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Instructions 1: Match each word with its corresponding meaning.

1. Demonstrate damage, destroy, ruin

2. Reject create, make, do
3. Relieve deny, refuse
4. Vehemently slow to act
5. Diverge powerful, strong emotion
6. Subvert free from something, get away
7. Attribute part of, feature
8. Sundry proper, right, fit
9. Circumstantial reasons, conditions
10.Influence show something
11.Fleeting everything, all
12.Mentorship desire, passion
13.Appropriate by force, a must, vital
14.Establish happy, excited, amaze
15.Participate oppose, against
16.Contrary take part in, attend
17.Compulsion change of direction
18.Crave coach, guidance
19.Thrill short time
20.Hesitantly impact, effect
Instructions 2: Fill in the blanks with the correct word.
1. The students were asked to ____________ their understanding of the topic
by giving a presentation.
A) demonstrate B) subvert C) vehemently D) sundry
2. She decided to _____ the invitation to the party because she had other plans.
A) attribute B) influence C) reject D) crave
3. After a long day at work, a relaxing bath can help ______ stress and tension.
A) establish B) relieve C) diverge D) circumspect
4. The team ____________ worked hard to complete the project on time.
A) hesitantly B) fleeting C) participate D) vehemently
5. The detective gathered ____________ evidence to solve the case, including
witness statements and physical clues.
A) circumstantial B) sundry C) contrary D) compulsion
6. The adventurous journey through the forest allowed them to ____________
from the usual routines of city life.
A) subvert B) diverge C) reject D) demonstrate
7. She ____________ the honor of winning the first prize to her dedicated
practice and hard work.
A) attributed B) craved C) relieved D) hesitated
8. The unexpected turn of events caused their plans to ____________ from
what they had originally intended.
A) vehemently B) subvert C) influence D) circumspect
9. She had a ____________ collection of items on her shelf, including books,
toys, and knick-knacks.
A) vehement B) sundry C) attribute D) mentorship
10.The positive role model had a significant ____________ on the young
students, motivating them to work hard and achieve their goals.
A) subvert B) influence C) reject D) establish
1. The roller coaster ride provided an incredible ____________ as it dropped
from the highest peak.
A) thrill B) appropriate C) establish D) mentorship
2. Despite his ____________ for sweets, he decided to choose a healthier
snack this time.
A) crave B) fleeting C) participate D) establish
3. She felt a ____________ sense of pride when her artwork was displayed in
the art gallery.
A) compulsion B) establish C) appropriate D) fleeting
4. The young writer sought ____________ from an experienced author to
improve her storytelling skills.
A) crave B) mentorship C) establish D) participate
5. The school encouraged all students to ____________ in the upcoming talent
A) compulsion B) establish C) participate D) appropriate
6. Her actions were ____________ to her words; she always did what she said
she would do.
A) compulsion B) thrill C) contrary D) mentorship
7. It's important to wear ____________ attire when attending a formal event.
A) establish B) appropriate C) participate D) fleeting
8. She __________ raised her hand when the teacher asked a question in class.
A) compulsion B) establish C) hesitantly D) appropriate
9. The family wanted to ______________ a new tradition of having a game
night every Friday.
A) crave B) establish C) thrill D) appropriate
10.His love for chocolate was so strong that he felt a ______________ to eat it
every day.
A) crave B) fleeting C) participate D) compulsion

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