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Mathematics in the
What are patterns anyway? We usually
Modern World think of it as anything that repeats again and
Prof. Oscar Bumanlag again. A pattern is an arrangement which helps
observers anticipate what they might see or
October 15, 2021 – Nature of Mathematics what happens next. A pattern also shows what
Lecture One may have come before. A pattern organizes
information so that it becomes more useful.
The human mind is programmed to make
• sense of data or to bring order where there is
• disorder. It seeks to discover relationships and
• connections between seemingly unrelated bits
• of information. In doing so, it sees patterns.

According to the National Council of

OVERVIEW: WHAT IS MATHEMATICS? Teachers of Mathematics (1991) defines the
nature of mathematics as follows: Mathematics
Mathematics can be defined in many is a study of patterns and relationship, a way of
ways. For some people, Mathematics is just the thinking, an art, a language, and a tool. It is
study of numbers. For others, it is a set of about patterns and relationships. Numbers are
problem-solving tools, a language, a process just a way to express those patterns and
of thinking, and a study of patterns among relationships. Patterns
others. Whatever point of view is taken, there is
no denying the reality that mathematics is Patterns are everywhere. They are
everywhere. Individuals from around the world deeply embedded all around us. You can
use math in their daily lives. Mathematics has observe patterns- things like colors, shapes,
various applications in the world. However, actions, line or curves of building, pathways or
Mathematics is not only concerned with even in the grocery store where boxes of
everyday problems, but also with using various items are lined up. Number patterns
imagination, intuition and reasoning to find such as 2,4,6,8 and 5,10,15,20 are among the
new ideas and to solve puzzling problems. first patterns encountered in younger years.

As we advance, we encounter more

Mathematics is a branch of science, patterns and discover that number patterns are
which deals with numbers and their not restricted to a few types. They could be
operations. It involves calculation, ascending, descending, multiples of a certain
computation, solving of problems etc. Its number. We learned patterns through the
dictionary meaning states that, ‘Mathematics is concept of functions and sequences like
the science of numbers and space’ or arithmetic and geometric sequences. Number
‘Mathematics is the science of measurement, patterns, logic patterns, geometric patterns
quantity and magnitude.’ It is exact, precise, and word patterns are examples of the various
systematic and a logical subject. patterns we learned in school. However,
patterns are not limited to these types. One
Mathematics helps us to organize and can observe patterns in nature, art,
systemize our ideas about patterns; in so architecture, human behavior, anywhere. On
doing, not only can we admire and enjoy these this section, we will discuss the different
patterns, we can also use them to infer some of patterns in nature, arts and architecture.
the underlying principles that govern the world
of nature. Patterns in nature are visible
regularities of form found in the natural world.
These patterns recur in different contexts and
can sometimes be modeled mathematically. objects, theoretic models, language, music
Natural patterns include symmetries, fractals, and even knowledge itself.
spirals, meanders, waves, foams, tessellations,
Bilateral or reflection symmetry is the
Studying patterns allows one to watch,
simplest kind of symmetry. It is one of the most
guess, create, and discover. The present
common kinds of symmetry that we see in the
mathematics is considerably more than
natural world. It can also be called mirror
arithmetic, algebra, and geometry. The
symmetry because an object with this
method of doing it has advanced from simply
symmetry looks unchanged if a mirror passes
performing computations or derivations into
through its middle. In other words, the objects
observing patterns, testing guesses, and
have a left side and a right side that are mirror
evaluating results.
images of each other. If a shape can be folded
Let us focus on the different types of in half so that one half fits exactly on top of the
symmetric patterns, analyze and observe the other, then we say that the shapes are
similarities as well as the differences and give symmetric. The fold is called a line of symmetry
examples of these types of patterns as seen in because it divides the shape into two equal
nature, arts, architecture and mathematics. parts. Bilateral-symmetric objects have at least
one line or axis of symmetry. The lines of
SYMMETRY symmetry may be in any direction.
When we think of patterns, we usually
think of it as something that repeats again and RADIAL SYMMETRY
again. The math of symmetry can describe Radial symmetry is rotational
what this repetition may look like and as well as symmetry around a fixed point known as the
why some objects seem more orderly and center. Images with more than one lines of
organized than others. That is why we can say symmetry meeting at a common point exhibits
symmetry is the fundamental “language” of a radial symmetry. An equilateral triangle and
patterns. circles are examples. You can cut along three
different axes on the equilateral triangle while
What is symmetry? Can you give a circle can be cut along an infinite number of
examples of objects that are symmetric? Why axes. Radial symmetry can be found both in
do you consider them symmetric? Is it because natural and human made objects.
of balanced proportions? Or is it because you
can rotate, translate or reflect and they still look Did you know that there are other
the same? classifications of symmetric patterns? Patterns
in the plane are usually divided into three
Symmetry can be found everywhere. It groups. These are rosette patterns (those that
can be seen from different viewpoints namely; repeat in no direction), frieze patterns (those
nature, the arts and architecture, mathematics; that repeat in exactly one direction) and
especially geometry and science. Symmetry wallpaper patterns (those that repeat in more
occurs when there is congruence in than one direction). Let us define, discuss and
dimensions, due proportions and identify examples of these patterns from
arrangement. It provides a sense of harmony nature and the arts. Included in the discussion
and balance. In fact, symmetry is one of the is what we call tessellations which completely
foremost predominant themes in arts, design cover a plane without gaps or overlaps, like
and architecture all over the world and wallpaper patterns.
throughout human history. Mathematical
symmetry can also be explained as the
passage of time, a spatial relationship and an
aesthetic element found within abstract
ROSETTE PATTERNS 6. Jump. The frieze pattern only admits
Rosette patterns consist of taking motif translations, a horizontal reflection,
or an element and rotating and/or reflecting and glide reflection.
that element. There are two types of rosette
patterns namely cyclic and dihedral. A rosette
pattern is cyclic if it only admits rotational 7. Spinning Jump. The frieze pattern
symmetries. On the other hand, a rosette admits translations, vertical reflections,
pattern is dihedral if it admits both rotational horizontal reflections, rotations, and
symmetries and bilateral or reflectional glide reflections.

