oregon, shaking his hand and
learning more about what he called ORMEs (Orbitally Rearranged Monatomic Elements). They both
realized that if we wanted this technology to become widespread, it needed to have simpler ways of
extraction. This is when Barry decided to transcribe Hudson’s lecture and post it on the internet.

It wasn’t long before Barry learned about a man from the Northwest who taught techniques for making
ORMUS. When John and Barry visited him, he (the Essene) revealed a simple chemical method for
precipitating ORMEs out of sea water – “the milk of the gods”. We wrote up our notes and posted them
online so everyone could benefit.

Jim also discovered that the ORMUS elements responded to magnetic fields as if they were
superconductors, levitating and even displaying Josephson tunnelling (teleportation) abilities. We then
developed a way to concentrate ORMUS elements using a magnetic trap.

We now know that ORMUS are quite common in nature, though practically invisible to spectroscopy.
Through the tireless work of researchers like Barry and Jim, anyone can access these mysterious materials
with ease!

This discovery, however, has not been without controversy. While some argue that the information should
have been publicly disseminated, others argue that it should have been kept quiet and only shared with a
select few. No matter which side one takes, it is undeniable that the three pioneers of Ormus have opened
a door to an exciting new world of possibilities. From quantum coherence to the potential to transduce
energy and communicate information instantaneously, the future looks brighter than ever before.

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