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MOCK TEST (2023-24)
Subject: Artificial Intelligence Subject Code: 843
No. of Questions: 21 No. of sides printed: 04
Time:2 Hours Max. Marks: 50
General Instructions:
• All questions are compulsory and must be attempted in the correct order.
✓ This section has 05 questions.
✓ Marks allotted are mentioned against each question/part.
✓ There is no negative marking.
✓ Do as per the instructions given.
✓ This section has 16 questions.
✓ A candidate has to do 10 questions.
✓ Do as per the instructions given.
✓ Marks allotted are mentioned against each question/part.
• 10 minutes of reading time will be provided at the beginning of examination. Students shall only read
the question paper and writing anything on the paper or answer sheet during this period is not allowed.


Q1: Answer any 4 out of the given 6 questions on Employability Skills (4 X 1 = 4 marks)
1. Which function is used to add multiple numbers in a spreadsheet.
a. = add()
b. = sum()
c. = addition()
d. All of these

2. Which are the sources of motivation and inspiration?

a. Music
b. Books
c. Activities
d. All of these
3. _________________for entrepreneurs are not just about structuring and prioritizing their daily work,
but mainly about managing teams, delegating, setting targets, continually reviewing and leading and
motivating the people around them.
a. Organizational skills
b. Stress Management
c. Risk Taking
d. All of the above

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4. Qualities of successful Entrepreneur:
a. Initiative and self-confidence
b. Willingness to take risk and hard work.
c. Ability to learn from experience
d. All of the above
5. What are the different parameters of personality?
a. Openness and Agreeableness
b. Consciousness and Neuroticism
c. Extraversion
d. All of the above

6. ______________ function is used to count the number of numeric values in range of cells.
a. = count()
b. = countif()
c. = count_numeric()
d. All of the above

Q2: Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions (5 x 1 = 5 marks)

1. Which of the following’s development tools are used to design model in ML.
a. Anaconda Distribution c. Azure ML studio
b. DataRobot d. All of these
2. While Testing data in AI project model, the volume of data must large. (Yes/No)
3. “Storytelling and Artificial Intelligence”, algorithms and robots are already becoming fantastic
storytelling assistants. They indeed can:
a. Help produce newspaper articles, facilitating and speeding-up the collection of documentary
b. Aggregate narrative elements from vast databases of verbal and visual information to get
indications on the main trends of storytelling in specific areas
c. Study new variations of stories/films’ narrative models and new sequences beyond the usual
d. All of these.

4. RMSE works on __________________ and _________________ values.

5. A most commonly used method of finding the minimum point of function is ______________.
a. gradient descent c. Log Loss
b. objective function d. Focal Loss
6. Clustering is an _________________machine learning task.
a. Supervised c. Deep
b. Unsupervised d. None of these

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Q3: Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions (5 x 1 = 5 marks)
1. Regression functions predict a _________, and classification functions predict a _________.
2. ______________is a cross-platform, data visualization and graphical plotting library for Python.
3. “import pandas as pd” statement predicts what in machine learning.
4. In ________________, we split a dataset into a training data and test data.
a. Machine learning c. Supervised learning
b. Un-supervised learning d. Deep Learning
5. ____________ model is used, if the question is to show the relationships.
6. Developing a narrative is the part of _____________________.

Q4: Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions (1 x 5 = 5 marks)

1. Key elements of Data Story Telling:
a. Data c. Narrative
b. Visuals d. All of these
2. When narrative and visuals are merged together, they ____________________.
3. ________________ should include all relevant subsets of training data.
4. _________ is the most suitable language of Artificial Intelligence.
5. AI project life cycle encompasses of which stages:
a. Project Scoping c. Deployment Phase
b. Design Phase d. All of these
6. In Statistics, Mean Squared Error (MSE) is defined as Mean or Average of the square of the difference
between actual and estimated values. (Yes/No)

Q5: Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions (5 x 1 = 5 marks)

1. ___________ is a method of assessing a machine learning algorithm’s performance.
2. RMSE stands for ________________________________________________.
3. Which of the following are the components of Time series data.
a. Level c. Seasonality
b. Trend d. All of these
4. ___________ is the first step involved in telling an effective story.
5. _____________ is the way in which we interact with data.
6. Pandas stands for __________________________________.


Note: Answer any three out of the given 5 questions (20-30 words): (3 X 2 = 6)
6. What are the basic personality traits of self-management skills?
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7. Explain any two types of entrepreneurial competencies.
8. How to improve self-management skills? Explain in detail.
9. Explain the following terms in the context of spreadsheet:
a. Cell c. Cell Address
b. Active Cell d. Range of cells
10. What are the different characteristics of Entrepreneurship? Explain.

Note: Answer any four out of the given 6 questions (25-35 words): (4 X 2 = 8)
11. What is cross validation procedure and how it gives more accurate model?
12. What do you understand by ‘Training and Test Data’ in Python Machine Learning?
13. Is story telling have acquired an important place? Explain with relevant points.
14. “Ramayana: The Legend of Prince Rama” movie came in 1993 co-produced by Japan and India. How
would you define that story telling is so powerful in terms of cross-culture relations.
15. What do you understand by “Design Thinking” and its five stages?
16. What is Capstone project and what are the six processes where every AI project passes?

Note: Answer any three out of the given 5 questions (50-80 words): (3 X 4 = 12)

17. What happens when story telling explained with data? Give explanation what A, B, C and D indicates
in the given below diagram.

18. Explain decomposition in terms of Time Series with the help of Level, Trend, Seasonality and Noise.
19. Explain Scoping (Requirements Analysis), Design/Building and Testing models in terms of AI Model
life cycle in detail.
20. What is Loss function and what are the various categorize in which it is broadly defined?
21. What is Metrics of Model and how it is related to prediction based on machine learning model?

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