FRIEZE PATTERNS Mathematician John B. Conway invented

A frieze or border pattern is a pattern the names of these frieze patterns.
in which a basic motif repeats itself over and
over in one direction. It extends to the left and WALLPAPER PATTERNS
right in a way that the pattern can be mapped A wallpaper pattern is a pattern with
onto itself by a horizontal translation. We can translation symmetry in two directions. It is,
usually find these patterns in unique places like therefore, essentially an arrangement of friezes
on the walls of buildings, fabrics, borders of stacked upon one another to fill the entire
rugs and tiled floor. plane. Any particular wallpaper pattern is
made up of a combination of the following
Mathematicians have already symmetries; reflection, rotation and glide
classified all the different types of frieze reflection. According to Nocon (2016), in order
patterns. It turns out that there are only seven for a plane figure to be considered a wallpaper
types. pattern, it must have at least the basic unit, one
1. Hop. The frieze pattern only admits a copy by translation, and a copy of these two by
translational symmetry. translation in the second direction. There must
be at least two rows, each one of at least two
units long.
2. Step. The frieze pattern only admits a Beautiful patterns can be created by
translational and glide symmetries. repeating geometric and artistic motifs
according to the symmetry of the wallpaper
groups, as exemplified in works by M. C.
3. Sidle. The frieze pattern only admits Escher and in the patterns created by I.
translations and vertical reflections. Bakshee in the Wolfram Language using
Artlandia, illustrated above. There are 17
different wallpaper patterns. Using intricate
4. Spinning Hop. The frieze pattern only techniques, mathematicians were able to
admits translations and 180◦ rotations classify every wallpaper pattern possible. It is
(half-turns). shown that there are only 17 distinct types of
wallpaper patterns.

5. Spinning Sidle. The frieze pattern only TESSELATIONS

admits translations, vertical reflections, A tessellation or tiling is a repeating
rotations, and glide reflections. pattern of figures that covers a plane with no
gaps or overlaps. It is just like a wallpaper
group in which patterns are created by
repeating a shape to fill the plane.
Tessellations can be created with The symbol lim means ‘the limit as n
translations, rotations, and reflections. approaches infinity’ which is usually studied in
Tessellations can be seen in nature, arts and a calculus course. It can be calculated that the
everyday life. Pavements, snake skin, turtle exact value of φ is
shell and a honeycomb are just few of many
examples of tessellation we see around us. A
honeycomb is a perfect example of a natural
tessellation. It uses regular hexagons to form
this natural mosaic around the surface area of
the hive. Since these are regular hexagons,
each interior angle of each hexagon are 120
degrees, and all the angles in one of the This is known as the Binet Formula.
hexagons equal 720 degrees.
A rectangle whose side ratio
FIBONACCI SEQUENCE (length:width) equals φ is called a golden
The Fibonacci sequence was invented rectangle.
by the Italian Leonardo Pisano Bigollo (1180-
1250), who is known in mathematical history by George Dvorsky (2013) emphasized
several names: Leonardo of Pisa (Pisano that the Fibonacci sequence has captivated
means “from Pisa”) and Fibonacci (which mathematicians, scientists, artists and
means “son of Bonacci”). designers for centuries. It is a sequence with
many interesting properties. Among these is
To formally, define the Fibonacci its visibility in nature. Most, if not all, natures
sequence, we start by defining F1 = 1 and F2 most beautiful patterns contain Fibonacci
= 1. For n > 2, we define numbers.

