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Social Miss Survey

1. A mom tells her teenager she is going to take away their phone, so they tell her, “I’m
going to kill you!” Has something like this ever happened to you?

Yes No

2. A student is in a classroom and receives an assessment back from their teacher with a
score of 62%. They say, “I want to die.” Have you ever reacted in this way?

Yes No

3. A student and their peer are talking about what they did over the weekend. One of the
students told the other, “I stayed in bed all weekend and played on my phone. It was
total bed rot.” The other students said, “Sounds depressing!” Can you relate to this
situation at all?

Yes No

4. In class, a student is asked by their friend to share their answers for a tough assignment.
The student does not want to share their answers, but they don’t want to bluntly tell their
friend that they’re not going to cheat. Have you ever been in a situation like this?

Yes No

5. You and your friends are playing video games online and another player gets mad that
they are losing and tells your friend to “go kill yourself”. Could you relate to this situation
in any way?

Yes No

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