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Risk-to-Self Assessment

Step 1: Risk assessment with another person if assessing for harm to self - counselor and/or
Drop-In Center, social worker has initial conversation and determines if psych/SW needs to
complete SAFE-T Assessment. If yes, they will use the on-call schedule to contact the psych/sw
that a risk assessment is needed (1. office phone, 2. G-chat, 3. text).

Step 2: A G-Chat is sent out to SRO, Deans, Nurses, Counseling Department Chairs, Special
Education Department Chairs, AP of student services by the person conducting the risk
assessment with the following language: “A risk assessment is being held in (state location)
by (state the 2 names of staff conducting risk assessment).”

Contact information 2023-2024

Psych/SW on call 2023-204
AIC 2023-2024

HP Police non-emergency number: 847-432-7730

If imminent harm... If not imminent harm...

1. Send an updated message to group 1. Send an updated message to group

above using the following language: above using the following language:
a. Risk Assessment a. Risk Assessment LOW
b. Ambulance is needed
c. Contact SRO to make 911 call
- If SRO unavailable, nurse will
call 911
d. Contact health services
e. Provide information
f. State location (safe to move or
NOT safe to move)
i. If safe, notify admin and
bring the student to the
nurse’s office.
ii. Once admin gets to the
nurse’s office, the nurse
will notify for the SRO to
call an ambulance
iii. If the student is unable to
move, stay in the current
location, notify admin, and
SRO will call an
ambulance once the entire
team has been looped in.
g. If the situation is unsafe for
student and/or staff, state the
following: “SRO needed.” SRO is
Officer Nate Styx.
h. Google Chat a short summary of
the situation to the SRO (to nurses
if SRO not here) to provide to the
police department
i. If RA is high and the student is
transported to the hospital, a
reentry meeting will be planned
when the student returns to school
and the team will develop a
support plan with the student and
the parent.

2. Call home by the person who did the 2. Call home

risk assessment (parent is informed
that student will be transported to HP
hospital). Student is present during
the parent phone call.

3. Student is taken to the nurse’s office

or stay in current location

4. Administrator goes in ambulance 4. Person doing the Risk Assessment

completed Risk Assessment Tracking Form
Google Doc (Low=tracking form is sufficient,
Moderate to High=Tracking form plus risk
assessment forms)

5. Person doing the Risk Assessment

completes Risk Assessment Tracking
Form Google Doc (Low=tracking form
is sufficient, Moderate to
High=Tracking form plus risk
assessment forms)

6. Risk assessment forms go to Jennifer 6. Risk assessment form is kept in Jennifer

Ginopolis regardless of risk level. Ginopolis office.

Threat Assessment Protocol

Risk assessment/Threat assessment On Call Schedule

Risk Assessment SAFE-T

Risk Assessment Form--Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale

Risk Assessment Form-- Suicide Risk Monitoring Tool

Post-RA Support Plan

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