Fn := Fn−1 + Fn−2. The Fibonacci numbers appear in

nature in various places. These numbers are
The sequence F1, F2, F3, . . . is then the evident at the flower head of a sunflower or
Fibonacci sequence. Such a definition is called daisy. Spirals are also easier to see and to
a recursive definition because it starts by count on pineapples and pine cones.
defining some initial values and defines the Fibonacci numbers are there on broccoli
next term as a function of the previous terms. florets and flowers and on the arrangement of
leaves around stems on many plants too.
If we take the ratio of Fn to Fn−1 for n ≥ 1,
Pinecones, Speed Heads, Vegetables and
Spiral patterns curving from left and
right can be seen at the array of seeds in the
center of a sunflower. The sum of these spirals
when counted will be a Fibonacci number. You
will get two consecutive Fibonacci numbers if
you divide the spirals into those pointed left
and right. The seed pods on a pinecone are
also arranged in a spiral pattern. Each cone
We see that as n gets larger and larger, consists of a pair of spirals, each one spiraling
the ratio gets closer and closer to a value upwards in opposing directions. Spiral
denoted by φ. The number φ is called as the patterns can also be deciphered in cauliflower
golden ratio and can be formally defined as and pineapples. Fibonacci sequence appears
on these fruits and vegetables.
Flowers and Branches Architecture
Most flowers express the Fibonacci The Great Pyramid of Giza: The Great
sequence if you count the number of petals on Pyramid of Giza built around 2560 BC is one of
these flowers. For example, lilies and irises the earliest examples of the use of the golden
have three petals, roses and buttercups have ratio. The length of each side of the base is 756
five, delphiniums have eight petals and so on. feet, and the height is 481 feet. So, we can find
Some plants also exhibit the Fibonacci that the ratio of the vase to height is 756/481 =
sequence in their growth points, on the places 1.5717.
where tree branches form or split. A trunk
grows until it produces a branch, resulting in The Greek sculptor Phidias sculpted
two growth points. The main trunk then many things including the bands of sculpture
produces another branch, resulting in three that run above the columns of the Parthenon.
growth points and then the trunk and the first Other architectural structures that exhibits the
branch produce two more growth points, Golden ratio include the ff: Porch of Maidens,
bringing the total to five Acropolis, Athens; Chartres Cathedral; and Le
The family tree of a honey bee Arts
perfectly resembles the Fibonacci sequence. A Mona-Lisa by Leonardo Da Vinci: It is
honeybee colony consists of a queen, a few believed that Leonardo, as a mathematician
drones and lots of workers. The following tried to incorporate of mathematics into art.
image below shows how the family tree relates. This painting seems to be made purposefully
line up with golden rectangle.
The Human Body
The human body has many elements An Old man by Leonardo Da Vinci:
that show the Fibonacci numbers and the Leonardo Da Vinci explored the human body
golden ratio. Most of your body parts follow involving in the ratios of the lengths of various
the Fibonacci sequence and the proportions body parts. He called this ratio the ”divine pro-
and measurements of the human body can portion” and featured it in many of his
also be divided up in terms of the golden ratio. paintings. We also have the The Vetruvian Man
(“The Man in Action”) by Leonardo Da Vinci;
Geography, Weather and Galaxies Holy Family by Micahelangelo; Crucifixion by
Raphael; The sacrament of the Last Supper by
Fibonacci numbers and the Salvador Dali (1904-1989), and many more.
relationships between these numbers are
evident in spiral galaxies, sea wave curves and MATHEMATICS FOR OUR WORLD
in the patterns of stream and drainages. Mathematics is everywhere; whether it
Weather patterns, such as hurricanes and is on land, sea or air, online or on the front line,
whirlpools sometimes closely resemble the mathematics underpins every nook and cranny
Golden Spiral. The milky way galaxy and some of modern life. Far from a quaint subject to be
other galaxies have spiral patterns. Planets of forgotten upon leaving school, it is the glue
our solar system and their orbital periods are that holds our world.
closely related to the golden ratio.
Roger Bacon (1214-1294), an English
The Golden Ratio and/or the Golden Franciscan friar, philosopher, scientist and
Spiral can also be observed in music, art, and scholar of the 13th century, once stated:
designs. Appearing in many architectural “Neglect of mathematics works injury to all
structures, the presence of the golden ratio knowledge, since he who is ignorant of it
provided a sense of balance and equilibrium. cannot know the other sciences or the things
Let’s take a look at a couple of examples. of the world.”
Math helps us understand or make with far less fuel than anybody had thought
sense of the world - and we use the world to possible, to help avoid wear on the wheels of
understand math. It is therefore important that locomotives and other rolling stock, to
we learn math contents needed to solve improve the effectiveness of heart
complex problems in a complex world; learn pacemakers, to manage forests and fisheries,
the mathematical knowledge and skills we even to make more efficient dishwashers. But
need to understand the world and make most important of all, it is giving us a deeper
