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Class Discussion

January 17, 2022

What did you like about your activity?

What I like about this activity is the way it asks your will about your Life for learning and about learning.

Who is the most interesting person you met?

The most interesting person that I met is Jerome Orallo Añasco. He is the type of person who is very
independent, he is not the type of person who is calm, not shy, and has a good heart to share things
about learning. I met him online, I just met him this semester and I'm super thankful because I met him.
He is always active in group chat, he is the person who can be with everyone, especially in education.

What did you learn about yourself?

What I have learned in myself is a lot, since this pandemic came I have learned so much more and that I
observe in myself now. One of them is being brave in all the trials that have come and will come in my
life. What I have learned in my life is to be resilient, brave and aggressive in all the trials of my life

What did you learn about your classmates?

What I learned from my classmates was their selfishness. I said the word selfish to my
classmates today because I was first and foremost ugly as one of their classmates today. Yes,
they are selfish, because when I observed them today January 17, 2022 our first meet in this
subject we did a group chat for various subjects why not one of them thought that chat in
group chat to inform their other classmates that there is a Google meet today. Hopefully in the
next Google meets, someone will be able to worry about informing the group chats that there is
already a class. I am not a bad person to judge them But I observe it on my own observation to
them. I hope it won't happen again in the next class.

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