contributions to the global community. vision of the universe in which we live, and of
our own place in it. Yes, mathematics has
Application of Mathematics in Our World indeed helped organize patterns and
Mathematics has so many uses of applications. consistencies in the world.
- Mathematics helps organize patterns
and regularities in the world; Mathematics helps predict the behavior of
- Mathematics helps predict the nature and many phenomena.
behavior of nature and many Mathematics is used to explain why the
phenomena; Sun set, where it went and why it returned
- Mathematics helps control nature and because it was easier to count these events in
occurrences in the world for our own numbers than to put them into words. Based
good; on historical patterns, we can make forecasts or
- Mathematics has applications in many predictions to help us prepare for our daily
human endeavors. activities. Formulas and other mathematical
- Predicting the weather. methods became a way of using numbers to
- MRI and Tomography show how things in nature happen, where and
- Internet and Phones when it will happen.
- Epidemic Analysis
- Codes and Communication Earth scientists have relied in the past
- Finance and Banking on statistical methods to forecast natural
- Speech Recognition hazard events. However, Benoit Mandelbrot, a
- Robotics professor of mathematical sciences at Yale
University described how he has been using
Mathematics helps organize patterns and fractals to find order within complex systems in
regularities in the World nature, such as the natural shape of a coastline.
According to Ian Stewart (1995), we As a result of his research, earth scientists are
live in a universe of patterns. Human mind and taking Mandelbrot’s fractal approach one step
culture have developed a formal system of further and are measuring past events and
thought for recognizing, classifying and making probability forecasts about the size,
understanding patterns. This formal system of location, and timing of future natural disasters.
thought is what we know now as mathematics.
We use mathematics to organize and Mathematics helps control nature and
systematize our thoughts and ideas about occurrences in the world for our own good.
patterns and other regularities in this world. Mathematical modelling and control
The development of these new mathematical theory can be used. By mathematical
theories helped paved the way to the thorough modeling we see the inputs to events and their
understanding of the different patterns in most likely outcomes. Knowing these inputs
nature. and seeing their consequences and
establishing their relationship defined
Stewart (1995) also mentioned that our quantitatively, we can prepare for calamities or
newfound understanding of natural order and natural disasters, or better yet, we can
nature’s secret regularities is being used to probably stop them from happening.
steer artificial satellites to new destinations
Control theory is defined as a field of complex acrobatic stance; determining speed
applied mathematics that is relevant to the in a short distance or marathon run, preparing
control of certain physical processes and chemical solutions in a biological or chemical
systems. As long as human culture has existed, laboratory and the like. Indeed, its application
control has meant some kind of power over the and use are uncountable and the list of uses it
environment and control theory may be offers is unending.
viewed as the science of modifying that
environment, in the physical, biological, or As it is valuable and integral in the life
even social sense. Control theory played a of man, mathematics as a discipline that
major role in many technological advances in Introduces students with the wide array of
the second half of the 20th century. possibilities from honing problem-solving
skills to enriching aesthetic judgment.
Mathematics has applications in many human
endeavors making it indispensable.
Mathematics existed since the
beginning of time, written or unwritten. Its
unwritten history is carved in all things found in
cosmos , found in the patterns created in
nature, appreciated in the juxtaposition of the
heavens and the earth, contrast between
darkness and light , made sense in the
harmony created not just by a well-known
orchestra but even by the rain drops falling on
offshore wind-turbines. Its language, though
considered by many as abstract is in fact easy
to grasp when the logic and formula that
govern it are understood by the inquisitive
minds of students, bakers, chemists,
carpenters and appreciated by the receptive
hearts of the musicians - drummers, guitarists,
pianists and composers; dance
choreographers, gymnasts and marathon

Mathematics permeates every area of

man’s life, leaving every man convinced of its
value. As a tool, mathematics is indispensable.
It is needed by all people in honing their
logical thinking and reasoning, in making wise
financial decisions - in budgeting or making
both ends meet when financial resources are
scarce. It is needed in choosing the best
interior and outdoor designs of houses, offices
and business sites. It is useful in determining
traveling time and calculating the amount of
fuel needed to get to the destination. It is not
just needed in the classrooms but also at home
when doing the mundane baking or preparing
foods for breakfast, dinner or lunch;
calculating steps when performing simple to

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